On Thursday the 1st CD assistant Sorin Vulcu (AEGEE-Sibiu) arrived in the CD House to stay here for two months to give a helping hand on everything indeed – Manos and IT matters in a first place.
We used the opportunity to ask him seven questions to get to know him better. So here it goes, seven questions from seven CD members!
Q: You didn’t know anyone before you came to the CD house. Did you do some research about the CD members before moving in? And what kind of research was it?
A: Yes, I read the blog.
Q: Parlez-vous francais?
A: Un petit peu.
Q: Why is it that to stop Windows, you have to click on Start?
A: Wow! No, wait… Because Windows is Microsoft product. It’s self explicative.
Q: Which is your favourite animal and why?
A: (silence) What would I choose? For example, I don’t like kangaroos… I would say – dogs, but I don’t have a logical reason.
Q: Which fruit are you and why?
A: Kiwi, because it’s green and I like green colour.
Q: How would you like to die if you will be given a choice?
A: Drowning, because I like water.
Q: Shakira or Beyonce? Why?
A: Oh My God! Wait… Shakira, because I always hated her the most.