Monthly Archives: April 2012

Did you ever think AEGEE needs a change?

Did you ever think we are stuck, as an organisation, and need to reach a decisive turning point? Well, some AEGEE members have been thinking about this! What did they do? They met up at our head office in Brussels, in order to discuss some of the difficulties we are currently facing. They stated that our current structure, where we have a full-time board of seven people living in Brussels, is perhaps not the best way… Read more →

S-NoW Meeting Burgos

Last weekend, the antennae under care of Network Commissioner (NetCommie) Luis Alvarado and his team held their Network Meeting hosted by AEGEE-Burgos. The location chosen was a mountain refuge in the middle of the forest, high in the Demanda mountains. A secluded place, perfect for intense AEGEE work with little distractions. Programme full of activities To say that the programme… Read more →

Do you think you can fly?

Five SUs you do not want to miss

Every year since 1987 groups of enthusiasts are trying to build the perfect program, to show their country, to attack foreigners, to make people experience incomparable emotions… and an unforgettable summer. It is not a matter of planning. It is much more about creativity and heart.  The AEGEEan editor Liliya Buyukliyska descripes the first SU she ever organised was like… Read more →

1000 days of summer

Explore. Dream. Discover. 1000 days of summer. These words are something that you have probably seen a lot during the last couple of months in the context of the Summer University Project. The Summer University Coordination Team of 2012 chose this as the motto for the Summer University (SU) 2012, this year’s edition. But you may ask why? To explore, according to… Read more →

Introducing the host of the European School of Entrepreneurship 2012: AEGEE-Santander

The economy is not exactly good-looking in Spain these days, but no matter this fact it was chosen last week that AEGEE-Santander will be the host of the upcoming European School of Entrepreneurship this autumn. The AEGEEan had a talk with the President of AEGEE-Santander Fernando Campo about preparations to the event.  So what is the theme? The answer to… Read more →