Comité Directeur

The Neapolitan genocide

Pripyat, province of Naples. This, the one of a ghost town, seems to be the message you are supposed to get from the hype going on in Italy lately. As usual, in Italy it’s always hard to distinguish between reality and conspiracy theories. This article has no arrogance of being able to solve the eternal dilemma, but it’s just the… Read more →

CD Telegram September 2013

September is always a busy month in Brussels, with the restart of the Eurobubble activities and also plenty of initiatives starting in our network. Moreover, this year we have had, as an extra, the Planning Meeting in Genova and the first of the Y Vote 2014 conventions, plus a European-wide campaign for youth rights, amonth many other things. Get a… Read more →

Alberto Cuesta Noriega – From ‘IT Man’ to Candidate for Chairperson

“If you have been to any Agora since 2010, you might remember me behind a computer”. This is how Alberto Cuesta Noriega (AEGEE-Oviedo) introduces himself in his candidature for Chairperson of the Agora. He has been the IT Responsible with several Chair Teams. However, Alberto feels it’s the time now for a bigger challenge: this time, he is running for… Read more →

Gerardo Garcia for SUCT

Gerardo Garcia is candidating for the second time for the Summer University Coordination Team, below you can read his interview.  The AEGEEan: You had some past SU experience. Why do you want to get involved again? Why do you recandidate? Gerardo: Well, as I’ve said in my candidature, I want to be here again is because I have some pending… Read more →

Mateusz Dokurno for Network Commission

Mateusz Dokurno is candidating for Netcom, so we interviewed him for you. Keep reading and find out more! The AEGEEan: So, would you tell us more about your academic formation? How would this help you as a future Netcommie? Mateusz: My fields of study are really unusual, because computer science and econometrics has really nothing in common with journalism and… Read more →

Pauline Létard’s Candidature for NetCom

When I asked Pauline Létard which adjectives define her, she answered: “idealistic, hard-working and perfectionist”. Reading through the following lines, you can read about her motivation to become  part of the Network Commission. Pauline joined AEGEE in 2011, after arriving new in the city of Toulouse and she had been looking for an association to meet new people. She was… Read more →