There is a very good proverb almost in every language which in English sounds like «repair your cart in December; in July your sledge remember», meaning if you want to get the result in the nearest future you have to start working on it now. The best result and a lot of improvements are the aims of the new Summer… Read more →
Comité Directeur
What the Frack?
You might have heard about protests against fracking already. Romania is the most recent case of big protests this week, where an American gas company has started to explore their big reserves which may consolidate the country’s role as the largest gas producer in Central-Eastern Europe. But at what cost? What are the negative effects of Fracking? Since the… Read more →
AEGEE as a key player on Youth Employment in Europe
From November 11th to the 13th, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD or OCDE in French) headquarters in Paris hosted the Youth Summit on Youth Employment, which took place parallel to the Paris Intergovernmental Summit of the EU Members States on the same issue. As member of the Comité Directeur of AEGEE-Europe, I was able to represent our organization… Read more →
AEGEE-Cagliari To Host Autumn Agora 2014!
The results of the local that would host the upcoming Autumn Agora 2014 took a bit longer than usual to be announced – the deadline was extended after ZarAgora, and at that moment, AEGEE-Cagliari saw the chance to take up such a big challenge. The support they got from many other locals, especially from the Rainbow network (Italian-speaking and Maltese… Read more →
AEGEE-Budapest organizes the Arab Week
If you’ve heard of the Arab minority in Europe, Hungary might not be the country that first comes to mind, but there is a minority in Budapest. When the Euroarab project team approached AEGEE-Budapest about organising an event, the first thought was that it would be a good opportunity to organise open lectures for externals (potential members). While brainstorming on… Read more →
Welcoming the New Contact of AEGEE-Europe in Lugano
This past week, our Network woke up with some very good news coming from Switzerland. A new Contact of AEGEE-Europe has just been established in the beautiful, Italian-speaking city of Lugano, known for its stunning natural scenery. The AEGEEan has spoken to Abdulla Abdullayev, who had already known AEGEE in his homecountry, Azerbaijan, and now he is looking forward to… Read more →
AEGEE and the Subtleties of Peacebuilding
“Against. – Against. – Against. – …” At the Agora Zaragoza, the Focus Area named “Peacebuilding” received a clear negative vote. Does that mean that AEGEE is not interested in this topic, or do we believe we don’t have the capacity to work on it? Or is there a different explanation? – A short inquiry into one of our favourite misconceptions.… Read more →
The Bright Side of A-G-O-R-A-P-H-O-B-I-A!
One of the most popular pre-events of Agora Zaragoza was “AGORAPHOBIA” organised by AEGEE-Barcelona and as it has been shown from pictures that were published on the Facebook page of AEGEE-Barcelona as well as Facebook profiles of the participants and organizers, and from their big smiles, it was really successful! When my airplane landed I could not wait to go… Read more →
CD Telegram October 2013
October was a month of preparations… for the ZarAgora. So expect to read many stories of endless meetings, preparing powerpoints, discussing Progress Meetings. But not only, since we also participated in several events around the network and did other interesting things. Join us on the trip about what we did while preparing for ZarAgora. LUIS ALVARADO MARTÍNEZ – President October… Read more →
YVote2014 Convention on Youth (Un)Employment in Agrigento
Youth unemployment is on the main agenda in many EU member states, particularly in Greece, Spain and Portugal, where an alarming number of young people are unemployed. The YVote2014 Convention in Agrigento addressed this topic with 25 people from different EU contries. Youth unemployment is on the agenda of all European governments, and also of the European Union. In order… Read more →