>It’s 1:17am on Thu/Fri night, I am awake since 7:40am in the morning and hope to go to sleep till 2am tonight. Let’s hope I’ll manage. The first days for all of us have been a bit… hectic I’d say. Working long hours, replying to endless e-mails, having meetings and trying to manage saying “thanks” to everybody. Not to mention… Read more →
>And here we go…
> Dear friends, The first of September has came, and AEGEE-Europe is proud to present you its new Board of Directors, who will live and work in the Headoffice in Brussels for the next twelve months. Let’s start with Agata (AEGEE-Poznan) who came to Brussels straight after graduating and getting her master degree in Economics to serve as President in… Read more →
>How It All Started
> Yes it is sentimental melodrama time – and here is my candidature speech from Agora Eskisehir on November 2, 2007. If you find anything stupid, blame it on my youth :-) Dear Agora, It is an utmost privilege to stand in front of you today, an honor and experience I will never forget whatever the outcomes will be. It… Read more →
>Are you cat, coffee or wine?
>Ivonne, Robin and Tena concluded that there are: – CAT persons and DOG persons– COFFEE persons and TEA persons– BEER persons and WINE persons When, one year ago, Tena explained her theory about the DOG and CAT people, she was laughed at. But after one year time, her team mates finally started to understand. Not only they caught the intimate… Read more →
>Manage your local on myAEGEE
> url: http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=djjt8ns_36k447s526&interval=60&autoStart=true&loop=true pdf: http://intranet.myaegee.net/group_file/download/3/1133/mylocal.pdf ppt: http://intranet.myaegee.net/group_file/download/3/1132/myLocal.ppt Read more →
>Explore the world of myAEGEE
> url: http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=djjt8ns_28dc64c2df pdf: http://intranet.aegee.org/group_file/download/3/1127/myAEGEE.pdf ppt: http://intranet.aegee.org/group_file/download/3/1128/myAEGEE.ppt Read more →
>WG speakers meeting in Brussels
> WG speakers meeting aims to build a co operation between WG’s of AEGEE, to build common activities, to introduce the WG’s to the new CD and to work on the WG structure. Finally the WG representatives started arriving to the house, first Verena from HRWG on Thursday, following Panos from IPWG, Simin from ENWG and others. The present WG’s… Read more →
>When I took the Academy to a squat
> What a week(end)!NetAca meeting BrusselsWho would have thought that, when I proposed this meeting a couple of months ago, not only it would have encountered big enthusiasm, but it would have actually taken place, in such a short time?13-14 August 2009, the first ‘real’ NetCom + Academy meeting outside Agorae I have notice of. We discussed the outcomes of… Read more →
>No Cows Allowed and a Travel through Time
>Last Saturday Dragan, Ivonne, Roger (Ivonne’s cousin) Robin and I went to Antwerp. It was a beautiful sunny day, which means that the city was packed with people from all over Belgium and Netherlands, and an average age of 99. I really felt the AEGEE spirit, 24 (in my case) and getting younger!!! Really young in comparative terms! Other than… Read more →
>Beautiful hero!
>Dear …, You receive this mail because you are account holder for a website hosted on Zeus. In a try to get full control of everything, and at the same time trying to get rid of their ‘enemies’, CD (Robin, Ivonne & Tena) is at the moment on the way to Enschede. I’ve been informed by people that this is… Read more →