
>Meanwhile in the Head Office…

>Robin: “girls, tonight we’re doing captain cleaning!”Ivonne: “No!”Tena: “No!”Ivonne: “High five Tena, say no to the revolution!” Robin walks into the kitchen, frustrated. “Then I’ll do Captain Cleaning by myself!” Tena to Robin: “please bring me a glass of water” (Tena avoids the kitchen, is scared of the mice)Ivonne: “nooooooooo let her suffer!”The girls go outside for a little smoking/cola… Read more →

>Introducing Headoffice Lounge Area

>It was Robin’s idea already in August, that AEGEE Europe office should get a nice sitting area. But as we learned in our term – change is a tough thing :-) But it was again thanks to our miracle-maker Thijs Hjubers that the CD received 2 beautiful leather sofas (for which we are ashamed of course and beg Environmental Working… Read more →

>Results of Saturday 13th competition day

>Ivonne kicked Tena’s ass at squash.Tena kicked everybody’s ass at table soccer.Ivonne’s and Tena’s asses hurt a lot. Squash is a good sport.AEGEE-Enschede lost the orienteering competition: never got to Atomium nor to Havana.Ana, Dragan, Tena and Vedran were despised and rejected at the philharmonia.Wouter won the bottle breaking competition.Theijs and Thijs won the couch carrying competition.Ilona won both Fashion… Read more →

>EDE & AEGEE-Tirane

>On 5th June AEGEE celebrated together with whole Europe the European Day of Environment. Our flagship project, Sustaining our Future, was of course extremely active in that – you can read some nice stories about it on their blog. Many locals contributed to the celebration with events, environmental actions, pic-nics, sun salutations, tree hugs etc :) Newly reborn and apparently… Read more →

>Gonna be… a web developer?

>AEGEE’s new intranet will soon need new administrators and new developers. As new systems require new knowledge, the company that developed the new intranet is going to offer two series of trainings. TRAINING NO 1.: 22-26 June, online TRAINING NO 2.: 5-11 July (Nis, Serbia), free+partial travel reimbursement Apply! –> Read more →