Two new cities have joined AEGEE Network, since two days ago CD approved two new contacts – Dundee and Macerata. Welcome!
Dundee is the 4th of the biggest Scottish cities with population of 159,522. Its motto, The City of Discovery, fully suits to Dundee’s history of scientific activities and discoveries. The city is situated on the north bank of the Firth of Tay and near the North Sea and surrounds an extinct volcano, called Dundee Law (174 metres). The city benefits of its geographical situation, giving it a claim to being Scotland’s sunniest and warmest city. City center dramatically developed during industrial revolution era, contains some tall, Victorian style buildings from a brown sandstone. Nowadays, city is oriented towards students, and offers variety of attractions suitable for young, spontaneous people.

Macerata is a city and comune in central Italy. The historical city center is located on a hill between the Chienti and Potenza rivers. Together with the modern town, sprawling on the plain below, it has a population of about 43,000. There is a lift (elevator) connecting the two towns.