Just like we did for the last Agorae, for Spring Agora Bergamo you can enjoy a short and easy summary of the proposals submitted for the Agora. In this round, we will be explaining you three proposals that are aimed at obtaining an easy CIA without repetitions, mistakes or overregulation, namely: ‘Simplify the CIA: AEGEE Locals’, ‘Simplify the CIA: Events’ and ‘Simplify the CIA: Planning’.
The CIA (Corpus Iuridicum Aegeense) is a document with over a hundred pages containing all the rules which govern our student association. It is therefore considered as the legal framework of the Association, and all members are obliged to follow its provisions. In the CIA we find rules about topics as Locals, Partner Associations, Honorary Members, Agora, European Planning Meeting, but also about Events and Planning.
Simplify the CIA: AEGEE Locals
This proposal will be presented by Salvatore Maraventano on behalf of the Juridical Commission, Mareike Wegener on behalf of the Network Commission and Svenja van der Tol on behalf of the Comité Directeur . The proposers aim to unify the definition of antennae by using locals instead of AEGEE locals everywhere in the CIA. Other proposed deletion, such as the use of the name ”AEGEE-” followed by the geographical name best suited to the locality in which they are situated or the organisational method of a local, are so because they consist in repetition.
Mareike Wegener on behalf of the Network Commission and Glòria Llopart on behalf of the Juridical Commission are the proposers of the proposal that aims to update LTC and Events according to the current situation. Besides that, it defines the rules/procedure currently applied for events. The definition of the event will be simplified to: “an activity, with a defined group of participants, that take place in one or more locations”. Also, the definition of an LTC slightly changes from integrating AEGEE members into involving AEGEE members in the work of AEGEE.
A European event should include at least two hours of tuition per day excluding arrival and departure days in case the event takes place for more than one night, which is now the minimum overnight stay to consider it a European Event, decreasing it from the previous two nights. It is also added that European Events must be announced to the Events Quality Assurance Committee (which becomes E.Q.A.C.) at the latest two months before they take place and undergo an evaluation if they are to count towards fulfilling the Antenna Criteria. The rules regarding the submission of events towards E.Q.A.C also change, meaning that they have to be approved by the E.Q.A.C and only confirmed by the CD. Statutory meetings are also considered to be AEGEE-Europe Events, but are not subject to the approval of the E.Q.A.C.
Svenja van der Tol on behalf of the Comité Directeur and Glòria Llopart on behalf of the Juridical Commission, will present a proposal about the Planning and Strategic plan. The proposal consists in deleting some articles that are repetition or outdated. Now it is clear that the Strategic plan is drafted for three years at the planning meeting and it will be approved after the consultation with the Network the article with the absolute majority. The Action Agenda is now approved with simple majority and it’s the Comité Directeur, together with the Working groups, to carry out the necessary fulfilment. Now the CD presents an interim evaluation, but it is added that, according to this evaluation, they may or may not add new items to the agenda. It is added that a simple majority to approve the interim evaluation. While now it’s the CD to present the final evaluation, it is added the word “former” in order to have the CD member who deal with the fulfilment to present it, for the approval.
Written by Matteo Lai, AEGEE-Cagliari.