October has been a busy month for AEGEE. Despite this, this local has had a very successful recruitment campaign and took responsibility to make sure that all the new members had a smooth introduction to the association. They also started the “GO Green” initiative as part of the Generation EU project. All this while the Agora was happening! We’re happy to introduce the Local of the Month, October 2020, AEGEE-Iași!
Congratulations on being awarded the Local of the Month! We’d like to hear more about you! What sets you apart?
We are glad to announce that currently, after the last recruitment session, our team is made up from a number of 50 members, all of them being active and implicated in all the events that we have had. As key activities we have social nights (movie nights, game nights), autumn recruitment project, EDL and HRD, Christmas party (charity party), GO Green. We are very proud that our members are so implicated in our activities, they are the best.
What are some of the most memorable moments you’ve had in your local?
After every online meeting we had, we spontaneously turned that serious meeting into a fun and entertaining social night which helped us better connect with our members.
October has been a busy month for you, from a successful recruiting session, to starting the “GO Green” initiative as part of the Generation EU project all while the Agora was happening. What were your secret ingredients?
In this situation it is very important to have a great team to rely on. Furthermore, we managed to find the right people to coordinate each and every activity that we implemented. For example, the autumn recruitment session has been a big challenge in terms of logistics, but due to our great experience with working with people, we managed to get over the hardest moments. Also, for us, the environment is a crucial part of our road to a better and a greener Europe. That is why we are so dedicated to this project. It is very well known that the development plan of the EU has shifted from a non-friendly to a friendly environment perspective. We are part of the EU so we are part of this movement to make this planet a better place for all of us. AEGEE-Iasi is proud to be a part of the locals that had the chance to send 3 members to the AGORA. To put it shortly we have had the attributes of perseveration, active involvement, dedication and commitment to our European ideals.
What has been the key to your success. Which areas have you found challenging and how did you overcome it?
The key to our success is simple: passion, hard work and the support between our team members. For us it was a challenge to organise the HR department and to maintain the engagement of all the members.
Some words of wisdom to other locals?
To us it is important to do every action with passion and to be motivated, because only in this way we are able to follow our European ideals. We also showed and are showing our appreciation to our members for their work.
Any closing remarks?
AEGEE-Iasi is glad to receive this award from AEGEE-Europe and for this we address to your team a big THANK YOU and we will work hard from now on to be a continuous source of inspiration for the people from the entire Europe and beyond.