Finally, I have arrived to the CD-house in order to assist to the Comite Directeur in different tasks, especially to Nico Huurman in financial matters. Actually, it’s my third time in Brussels, in the headquarters of AEGEE-Europe. I’ve visited the CD-house for 3-4 days-long preparatory meetings of the Beyond Europe project and got acquainted with all the members of the Comite Directeur. Now it’s time to stay here for three months and to give a helping hand on many things.
On Wednesday the 3rd Olga and Agnes picked me up from the Nord Station, where I arrived to, helping me with heavy luggage. And my first impression was Brussels’s weather – it is quite warm and good weather compared with Saint-Petersburg’s cold winter one.
During my term I’ll be dealing with reimbursement requests, what also includes replying to your emails concerning this topic, so, stay tuned!