> It is only one day left till Where Does Europe End team, the members of the new project initative of AEGEE, is coming to Brussels between 12-15 March, to have their first team meeting. In this three days, a busy program awaits the team, in which they will work on their project outline, team dynamics, thematics and of course… Read more →
>Summer University Booklets sent
> Dear network, Rest assured that your Summer University booklets and posters, the main tools to promote your own Summer University and send your members to other SU’s, are on their way, finally sent after a long days work of carrying stuff, packing, wrapping and taping by Percin, Evren, Romain, Martien, and of course, AEGEE-Delft members ( San, Marco, Gerard,… Read more →
>European Parliament TV Debate
>European Youth Forum Stakeholders Meeting
> Percin, Tena, Evren and Romain ( our CD intern ) have joined the Stakeholders Meeting that European Youth forum organized, which aims inform stakeholders in the process of Shaping the Youth Policy for the next year under the Czech and Swedish Presidency of the European Youth Council. There were the Secretary General of YFJ, Chair of Youth Working Party… Read more →
>SCANdanivia Advance Planning Visit
> Between 19-22 February; Katrin, Miguel, Dragana and Percin were in Kopenhagen, for preparing the content and logistics of SCANdinavia event, a case study about sustainable lifestlyes, that will take place in Kopenhagen between 30 March- 5 April. The first day, Miguel and Percin managed to get a nice conference hall and a nice hostel for the event. After this… Read more →
>Y Vote 2009 Video Competition – 500 euro to Win!
>Live at the EBM!
>So yes, we did make it. Most of us anyway. Tena, Dragan and Ilona are still on the way. AEGEE Torino has everything under control, I think we can expect a smooth and well organised event. Very nice :) Big things going to happen, we’ll do our best to report from time to time! Kisses from Torino! Read more →
>Cheburashka’s adventures 6: Prishtina-Dubrovnik-Zadar-Rijeka
>Croatia, 6th-9th February Sunny, smiling, seaside Croatia – this is also Balkans. Dubrovnik welcomed us in all its majesty and beauty and most of all with wonderful cosy beds where to sleep in, after a journey from Kosovo which lasted 24 hours sharp, instead of the 6 planned. We passed through closed borders, barbed wire, inexistent lands, incredibly annoying policemen,… Read more →
>Cheburashka’s adventures 5: Prishtina
>Prishtina, 5th February AEGEE-Prishtina has a whole new board! And an Audit Commission! And changes in the statutes. And a members list. And membership cards. And some money to pay the fees. And a google group. And an office! And a long list of activities and events for the next year. Today is definitely the best day of the trip,… Read more →
>Cheburashka’s adventures 4: Tirana-Skopje-Prishtina
>3rd February: Tirana-SkopjeOhrid. Ohrid is an open space for thoughts. Finally, I can breathe. And here, the idea. What better than a training with AEGEE spirit in a country everybody can easily reach (Albanians, Kosovars, Macedonians, but also Bosnians, Croatians, Serbians, Greek) in a natural paradise on the Macedonian-Albanian border? A European School for Next autumn. I ask the lady… Read more →