>Cheburashka’s adventures 1

The trip started in Athens, were Manos, speaker of the NetCom, and his AEGEE-mobile, the official means of transport of the trip, joined us. Fortunately AEGEE-Athina and AEGEE-Peiraias don’t need a lot of our support! So, after enjoying the weekly joint social drink of those lovely people we immediately set off our journey northwards.

Manos somehow still does not trust my driving skills, so yesterday’s trip was the perfect occasion to comfortably finish a Youth in Action application for February 1st deadline and start learning some Greek, translating a Summer University power point presentation into English. Today I already feel more fluent! Next language to learn is modern Greek.

Thessaloniki is special. Feels like home to me, with the seaside, wind, warm people.
And AEGEE-Thessaloniki is even more! There seemed to be almost no hope until December, when 2 great girls decided to take the lead, supported by a small but nice team. Look at your right and you’ll see one of them this week…
We’ve been discussing about ways to enhance their visibility, how to deal with FR and the financial report (@ all antennae: deadline today!). Tonight a rebetiko experience is waiting for us, can’t wait!

End of the journey, we can say it now: EBM Torino!
Next stops? Tomorrow the change is going to be big… Snowy wheather forecast.

Stay tuned ;-)