>Next Flagship gaining pace


After the end of the Project Development Meeting of ‘Beyond Europe – Perspectives for Tomorrow’s World’ amazing news reached the network yesterday: the Youth in Action Application (Action 3.2, Youth in the World) was granted! The CD was talking to Christian Eichenmüller, who was still in the CD house on Monday.

CD: So how do you feel now, after the results were disclosed yesterday?

Christian: I am running on adrenalin to be honest. When I checked the website of the Executive Agency at 3 o’clock last night I was suddenly thrilled because I saw that the result had obviously been disclosed on Monday. Seeing that we received the grant made me the happiest person on this planet. I immediately felt the deepest gratitude towards my team-mates, who actually wrote the application…

CD: Did you contact them immediately?

Christian: Yes, I tried my best. But Mario Giuseppe Varrenti, the architect of this success, refused to wake up. Instead I had to be satisfied writing him an SMS. But I am sure it was nice good morning message.

CD: And the others?

Christian: I tried to notify some people on different channels, but probably I forgot a lot of people who share a part in this. You know it was actually also a personal learning experience for me I have to admit. In the beginning I objected to having this application. I had doubts about the timing and implications that this application would create. In the end it was Mario, Prisca Merz, Fotis Kanavos, Julia Batkaeva and Marta Benet Gutierrez – an amazing team – who wrote the application and now it all paid off. So all the credit and honor is theirs!

CD: So after this huge step what is coming up next?

Christian: Well, this project about the Millenium Development Goals will be one component of a huge effort in the years 2010/11. The AGORA-Magusa – our highest decision-making organ – dec ided to make Beyond Europe the next flagship topic. Therefore we are happy that we are literally going beyond having this project granted.

CD: Is there anything you would like to tell to the network right now?

Christian: Get on board of the next flagship! Write an email to beyondeurope@gmail.com