>AEGEE Headoffice in Brussels had another interesting and busy week, this time with girls from YOUrope needs YOU 2! who came for their project development meeting.
It all began when the four of us finally met at Gare Du Midi in Brussels and then found our way to CD house in“ Schaarbeek“. After warm welcome by CD members, we occupied social room and prepared our agenda for next busy days. We came here to make action plan for the 2nd cycle of YOUrope needs YOU! – project that was so amazingly successfull during its 1st cycle (result booklet here), that we had to continue and start 2nd cycle with new, motivated core team and fresh ideas.
Mirka, talkative project manager, was coordinating all meetings, presenting her ideas and moderating discussions. Seren, as skilled secretary, was always with her laptop, taking minutes, writing down all our plans and suggestions, while introducing her own thoughts. There were many fruitful discussions, where Elena, our PR and Conny, our HR, presented their ideas and improvements for 2nd cycle. With our internal PR, Magda, we made decisions also about new PR materials that we will need for this year´s events and actions. And as a „back-up“, we had Manos, AEGEE-Europe Projects Director, who was there with us most of the time, but as we are all talkative girls, we didn´t really give him a chance to speak that often.
Time was passing by very quickly, but luckily we found few free hours and we had a chance to see at least a bit of this grey rainy city. YNY2! team visited European Parliament and afterwards we sat in the nearest café and continued our project meeting. During our passionate discussion we didn´t notice that we are keeping attention of other guests of the café – maybe it was because we were speaking in english, fast, loud, about topics which are not so common to discuss over a cup of coffee or maybe it was all because of our beautiful colourful flag that we had with us.
Neither depressive rainy weather, nor luck of sleep could take away our positive mood and motivation. YOUrope needs US too, so we were preparing all our plans for future of YNY! – these days focused mostly on upcoming EBM Krakow (preparing presentation, workshop and AEGEE-Fair), but also on our planned training courses, action months and AGORA Leiden.
After several days spent mostly in social room of CD house (luckily/unfortunately not that much time in the (in)famous basement) we were leaving Brussels after our progressive and awesome project development meeting even more motivated as when we came, ready to rock our network with YOUrope needs YOU 2! again.