Comments on: Rich people should pay more taxes What is the hardest task in the world? To think. Ralph Waldo Emerson Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:44:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ziggy Ziggy Wed, 06 Nov 2013 16:45:40 +0000 Motivate young people to work? How about motivate employers to employ young people? that’s the real problem. Young people are not working because they are the black sheep of the working people and corporations, simply because corporations prefer to be efficient, and it is more efficient to hire an older, experienced worker than it is to train a young, inexperienced worker.

Money is the drive of everything, and greed is only spreading. The only thing helping young people is the labor movement, giving young people the ability to easily find dead end jobs with half decent pay. In today’s standard, young people with university degree’s wont get them very far until the older people retire/die off. Until then, those young people are stuck flipping burgers or processing goods in a factory.

By: ruchika ruchika Tue, 29 Oct 2013 11:30:06 +0000 i thought that people have to came honest on this they have to pay according to their income guess plssss……… make our country develop

By: armin armin Tue, 16 Apr 2013 07:24:24 +0000 SPAM! Seems like we need a bot filter even for such a site…

By: armin armin Sat, 23 Mar 2013 15:54:20 +0000 Well, if this would hold in reality, all Scandinavian countries must have been completely ruined – but they are not, as you can see.
Your argument chain can be broken the following way: Companies orientate not only on the amount of taxes to pay, but also a lot more circumstances. F. eks. a country with a high tax income can spend much more money on a good infrastructure which is crucial especially for bigger companies; also the educational level is used to be higher and hence, the workers have higher qualification which makes it more favourable to go to a high tax country.
Another thing that you imply is a extraordinary high mobility of people and goods which, still, does not apply to our interconnected world – you do not “just move” your whole existance and centre of life to a totally new environment, if the taxation rises in a still bearable way (that’s the magic in taxing people “the right way” which always had to be managed by politicians throughout the whole human history). Last but not least a country full of unemployed people is not necessarily “lost” in a economical way – from hereon it will attract companies which seek for cheap workers, employment will rise. With it there will be a strive for better employment rights and – if done correctly – more social structures; in that way a country can stand on its own feet again, if policy is done wisely and thoroughly.

By: Tjeerd Tjeerd Thu, 21 Mar 2013 14:12:36 +0000 If you would have a country where there is really low tax for everyone but barely any social security and a a country where is a lot of tax on rich people but a big social security apparatus, and the amount of resources in both countries is the same, the amount of corruption is the same and the education levels are the same you will see the following:
-The rich people will go to the country with low taxes.
-The middle class will provide services to the rich, and follow the rich.
-The working class will have to follow because they find better job offers in the country with low tax, because low tax means a better environment for companies.
-The people who are incapable of working will go to the country with social security.
You end up with a country that is prosperous, and a country that is broke.

By: armin armin Mon, 11 Mar 2013 17:59:56 +0000 You are right, but this requires some conditions:
1. As you already said you must organize yourself and others.
2. You must be well informed in order to look at least half the way through the process.
3. You must be stubborn as a goat since you will hit the same walls time and time again until you proceed for sure.

All together it is cumbersome and exhausting – this is not meant to be an excuse but rather an explanation: It’s not as if people do not care – they are not willing to put a lot efford into it as long as they can live their life (more or less). One only becomes rebellious when it is really “a pain in the ass”. All in all: Situation is not bad enough in order to encourage the majority, still.

By: Jorge Jorge Sun, 10 Mar 2013 21:06:58 +0000 I think people don’t realize what reality really is, as this video shows:
The differences between rich and poor are insane and becoming increasingly bigger since decades ago. And it seems that we shouldn’t do anything to stop it, otherwise rich people will get angry and will go away with their money. The rich are who should be afraid of the reaction of the people, not the opposite. They are rich thanks to the people who buy/use their products. If the people would stop buying their products because they evade taxes, contaminate the environment, have their workers under bad work conditions or whatever other unethical practice, they would stop doing it. In the information age, companies should be the slaves of the consumers, not the opposite! Just organization and will is needed. However, most of the people seem to not be able to do anything except to complain for their situation, but not to act, and to defend what is theirs, but not to care about others.
Also governments could avoid tax evasion with more coordination among them, agreeing in common tax policies. However, they seem much more permissive with tax havens than they are with the countries with debts (as Greece, as the closest example right now).
It’s in the hands of governments and people to avoid tax evasion.

By: armin armin Fri, 08 Mar 2013 19:33:42 +0000 Higher taxation of the rich follows most propably – as already described – tax evasion of rich people. It also means that there is no use for a higher income at a certain point (at least in the progressive case). This, however, could lead to two states:
One is – as also described already – the decline of efford people invest in their jobs; the other could be a simple decline of wages since higher wages mostly result in higher tax income for the government.
Lower taxation could result in civil unrest since the ones who experience the crisis
in their own life are belonging to the lower and middle class. Hence, the regressive
tax system should be taken out of consideration already by simple logic. The benefits of becoming a tax haven is considered to be stealing the money from other states (seen by the political discussion between Germany and Swizerland some years ago, but also other like Liechtenstein). In a united Europe this would kill the last rest of solidarity to the refering state.
I prefer a slight version of the progressive case as we have it in Germany – raising
taxation with a saturation after a certain amount of income. The saturation is the
crucial point since it can prevent the tax evasion, as long as the saturation point is
chosen wisely – tackling Julien’s opinion (16.2.13).
Concerning the point of uneffectivity of the state (Mickey, 21.2.13): This highly depends on the state
you are talking about. However, one could count on rich people to give away a
part of their money in order to help poor – but taking a look onto history will
disabuse you…
Whatever counterbalances the power of the rich has to be equally powerful – the state as the next adress is logical in my opinion, but its efficency strongly depends on the government which is therefore often bribed by rich people and/or lobby organisations.

At the end it is all about keeping the money in the system (state economy) in order to enable all the people to participate in economy – wherever this fails the state (and sometimes also society) fails. From this I derive my opinion that rich people AND the state have change their behaviour whenever that happens – hence, a higher taxation in combination with higher efficency of money distribution bureaucracy.

By: AEGEE-Europe’s Newsletter – 4th March | Saša Mihajlović AEGEE-Europe’s Newsletter – 4th March | Saša Mihajlović Tue, 05 Mar 2013 21:14:36 +0000 [...] [...]

By: Mickey Mickey Thu, 21 Feb 2013 11:00:47 +0000 It’s not about being robbed, the point is that the State is bloody unefficient and higher taxation won’t be used to redistribution of wealth. It is well known that some wealthy richmen set up foundations aimed to help financially specific categories of people. The amount invested from these foundations is in some cases higher than the amount the same Country is allocating for the same group of unlucky citizens (and the same rule applies to financing Arts). This new point wouldn’t be possible with an even higher taxation to those wealthy people who are voluntarily financing Arts or Charity organizations/foundations.
