What would you use to inspire and promote an idea? Do you believe in the uniqueness and great value of people? In AEGEE-Tenerife, we believe we all have a talent and therefore a duty: we should contribute with OUR talents for the improvement of the current situation of youth. One of the best ways to make a change in people’s… Read more →

Who rules the Internet?
With this article I would like to bring to you closer one topic which affects us every day; it is the magical Internet. Did you ever ask yourself the question what is behind the phenomenon that makes you be able to connect with all your friends across the world? Now I don’t refer to a technical point of view, which… Read more →
AEGEE-Utrecht: reliable Media – myth or reality?
The world develops constantly and causes the changes of values, that people have. Scientists call our modern society “information & media-oriented”, because information has recently become the most important value. But is all the information useful? AEGEE-Utrecht tries to find the answer to this difficult question. The most important and valuable resource in our modern society is information. We receive… Read more →
Moscow – the city of contrasts
Being the capital of Russia – the country, that unites East and West, Moscow has its own unique charm, which you can hardly find everywhere else in the world. Moscow – the capital of Russia and one of the biggest cities in the world – is located in the western part of the country and occupies the territory of 2,500… Read more →
AEGEE goes bio: Olga Rivero, the new AEGEE fair manager
Some people say that it is not possible to really get to know the spirit of someone through the social networks. However, it can be easy to be nice, kind and close on the other side of the screen, even if there is some distance. The AEGEEan had the chance to talk to Olga Rivero, a cheerful Biotechnology student from… Read more →
EBM Valletta: the art of hosting international events
The EBM comes closer, and now it is the chance of AEGEE-Valletta. This year, the Maltese antenna, known for its best Travel Summer University 2012 and for having hosted the spring Agora “A vision for our Future” in 2007, gives a try to celebrating its second EBM, -the first one was held in 2005-. It would be a tremendous mistake… Read more →
Ready for EBM Valletta? EBM Valletta is Ready for You!
Even though Agora Budapest is still a fresh memory, it is time to think about the next statutory event in AEGEE: the European Boards Meeting, also known as EBM. Situated in an exotic location (the beautiful island of Malta), and organized by AEGEE-Valletta, a very active and popular antenna. Sounds great, doesn’t it? However, we have to remember that the… Read more →
“Feliz Navidad”, the Spanish version of Christmas time
Street lighting, carols, lottery, decorated trees, nativity figures and marzipan are some of the things that welcome the arrival of Christmas time to Spain, a country with a deep Christian tradition. Although it is changing, most of the Spaniards take theses holidays to sit with their family and loved ones around a table. Some others, like those captivated by the… Read more →
Improving the society through taking care of others
Two locals, AEGEE-Skopje and AEGEE-Kragujevac, celebrate different humanitarian events and help out people by teaching them, gathering basic supplies and giving them the best thing they have: their time. It can be seen how, in times of austerity, the budgets start to be reduced. As a consequence, governmental decisions, but especially daily citizens’ lives begin to shift. It is in this… Read more →

EduCoach kick-off meeting in Eindhoven
On 8th-9th of November 2012 Kathrin Renner and Anna Gots took part in the kick-off meeting of the EduCoach project – last initiative of Study Portals, supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus Mundus Action 3, in Eindhoven. EduCoach project will help millions of students and PhD Candidates with personal professional advice to improve the quality of their decision… Read more →