
>An oasis in the middle of Brussels

>Let the scary and violent world around us be for a moment, and hide in the crazy funky warm creative and young spirits of the AEGEE Head Office. While half the Comite Directeur abandoned ship to be with the network – Tena touring around the UK establishing new contacts and mobilising people for the greater good wherever they go, follow… Read more →

>European Parliament Education Hearing

>Yesterday, the hearing on education organised in the European Parliament by AEGEE and ESU took place right after the closure of the Ministrial Bologna Process Summit in Leuven. Hosted by Katerina Batzeli, Member of the European Parliament and Chairwoman of the Committee on Culture and Education, and supported by two of the Vice-Chairs Pal Schmitt and Helga Truepel who all… Read more →

>Monday evening

>How bizarre, the Head Office is empty! After a weekend chez maman (mams ik ben veilig aangekomen) I only find dirty dishes and other remains from my colleagues/housemates. Tena & Ivonne in the UK, Evren at Network Meeting Poznan, Percin in Turkey, Dragan in Paris for his visa… So what does one do all alone in this big big house?… Read more →

>Back to Brussels

> And yes, we’re back in Brussels! No time unfortunately to slowly get used to life in the AEGEE Head Office again (at least it’s sunny here). Right now we’re unpacking, washing clothes, cleaning the house, sleeping, answering 100000 unanswered e-mails of the last week…  More on our impressions of the Agora soon! Read more →

>Depreciation project (Prominence points)

> Action Positive Prominence points For kissing 10 For a funny Facebook status 2 For breaking stuff 25 For being the Chair of the Agora 10 For being the President of AEGEE-Europe 15 For being the Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe 20 For having the bed everybody wants to sleep in 15 For smoking marihuana in the presidential bathroom 10 For… Read more →

>Countdown until the Agora

>Two members of the Comite Directeur have already left Brussels, the rest is making final preparations. With a 24 hour layover in Vienna, they will leave tonight and take the AEGEE-plane on Tuesday night from Vienna to Cyprus. Pre-Agora fun assured!  Packed: sunglasses, powerpoint presentations, movies, speeches, financial report, network update, and many more papers and files.  Follow us live… Read more →

>AEGEE Easter

>A couple of hours ago we put the visitors counter on the blog! Spring in Brussels, the CD is working and preparing the Agora, but also having some good laughs and enjoying Bruxellois sun with laptops in the garden. See you all soon! Happy Easter Sretan UskrsVrolijk PasenBuona PasquaХристос ВаскрсеЧестит Великден(Turkish do not have Easter ;-) ) Read more →