> My last week was so crazy and full of different happenings, that I even did not have any time to write about it. Trying to catch up now and do it all at once! :) So what exactly did happen? At first, it was PRES1 Leiden (Public Relations European School), where from Monday till Wednesday I was giving workshops… Read more →
>Who is in the House? – third hint
>…any ideas now?the first person giving the right answer gets the amazing price: A free, romantique weekend in Schaerbeek with the girl who takes art in our lives!For guessing please write a comment. Read more →
>Who is in the House? – second hint
>As a first hint you could see the deliciously prepared sushi on the kitchen table. From this picture you can guess that the person in the house knows Denis and is most probably a girl. If you can already guess, please state your comment! Who is in the house?? Read more →
>Another NWM, another story – Warwick
> Autumn. AEGEE. Those two words automatically make a connection with Autumn Network Meetings, which happen every year all over our Network. Last weekend I was visiting one of them – Network Meeting Warwick “Singing in the Rain”. People. Bunch of interested people, who are living in Great Britain (even if they are not British themselves), one girl from Bucharest… Read more →
>Cooking series: Season 2
> who is in the house? Read more →
>NetCommies were gathering in Katowice
> Last weekend the CD House was half empty – Nico took a weekend off to go on a private trip, Olga attended Network Meeting Katowice as a CD member, but I joined Network Commission in their NCM – also in Katowice (thanks to AEGEE-Katowice for all the facilities they provided us). It all started on Wednesday, when I arrived… Read more →
>What do we know about Quality Assurance?
> Yesterday Manos and me spent all day in European Youth Forum (YFJ) office in a meeting about Quality Assurance in Non-Formal Education. AEGEE together with five other YFJ member organisations were chosen to implement a pilot project on Quality Assurance for the next six months. What did we do? – We got to know each other– We shared best… Read more →
>Never Invite AEGEE-Europe to your house!
>…and after all we managed to arrive in Kyiv.it took as a couple of days of having German trains and rain testing our patience, but we managed. There, we met the unique phenomenon of “rainfog”, as described from the writer. Fog, but rain. Or may be rain, but fog? It is the endless discussion if the chicken came from the… Read more →
>New AEGEE contact in Antalya
>CD is working even on their way to Autumn Agora Kyiv 2009– a proof of that is a CD decision, which was taken in the car on the way to Aachen, where we slept overnight before taking a flight next morning from Dortmund airport to Kiev. This CD decision approved one more contact, and we are happy to welcome Antalya… Read more →
>CD (in parts) is going to Kyev
>Olga: has been already enjoying hospitality of AEGEE-Kyev from Friday. Envy is a sin undoubtedly, but… :) Agata, Agnes, Anita, Nico and Manos: left today to Germany to catch the plane in the morning from Dortmund. Have you ever played Tetris with people and bags? It was really a quest for finding space in the car to put the luggage… Read more →