> European Youth Choice – Joint Debate on the Future of European Education European Parliament Brussels, April 29, 2009, 16.00 – 18.30 Hosted by Ms Katerina Batzeli, Chairwoman of the Culture end Education Committee Organised by the European Students Forum (AEGEE) and the European Students Union (ESU) To register, please send an e-mail with your name, address, date of birth… Read more →
>Commissioner Potocnik joins Y Vote 2009
> The sixth Y Vote convention started in Ljubljana on March 27th, 2009 with a distinguished guest. European multiculturalism was being closely examined in the »most beautiful city in the world« (words by the Mayor of Ljubljana we all remember from our General Assembly last April). Young people from 20 different European countries were exploring the topic focusing on languages,… Read more →
>YOUrope Needs YOU! in Canakkale
> YOUrope Needs YOU! had its last event for the 2008-2009 season in Canakkale, Turkey between 25-30 March. 20 participants, 5 trainers and the local organizers spend 5 nice days together, with sessions in the days, and social programme in the evenings. Having sessions from High School Students, to Knowledge about EU, and from Presentation Skills to Learning styles, the… Read more →
>Why Network Meeting Wien was so cool
>It’s been a week, but it should still be noted that the Network Meeting in Vienna was awesome. It were the smaller things that made it so. Having 24 hours between deciding to go and arriving. The bank swallowing my bankcard and me being without money. Great enthusiasm and hospitality of AEGEE-Wien. A really big amount of new AEGEE members… Read more →
>NWM Barcelona: AEGEE-Bilbao, AEGEE-Malaga, AEGEE-Granada!
>Ay! Barcelooooona…Recipe of happy life?carrying a suitcase and a frowned face from rainy Brussels, be picked up at the train station in scooter (!) and have the most magnificent city tour in sunny, enchanting Barcelona. Further destination: Mora la Nova, on the Ebro river, where a fabulous Network Meeting takes place. The cooperation and connection among Spanish and Portuguese antennae… Read more →
>2nd Video Report
>Where Does Europe End team meeting done:)
> After 3 amazing days, Where Does Europe End team is back to their homes, with full of motivation, ideas and inspiration. The tasks of the team members are: Dora Monogyiou- Project ManagerCasper Wolf – TreasurerThomas Lezske- Fundraising/InstitutionsMario Guisseppe Varrent- CommunicationsFernando Martin- Public RelationsOrsolya Cziraki- Events Responsible Thanks to Mario, Fernando, Orsi, Dora, Casper and Thomas for their participation. For… Read more →
>Y Vote Trieste on Enlargement
>It was a peculiar Y Vote event, with no politicians this time. Location: Trieste, for its border position, the perfect place to talk about EU enlargement.4 were the countries taken into exam: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. We had Croats, Serbians, Slovenes, Bosnians, – including Bosnian Muslims, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs – but also Slovenian minority from Italy and… Read more →
>Network Meeting Kyiv
> Pictures (C) by Michał Kasprzak Lucky me, I could go as CD representative to Kyiv for the Network Meeting! This beautiful city in a for me fairly undiscovered part of the AEGEE network proved to be a true inspiration and energiser. Thanks to the hospitality of Katya and her family I was able to visit the city and integrate… Read more →
>AEGEE Europe is now on twitter! Follow us here: www.twitter.com/AEGEE_Europe Big brother is watching us :) Read more →