Monthly Archives: April 2012

The Lithuanian train to the NetCom

Fast and precise, many carriages of experience, and a will to provide a good service – in other words, “To serve and protect”. The train metaphor matches the personality of Karolina Mazetyte from Kaunas, candidate for the Network Commission, who will introduce herself and her programme in the following interview for The AEGEEan. Karolina, can you tell something about yourself?… Read more →

When young people take initiative

On Saturday, March 17th 2012, « Le Forum des Initiatives Jeunes » – Youth Initiatives Forum, initiated by Animafac, took place in Paris. This initiative stems from the observation that negative prejudices about young people remain in French society. They are seen as egoistic, lazy, only thinking of getting drunk and having fun. The idea was to prove them wrong by showing… Read more →

Meet the young entrepreneurs of AEGEE!

European School of Entrepreneurship 5-12 December 2011 Catania, Sicily I’m a billionaire, sang Travie McCoy. So will we. Meet the young entrepreneurs of AEGEE! The European School of Entrepreneurship (ESE) was a real pioneer in every sense among all the AEGEE trainings. It was not just the first edition of ESE, but also the topic was uttermost interesting since it… Read more →

A new fundraising strategy for AEGEE

It has been almost two months since Luis Alvarado Martínez moved to the AEGEE headoffice to start working as the Corporate Relations Officer of AEGEE-Europe. Following the announcement of an agreement between Monarch Airlines and AEGEE-Europe, we interviewed him to find out which direction AEGEE is taking in terms of fundraising (FR). The AEGEEan: What has been your focus in… Read more →

AEGEE-Valladolid is back from the Dead

A Spanish city not too far from important AEGEE cities such as Madrid or León used to be an important brick of the AEGEE Network. This city was the host of the Spring Agora 1996 and the home city of AEGEE-Europe president Pedro Panizo in 2001/02. This city is called Valladolid and they signed the Convention d’Adhésion during the recent… Read more →