
On Tuesday, the AEGEE head office was visited by the participants of the EuroArab Case Study Trip that is part of our Flagship Project,
Beyond Europe. For one evening, more than 30 young people not only from Europe, but also from Palestine and Egypt came to the House to cook dinner together and learn more about our organisation. I had the pleasure to give two separate AEGEE introductions, since for logistical reasons (small kitchen) the group was split in two, and I was glad to find especially our oriental friends greatly interested in many different aspects of our work. After dinner, roughly ten people stayed to smoke a great Palestinian
arguile with us and discuss the ways of the world for a while. It was a very interesting evening for all of us, and we hope that they enjoy the rest of their stay (currently in Maastricht) to the fullest!
The EuroArab CST is organised in cooperation with AEGEE-Köln, AEGEE-Aachen and AEGEE-Maastricht, together with AEGEE-Ankara and our partner organisations from Palestine and Egypt. Soon there will be full impressions available of the other parts of this exchange as well!