On the 1st of July 2014 a new Trio came on stage for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, starting with Italy (till the 31st of December) and will continue with Latvia and Luxembourg. While the Presidency itself carries on the tasks of preparing, coordinating and chairing the work of the Council, while also acting as honest… Read more →
Comité Directeur
Member of the Month: Erika Bettin, from Ängelholm to Spritz
This month the member selected for the MoM (Member of the Month) award was Erika Bettin, member of AEGEE-Venezia, for her outstanding activities over the last month. From the Election Observation Mission in Ukraine to the interim mandate as Editor-in-Chief of The AEGEEan, check out some curiosities regarding this vulcanic member! Alfredo: Erika, you have been awarded MoM! How does it… Read more →
Travelling on a Budget – A Beginner’s Guide
“How on Earth can you travel so much!?”. I am pretty sure that many of you have heard these words already. We are AEGEEans, we are tireless travellers and adventurers – yet at the same time we are young and (most of us) students that many times cannot afford the typical travel expenditures. When was the last time you travelled… Read more →
AEGEEans are running for European Parliament – Part I
Do you remember the recent European Parliament (EP) elections, where other citizens of the European Union and, hopefully, also you, voted for your chosen future Members of the European Parliament (MEPs)? While preparing the latest Key To Europe issue, the annual publication of AEGEE-Europe, we had a chance to ask some questions to those former and current AEGEE members who… Read more →
European School 1 – Be the last missing piece!
17 participants, 6 trainers, 6 main organizers, 9 days, many guests and helpers. From the 17th till the 25th of May 2014, the AEGEE-Academy, together with AEGEE-Enschede had organized one of the most important trainings in our association – “European School 1” aka ES1. Two years after the Agora in Enschede, AEGEE was back to the University of Twente,… Read more →
Meet Ioana Duca: Interim Financial Director of the new Comité Directeur
During Spring Agora-Patra 2014, unfortunately there was no candidate for Financial Director for the Comité Directeur 2014-2015. Soon after Agora-Patra, an open call was issued to find an Interim Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe until Agora-Cagliari. According to the open call, it is expected that this person will officially run for this position in front of the Agora to be fully… Read more →
7 Highlights for the 7th Edition of the Charlemagne Youth Prize
As every year, the European Charlemagne Youth Prize (ECYP) took place in the city of Aachen, under its 7th edition. After Europe on Track’s major success last year, some AEGEE members gathered in Charlemagne’s city in order to know which project would be its successor. Youth unemployment, selfies, remarkable guests, journalism and the situation in Ukraine have just been some… Read more →
AEGEE-Valletta wins national selection for Charlemagne youth prize 2014
After last year’s success with the Charlemagne youth prize 2013, when AEGEE-Europe won the final selection with the project Europe on Track, this year again there is an AEGEE-project running for it at the European final in Aachen: AEGEE-Valletta won the national competition with the EBM 2013 “Preserving the present, saving our future”. We have interviewed Martha Misdus, Vice-president of… Read more →
AEGEE-Genova goes to the middle of nature
Between the 30th May and 1st of June, AEGEE-Genova organized an inter-regional meeting where people from different antennae took part: AEGEE-Bari, AEGEE-Bergamo, AEGEE-Bologna, AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca, AEGEE-Milano, AEGEE-Padova, AEGEE-Pisa, AEGEE-Roma, AEGEE-Siena, AEGEE-Torino and AEGEE-Udine sent at least one member to represent them. “And in the boat of wine we will sail on the reef/emigrants of laughter with nails in the eyes/’till the morning will… Read more →
“Never Stop Dreaming”: The Story Behind AgorAsturias 2015
The whole plenary hall of Spring Agora Patra muted all of a sudden once the big news was announced: the first two Statutory events of 2015 will be both held in Spain. The city of Burgos will host the newly named European Planning Meeting, and the Spring Agora 2015 will be hosted by AEGEE-Oviedo in the city of Gijón. “We… Read more →