Once again, AEGEE-Europe did it! Our organization is now part of the Steering Committe of The European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) and it’s represented by Lucille Rieux, member of the Comité Directeur, from whom we took an interesting interview in order to find out more about this new great achievement. The AEGEEan: First of all, congratulations to… Read more →
Comité Directeur
“2013 as Europe’s Year of Air – The Future of Europe and Air Pollution”
Almost two months have passed since EBM Valletta 2013 took place. It was, indeed, an amazing event which gave all participants courage and inspiration to start acting and become part of the change all over Europe. Plenty of discussions, sessions, presentations and workshops were included in the programme, making the contribution of the participants both necessary and fun! One of… Read more →
Watching Eurovision 2013 with the AEGEE family
Whether you watch it with your family, with your friends or with The AEGEEan, it doesn’t matter if some songs are “ unlisteneable” or just awesome, if some performances are genious or lame, the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) is always a unique experience, that keeps fascinating Europeans year after year, and is always the subject of discussions and emotions. Watching… Read more →
The two biggest AEGEE-Europe publications are on their way
Recently AEGEE-Europe issued two similar and important open calls – one for the team of Members’ Manual and another for the team of Key To Europe (K2E). What are those publications, what’s the difference between them and why do we, AEGEE members, need them? That’s exactly what we are going to explain to you in this article. What’s the difference?… Read more →
Member of the month of May: Isabel Sodric
Creativity. Isabel Sodric from AEGEE-Alicante has it all and this time she is the Member of the Month. “She has always a smile and an endless patience battery” say her friends about her. But let’s go deeper into it and see what she thinks about being the Member of the Month. The AEGEEan: Tell us more about you. What do… Read more →
CD Telegram April 2013
Something amazing this way comes… and yes, here it is, the long anticipated Spring has finally arrived in Brussels as well! The sunshine and the Spring breeze gave the Comité Directeur such a huge amount of energy this month, that even the extremely intense Agora couldn’t hold us back from the active work for the rest of the month! Luis Alvarado Martínez (President)… Read more →
European Day of Environment 2013. Are you ready to participate?
The European Day of Environment (EDE) is about to come and of course the Environmental Working Group (EnWG) won’t let it pass unnoticed! The six weeks that the Network will think about sustainability and will have the chance to prove that it is sustainable will start on the 22nd of April. This is the International Mother Earth Day and it… Read more →
AEGEE expands with two new contacts in Bihać and Bologna
After the Spring Agora Rhein Neckar , two new contacts were established: Bihać , located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Bologna, a city in central Italy. The AEGEEan interviewed both of the contacts in order to get more information about the next AEGEE antennae. On one hand, Bihać… The AEGEEan: What pushed you to try to establish an AEGEE contact… Read more →
AEGEE-Europe to Represent the YFJ in the Advisory Council on Youth
Last week, some really good news came to all the AEGEEans. It was during the COMEM (Council of Members) of the European Youth Forum (YFJ, which stands for ‘Youth Forum Jeunesse‘) in Brussels. AEGEE-Europe had just been elected to be one of the 30 organizations inside the Advisory Council (AC) on Youth of the Council of Europe, representing the European… Read more →
Do it like a Dutch
Before Agora Rhein-Neckar started, AEGEE-Utrecht organized a pre-event. The main topic was reliability of the media, which was also the event title. Twelve lucky participants from all over the Europe took part and had a lot of fun. They partied, went sightseeing, they had a European night and many other activities that every other AEGEE event has… But what were the… Read more →