>Almost weekend again

>Yesterday was a day of hard work. While Dragan was assembling a guestlist with everybody interesting and important in the field of creativity, innovation, sustainability and youth for Sparks of the Future, I searched for a venue and also finally had the printing house contract signed and finalised. It includes a nice discount and quite some free posters and flyers for this year. 

At the end of the afternoon, Ivonne and I went to Mediamarkt for a new AEGEE Camera, which was closed, so we went shopping for second hand dresses instead. The CD is committed to sustainable consumption, in the framework of our current flagship project Sustaining our Future
At night, Dragan, Ivonne and I retreated in the social room for another movie session. 

Nice movie, but a bit depressing.

So Ivonne put on movie number 2:

Dragan wasn’t fascinated and went to bed.

Today again a lot of work. Had a CD meeting as quite some decisions were to be taken. Tonight AEGEE-Brussels + event guests, AEGEE-Leuven and AEGEE-Maastricht coming, so high time to start cleaning.

Tomorrow: AEGEE Y Vote stand at the European Parliament during the 9th of May Open Days!