>Why twitter is cool and useful. To have a look at what kind of information we spread there: www.twitter.com/aegee_europe At this point, 109 people are ‘following’ us. We send out “mini-press releases” about our events and projects. The amount of followers grows daily, especially after an update. Some interesting ones amongst them: YSAFE Network (Youth Sexual Awareness For Europe)OptiFlySheffield University27etMoi… Read more →
>Unexpected visitors
>using robins account: I wanna show u pictures, but you wouldn’t believe :)u have to come here and experience the cd life for a day or two, and replenish your karma with cleaning at least one room ;) visiting was announced 10 hours before arrival, but mickeys was not ;) thanks to him by bringing a delegation of happy italian… Read more →
>Curiosity of the week…
>Dear “children” (18 to 35…): Today was the Open Day at the European Parliament, and as you could imagine there was a good number of AEGEE members present. Some of them wandering around and collecting goodies, AEGEE-Maastricht in the Bar, and Robin, Dragan and myself at the beautiful AEGEE stand!We spent some time informing people about AGEEE and the Y… Read more →
>Almost weekend again
>Yesterday was a day of hard work. While Dragan was assembling a guestlist with everybody interesting and important in the field of creativity, innovation, sustainability and youth for Sparks of the Future, I searched for a venue and also finally had the printing house contract signed and finalised. It includes a nice discount and quite some free posters and flyers… Read more →
>The Garden
>The Financial Director is a quite messy person and eventhough the bills and all financial papers are perfectly in order (THE DESK IS EMPTY) keeping anything not financial in order or clean doesn’t interest her much. She doesn’t like cooking, cleaning and in general is not a good housewife-to-be, BUT somehow there is a fascination for gardening. Don’t ask why… Read more →
>Mexican times
>Yesterday I was quite convinced to be the first case in Belgium with the Swine Flu (aka H1N1). With all other CD members out on meetings or traveling, Ivonne and I took a recovery day which consisted basically of shopping for fruits etc. She did some gardening, I sent out the website poll. Dragan came back from Paris and tried… Read more →
>Happy Birthday Evren!
>We like Mondays
>By Sunday evening, almost all guests had left. The nap didn’t happen, and we decide to watch Slumdog Millionaire. Projected on the wall, and us comfortable on the sofa’s and mattreses in the social room. Fantastic movie. To bed at 1.00 am, and early next morning at 7.30 Vedran leaves, Meta goes to work and Dragan and myself spend 2… Read more →
>May is the Y Vote 2009 month!
>Exactly 64 cities in 16 EU countries will stage Y Vote 2009 actions in the final month of campaigning. View Y Vote 2009 in a larger map These efforts are joined by our UK campaign bus tour that is visiting 28 British cities from London to Edinburgh. View Y Vote UK in a larger map Finally two more Y Vote… Read more →
>Gracias AEGEE-León :-)
> How does AEGEE-León perceive the CD? Read more →