>Charlemagne Youth Prize Winner- YOUrope Needs YOU!!!


The European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2009 was awarded in Aachen on May 19th at 11am. The Prize is awarded to youth projects that encourage the development of a shared sense of European identity. The President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, and the Chairman of the Charlemagne Prize Foundation, Michael Jansen, participated in the ceremony.

and our project YOUrope Needs YOU!!! Won the Charlemagne Youth Prize, having the first place in all EUROPE!!!

Congratulations to everyone who has been involved in this project:) Congratulations to Agniezska Strycharz and the rest of YNY team, all the organizers & trainers and all CD members.

YOUrope Needs YOU! held 5 successful training in Leiden, Passau, Krakow, Oviedo and Canakkale respectively between 2008-2009.

Happy & proud Projects Director