Maurits Korse: ‘Mediation Commission should always try to solve all issues at the best interest of all parties’

Mediation Commission (MedCom) is one of the youngest bodies in AEGEE. Even though it had its predecessor – Members Commission (MemCom) – its work is still an enigma for many of the AEGEE members. But for few brave AEGEEans it is not only more than clear but also a nice interesting challenge. This year they are just with three people – get to know more about one of the candidates for MedCom – Maurits Korse from AEGEE – Enschede.The AEGEEan: Maurits, could you tell us more about yourself? How long have you been in AEGEE?

Maurits: I am Maurits Korse and have been a proud member since September 2006. From the first moment onwards I have been active within AEGEE, often putting my studies (Industrial Design Engineering) in second place. Besides my interests in sustainable developement and design I am into making websites and graphic designs. Last year I started my own company with some friends in developing a social and collaborative portfolio platform called DoToKnow.

I remember at one of the AGORAe Mickey Turati presented his candidature for MemCom at that time showing the structure of AEGEE and which of the bodies he has been part of. What about you? If you have to do the same – which bodies would you cover as member and which – as a close cooperation?

Within AEGEE I have done, seen and experienced many of the elements that make up our association: from local activities to a board position, from summer university participant to member of the Summer University Coordination Team (SUCT), from participant of training courses (RTCs, PRES) to trainer (LTCs and ITES). From member of working groups (WG) and committees (Environmental WG, Public Relations WG/Public Relations Committee and Information Technology Committee) to member of Key to Europe, board member of working group Public Relations Working Group (PRWG) and member of the Mediation Commission. Two years ago I was one of the seven main organisers of Spring Agora Enschede and in that respect I have been cooperating with the Chair team and Comité Directeur quite a lot. Since Agora Budapest I have been in the Mediation Commission and in this position I have been working together with my fellow MedCom members as well as the Network Commission (NetCom), Juridical Commission (JC) and Comité Directeur (CD).


What part of your AEGEE experience do you find most relevant and useful?

The most relevant and useful experience for my candidature is of course being member of the Mediation Commission for the last year. Within this previous term we have been busy with several issues that arose throughout the Network, of which many we could solve through mediation. Also the data privacy has been one of our tasks which I’d like to continue as this topic has become more relevant in the past years.


The members of the Mediation Committee have to be very acquainted with CIA in order to solve cases, going beyond its rules? Do you feel confident about it? What is your opinion about the attempts to re-structure it?

Yes, I do feel confident about it. There are two parts in the CiA about the MedCom – one in the statutes, article 28; and one working format. Both give very clear directions in what the MedCom is and can do, and what should not happen. The Mediation Commission should never go beyond the rules and try to solve all issues in a amicable way at the best interest of all parties involved. The attempts to restructure the CiA is in my opinion positive as its aim is to make the rules more clear and understandable for everyone causing less debate over its interpretation. Luckily the president of the JC is also an appointed member of the MedCom so she (Diana currently) can always help us interpret the CiA if there are still doubts or discussions about it.

If you have to explain to someone, for example an ESN person, what the Mediation Committee is doing what would you say?

The Mediation Commission is a commission which has as aim to avoid and solve conflicts between members and and local groups and AEGEE-Europe bodies. This can be done through mediation to solve internal issues or prevent escalation. A dialogue is then started between the parties involved. Also an official activation request can be made in which the commission will have to investigate the issue thoroughly and come with a decisive sentence at the end. Activation is tried to be avoided through mediation because it often helps to solve the conflict in the best and most amicable way possible. Last but not least the Mediation Commission has as task to act as ombudsman for the data privacy of the members of AEGEE.


And now in one sentence?

The Mediation Commission aims to avoid and solve conflicts between members and between local groups as well as acting as ombudsman for the data privacy of our members.


Thank you, Maurits and good luck in Zaragoza.



Written by Liliya Buyukliyska, AEGEE-Sofia