
>European Commission in the house!

> EACEA, the Executive Agency of the Youth in Action programme by the European Commission, came to the house today to talk about the UK Y Vote tour(following massive office cleaning, of course). We flooded them with stories, videos, pictures and PR material. They just left – somewhat puzzled, with booklets falling from their arms – recommending us to state… Read more →

>It’s not easy being a German local

>The Comite Directeur is concerned about freedom of Communication and Transparency in certain parts of our network, after receiving a troubling letter from a certain University.We shall however not be intimidated, and fully support our locals in their quest to full freedom of C&T in Europe! The letter of concern: And evidence of the so called crime scene, annexed to… Read more →

>NWM Bari – Non solo musica

>NWM Bari was born a couple of months ago in Brussels, when only 18-year-old Chiara came to pay me a visit, for just one – yet fruitful – night. That’s when I motivated her to take over the organisation of a NWM in an area that needed it A LOT. Even though, I have to say, motivating this powerful young… Read more →

>AEGEE-Granada olé olé!

>Yesterday 19th May 2009 was a special evening for the inhabitants of Rue Nestor de Tière! Do you all remember what happened in crazy NWM Barcelona? No? Go back and check!Well, after AEGEE-Bilbao’s signing and after Agora Magusa, where AEGEE-Malaga signed, the story was not over yet. Santiago from Granada ‘wanted to do it’, he said, and no Sir, he… Read more →

>When nothing works

>No matter how much I enjoy teamwork, and how much more rewarding a result achieved together with your dear friends and colleagues is, and how much bigger these results usually are when accomplished together, I chose independence over interdependence. Today anyway. The most important elements on my to-do list are all directly related to files stored on our server (Robert)… Read more →

>Charlemagne Youth Prize Winner- YOUrope Needs YOU!!!

> The European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2009 was awarded in Aachen on May 19th at 11am. The Prize is awarded to youth projects that encourage the development of a shared sense of European identity. The President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, and the Chairman of the Charlemagne Prize Foundation, Michael Jansen, participated in the ceremony. and our project YOUrope… Read more →

>Brussel’s Fairytales

>After Thursday’s Agora kick-off party in Leiden where Ivonne and I had a jolly-green time, on Friday Tena came back home (home? wow we even call this place home now…) after two weeks of touring the UK (check her adventures here). It was reason enough anyway to postpone bedtime for a few hours and catch up in the warm cozy… Read more →