In the middle of December, one more happy city joined AEGEE Network when in Network Meeting Tirane AEGEE-Elbasan signed Convention d’Adhesion and from a contact became a contact antenna.
Elton Plaka, the new president of AEGEE-Elbasan, was showing the presentation of his city and explaining that the history of this Albanian town as well as the university “Aleksander Xhuvani”. It started as Elbasan Pedagogical Institute in 1971, but received the status of university in 1991 and at the moment has four faculties and four educational centres.
Elton also introduced with the first AEGEE-Elbasan members, and now we can just wish all of them good luck with integrating in AEGEE Network and enjoying their first AEGEE events!

Elton Plaka, President of AEGEE-Elbasan, and Agata Patecka, President of AEGEE-Europe, are signing CdA.