It is Network Meeting season again: Spring has sure brought them back! Five to be exact. And since we are sure you’d love to get to know more about them —if you’re half as curious as us, it’s a certainty ;)—, we bring them to you fellow aegeeans. Starting with one full of magic: NWM Castelló: Never Without Magic. Happening in Viver, Spain from the 14th to the 17th of April, it’s an event organised by La Nave Area (Tripu 14.2) and AEGEE-Castelló that sure will be the stuff of fairytales.
Wanna know more about it? All your questions shall be answered below:

Welcome organisers of the Network Meeting 2022 in Castelló. Can you quickly introduce yourself —and your antenna—, and tell us what the NWM you are hosting is going to focus on?
Hello, hello! We are Castelló, an antenna located in the Mediterranean coast of Spain, with great weather and some of the best villages in Europe. We are very excited to present to you the event of the year, the NWM Castelló: Never Without Magic. As you may guess, it is all about magic, isn’t it? So be ready to introduce yourself into a world full of fantasy… But it is not all about fairy tales, since we want to see, from another perspective, the famous films we have all known since we were children.
This event wouldn’t be possible without the work of our FANTASTIC team:
- Lorena Navarro (Main Organiser)
- Lore Aznar (treasurer)
- Oriol Sánchez, Alicia García and Roser Negre (Social program responsibles)
- Cristina Fábrega and Paula Ginés (Incomings)
- Carlos Pascual (Cooking responsible)
- Jorge Moreno (Advisor)
What made you say “yup, we’re organising a NWM”?
We have been wanting to organise one for so many years and this, finally, is our year. We started to settle things up back in October and, since then, we are kicking it. As you know from the previous question, we are about ten people fully organising, and about five other people that will help during the event.
You can’t imagine how excited and motivated we are to prepare a great and different NWM.

Are you taking special precautions because of the pandemic?
For sure. We will ask for a COVID certificate and a negative pharmacy test before the event starts. During it, we will be very cautious about open spaces, ventilation, masks, and hydroalcoholic gel.
What would the ideal participant look like for you?
Someone who is full of energy, ready to learn new things, who is funny, and wants to explore the incredible world of magic.
What can the participants expect to learn during the NWM?
As every NWM, there is a more “formal” programme, in which participants will learn how to organise an event, strengthen their teamwork, and realise their abilities. We also want to approach the films we all know about heroes and fairy tales from a gender/LGBTQ+ perspective. We also have a social programme, full of surprises, magic, and fun.
Have you also planned social activities?
Yes, of course. We have a lot of surprises prepared for all of you. We don’t want to give anything away but, if you love Disney, you won’t forget this event.
Can we get a little peak on the programm?
To prepare a really enjoyable event we can’t share much information so you will have to imagine what is coming. See you soon! :)
If this sounds exciting, remember that you’re still on time for applying.
Here is the link in myaegee: