> After the end of the Project Development Meeting of ‘Beyond Europe – Perspectives for Tomorrow’s World’ amazing news reached the network yesterday: the Youth in Action Application (Action 3.2, Youth in the World) was granted! The CD was talking to Christian Eichenmüller, who was still in the CD house on Monday. CD: So how do you feel now, after… Read more →
>AEGEE event in India? South Africa? You must be kidding!
> No, Ladies and Gentleman, it is not a joke! New Flagship Project: Beyond Europe won the first Youth in Action Grand!Title of the application: The UN Development Goals – A Challenge for Today’s Youth? Even Christian couldn’t really believe it… The project will bring together South African, Indian and European youth, all striving together for fulfilling the UN Millenium… Read more →
>Olga & Denis finally arrived in CD house
> After almost 3 months of annoying waiting, Denis and Olga got thier visas to come to Belgium. First lessons they’ve learnt during this long-life waiting process – Russian bureaucracy is not so bad as it seems in the first place :) Nice Italian restaurant near the house was used for making official celebration of final unification with a marvelous… Read more →
>Welcome Burgos, Durham & Düsseldorf!
>Last week CD approved three new contacts and now we are welcoming them in our AEGEE family and hope that they will sign CdA and become AEGEE locals soon – some already in Agora Kyiv! :) BurgosBurgos is a small city (170.000 inhabitants) located in the North of the country – between Madrid and the North coast- that belongs to… Read more →
>PDM for the "Beyond Europe" in Brussels
> This week the Project Development Meeting for “Beyond Europe” is taking place at the CD house. It is the second part of the preparations for the Flagship Project for 2010-2011. Fifteen people from all over the world are gathered to create the project outline and get to know each other to become a successful team. Today we started with… Read more →
>AEGEE Moves
> **** Year abroad? Find your friends! **** Are you ready for the enormous adventure in another country (Erasmus, other exchange, starting studies/internship in another country)? Everything planned, luggage is packed, farewell done? Leaving your friends in your home town you are starting now the new part of your life in the new environment. Would you like to have something… Read more →
>Quotes of the day
>Today in the IT meeting in the house there were two great short conversations, so I simply couldn’t leave them unnoticed and I am sharing them also with you :) (conversation about the computers in the CD House) Agnes – That computer is ugly!Manos – But it’ s a computer! It can’t be beautiful!Agnes – Yes, it can, look! (showing… Read more →
>CD 2008/2009 moving on…
> The Comité Directeur 2008/2009 served our association with honour and pride, living for 13 months in Brussels. But as everything, especially the life in a student association has an end at a point. Despite leaving the CD they did not disappear! Percin is running his new project, Where Does Europe End?, Robin is still establishing new partnerships, Tena is… Read more →
>AEGEE in 999
>Yesterday me, Agnes, Agata and Nico were presenting AEGEE in 999 – Open Doors, organised by European Youth Forum. I am not going to get you bored by all the happenings which were going on there, but just some short highlights: To entertain himself, Nico started to play around with Y Vote 2009 bracelets, trying to see how many can… Read more →
>Secret Y-vote member
> It seems that the knowledge transfer of Dragan’s CD was not 100% complete to Agata’s CD. Misterious people pop up from AEGEE’s past, whom we don’t know, and had no idea them being active in AEGEE. Someone from the Y-vote team appeared in a prominent salsa club in Brussels, when Anita, Agnes and Evren enjoyed the lationo rythms. But… Read more →