Equal Rights Working Group Coordinator for 57th Agora AEGEE-Europe

With the Agora right around the corner we at The AEGEEan are interviewing the candidates to give you an small insight into who the person is behind the face. Here we have with us Heper Sayar, running for the ERWG coordinator position of AEGEE Europe.
What drew you to AEGEE?
I felt like I could do something more in my life so I started searching and looking for other options. This is how I found AEGEE and here I am.
What’s your most memorable AEGEE experience?
Definitely “True Colors” Equal Rights Conference in Leiden. I learned and questioned so much while having a lot of fun. That conference changed a lot, both in me and for me.
I see that you have a lot of experience working in equal rights with your experience working in the LGBTQ+ interest group and the equal rights working group itself. What motivated you to get into this focus area?
Well, the topic itself is very personal for me. So I have an internal motivation to work on LGBTQ+ issues. This motivation also leads me to work on other Equal Rights issues since I can relate on a personal level.
What are some of the biggest challenges that you foresee in this position? Do you have a plan on how to tackle them?
You never know what is going to happen. But I can say that with my experience working in intercultural teams and in the focus area, I’ll do my best to solve them.
What would be one of the first things that you do when elected to office?
Once the team is complete. I am looking forward to doing a brainstorming and a live meeting. That’s where everything begins.
If there’s one thing you could change in AEGEE through your working group, what would it be?
There’s always more room to be more open-minded. So I would try to make everyone question more.