Hello again aegeeans, and welcome to the presentation of the unique RTC happening in Napoli. Not just because we are just having one —well, technically yes, but that’s not why we’re saying it! It’s because it sure looks amazing (we got a little peak on the program). “From Ideas to Reality!” is the third RTC organised by AEGEE-Napoli, so you KNOW they KNOW what they are doing. Wanna know more about this training event about ‘event management’? Read this article to find out!

Welcome organisers of the RTC 2022 in Napoli. Can you quickly introduce yourself —and your antenna—, and tell us what the RTC you are hosting is going to focus on?
Hello everyone! We are the organisers of the event “From Ideas to Reality!” from AEGEE-Napoli. From the moment of its foundation in 1993 until today, AEGEE-Napoli has hosted many young foreigners, through a series of events both educational and recreational, showing them the charm of our region and enhancing the value of our culture, too often a victim of prejudice and bad publicity. This is the third RTC the antenna has hosted in its history.
“From Ideas to Reality!” will focus on event management, following all the necessary steps. In particular it will address 3 themes:
- the planning of the idea,
- the management of the group,
- and how to deal with crises if they arise.
This all is going to take advantage of the experience of the Academy trainers at our headquarters in the historic centre of the city.
What made you say “yup, we’re organising a RTC!”?
The idea of organising a training event was in our plans since the beginning of the new board’s term. We thought that an event management training was the best, not only for our board team —made of pretty new members—, but also for every antenna who wants to strengthen its skills. Organising a RTC is also an opportunity to bring together different members from across the network to share our knowledge and experiences.

How long did the planning for the RTC take, how many people were involved, and how excited are you for it to finally start?
The planning took about 3 months, and it involved the six people of the core team plus two members of the antenna. We are looking forward to hosting the trainers, learning new skills and meeting the participants!
Are you taking special precautions because of the pandemic?
We are taking all the COVID-19 safety measures like hand sanitizer, infrared thermometer to measure the temperature and swabs to identify and isolate eventual positive cases. On top of that, all participants are asked to be in possession of the green pass and of a negative swab done 24 hours before arrival. Of course face masks must be worn always, especially in closed spaces. In case of positive participants, AEGEE-Napoli has prepared a large room for isolation.

What would the ideal participant look like for you?
The ideal participant must be a young and ambitious member of AEGEE, who wants to make the difference in the association, who is anxious to learn from trainers and from the other participants. It would be great if he/she already has ideas for brand new events that he/she can share and discuss with experts.
What can the participants expect to learn during the RTC? Have you also planned social activities? Can we get a little peak on the program?
Prepare yourself for the two nights in Napoli! An amazing social program has been planned that includes a street crawl and, let’s say, some singing. We’ve already said too much though.
We are looking forward to seeing you in our headquarters!