>Going Beyond Europe in Brussels


For the first time in AEGEE, one of its most important Projects, the Flagship Project for 2010-2011, is going “Beyond Europe”.

During the last four days, the main points of the third pillar of Beyond Europe have been settled, and the “Youth in Action” application granted in the end of September for the iniciative Millenium Development Goals (MDG) – A challenge for today’s Youth? has become a reality. The core team of the Flagship together with our partners from India and South Africa and the organising team from AEGEE-Utrecht who will host the final conference in November gathered together in Brussels with the aim of designing the programmes for the two Case Study trips and the closing event, but also to create a great atmosphere and understanding among a

ll parts.

The meeting started on Thursday with a visit to the European Commission, followed by a presentation of the project in the EurActiv building, where we had the pleasure to share our work with the leaders of other youth organisations and exchange ideas and possibilities for future collaboration in the frame of the project.

The next days were used to discuss the situation of the MDGs in the different partner countries and analyze which can be our contribution in the field work. Followed by intense discussion sessions and exchange of suggestions, we can proudly say that two big events are going to happen in the next months. Beside this, one of the most exciting moments of the meeting was the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, as a symbol of the commitment of all parts included to bring this project into practice.

Without any doubt, this was a unique experience for all of us. Never before we had an Indian-South African-European night, but the most important – AEGEE and its aims crosses the borders of Europe to challenge the present and contributes to make the change in the World.

Written by guest blogger Marta Gutierrez Benet