Last year, the Environmental Working Group (EnWG) called upon the Comité Directeur (CD), complaining about the high costs in energy and utility bills of the head office in Brussels. After the decision had been taken at Autumn Agora Budapest 2012, the CD moved to another house. The EnWG took the initiative, and after getting permission from the CD, visited the… Read more →
Comité Directeur
Member of the Month: Silvija Perić
Energetic, smiling and hardworking – these are the first words which come into my mind when describing Silvija Perić (AEGEE-Zagreb) who is our Member of the Month of June. Her dedication to helping with organizing the youth conference “Croatia in the EU” made sure that she is a real AEGEE addict, so let’s find out more about her! Please,… Read more →
Watch a film with the Culture Working Group!
The Culture Working Group (CWG) carried on an initiatie focusing on films that made history in each European country. Take a look at this awesome project and read the interview we made to Sabina Guja (AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca), the main coordinator of this initiative. Was this your idea or was it a project promoted by the CWG? How did the idea take… Read more →
Travel in a different way: by kayak, bike or hitchhiking!
Are you done with the ‘normal’ ways of travelling, or you don’t want to wait for the public transport anymore? Read this article and get inspired! What is more fun than travelling in an adventurous and cheap way, which makes you super fit at the same time? And last but not least, it is environmental friendly as well. When you… Read more →
CD Telegram June 2013
The first month of the summer kept the Comité Directeur hyperactive, it has been full of work, events and conferences, many of them have showed that long months and sometimes years of hard work have been payed-off. The summer also means an amazing start for all of us. Dozens of AEGEEans gathered together the last week of June to proudly… Read more →
Lobbying with AEGEE – 24h in the life of a Policy Officer
The work of a Policy Officer involves a lot of reading — lengthy study and survey reports, lofty European Commission publications, and repetitive online discussions — but every now and then something more exciting comes along as well. One of those moments was the first lobbying meeting of the Dutch Youth Council on Education for sustainability, followed the next day… Read more →
AEGEE present at the Regional Youth Forum in Istanbul organized by UNFPA and UNECE
While hundreds of people were gathered in Istanbul’s Gezi Park – Taksim’s last remaining public park, fighting for their present day, in a neighboring district 40 young activists from diverse countries were taking part in a much less dangerous but still very important meeting aimed at building a more decent life for youth in the future. While… Read more →
‘THIRSTY?’ – ‘NOT YET…’ (Climate Change and Water Availability)
Water means life. Life begun IN water and no known living thing can function without it. From the smallest to the biggest organism, the simpler to the most complex; and in between, us. GOOD NEWS: 3/4 parts of the Globe are covered by water. BAD NEWS: only 2.5% of it is fresh water, and only 0.007% of the total amount… Read more →
CD Telegram May 2013
We had the feeling that May has passed in a mere blink of an eye, even though we thought that the summer months will be less engaging than the rest of the year given the fact that the Network is preparing for the Summer Universities. We had a full month with Charlemagne Award Ceremony in Aachen, IT European School in… Read more →
“Environmental destruction must become a crime”
Do you remember the workshop of the Environmental Working Group (EnWG) about Ending Ecocide or the speech in the closing plenary of Agora Budapest by Polly Higgins? At this Spring Agora Rhein-Neckar, Prisca Merz from AEGEE-Passau and Director of End Ecocide in Europe was the person who reminded us that the main idea of their initiative is intriguingly simple: Environmental… Read more →