Monthly Archives: April 2012

CD Telegram April 2012

Alfredo Sellitti – President It started coming back from the NWM in Kragujevac, “where amazing happened”: motivated participants and motivating trainers gave their best to make this event unforgettable, under the precious coordination of Marijana. After one week home for the holidays, I went with Gizem to Strasbourg, where James Skelly and BCA organised a very interesting conference about “European –… Read more →

Ermanno Napolitano candidating for Members Commission

Dear Network, Here is one of our candidates for Members Commission at this Agora Enschede, current Juridical Commission (JC) President, Ermanno Napolitano. AEGEEan: So Ermanno, tell us after one year and a half of JC what made you choose Members Commission (MemCom)? In some ways it is very different from what I have done in JC, also because it was… Read more →

Do you know Mickey from AEGEE-Brescia?

Which Mickey were you thinking about when you opened this article? AEGEE-Brescia has a new Michele whose name may become well-known, as he is candidating for the Audit Commission (AC). The AEGEEan interviewed this Italian boy to get to know him better and his programme too. AEGEEan: Michele, can you tell us something about you? What do you do apart… Read more →

New kids on the block!

Check out our new trainers in The Academy!         Patrick – AEGEE-Aachen “I have been a member of AEGEE for almost six years and have been the most active in Human Resources (HR) and Network field; as a board member (HR responsible)  in AEGEE-Aachen, and as the Network Commissioner and NetCom speaker. Also, I’ve been active in everything related… Read more →