>AEGEE-Granada olé olé!

>Yesterday 19th May 2009 was a special evening for the inhabitants of Rue Nestor de Tière!

Do you all remember what happened in crazy NWM Barcelona? No? Go back and check!
Well, after AEGEE-Bilbao’s signing and after Agora Magusa, where AEGEE-Malaga signed, the story was not over yet.

Santiago from Granada ‘wanted to do it’, he said, and no Sir, he was not joking. The ‘niet’ of the Juridical Commission could not stop him: he was going to use the name of AEGEE-Granada, legally. They could not wait until October (Agora Kiev) to run activities and make promotion! What was the only escape route? Signing at a CD meeting, JC dixit.

That’s how Santi with his two bottles of Andalusian wine took a plane on the 20th May and was in Brussels for the evening, to go back home already the morning after.

Pity that he did not have a whole Agora in front of him, but still we managed to gather quite a big cheering crowd: all AEGEE expats in Brussels + AEGEE-Brussel/Bruxelles themselves gathered in Café Novo that night.

The most welcome and unexpected guests were Roberto and Maria from AEGEE-Castellò/AEGEE-Dublin, on vacation in Bruxelles for just one day, who recognized Robin and me on the streets! Ahh, that’s how it feels to be a celebrity.

For some more details about the evening, check out the artistic minutes of the meeting here.

P.S.: you can now also check out all the decisions taken regarding the network update in Agora Magusa here.
This detailed explanation, of course, is made possible by the CTRP of the Comité Directeur of AEGEE-Europe.