Comité Directeur

How Are We Going to Feed the World in 2050?

The first social Skype meeting and online discussion of the Environmental Working Group (EnWG) in 2013 was about sustainable food production. Now you are wondering perhaps, what exactly is sustainability? We used the following definition of this term: sustainability is development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.… Read more →

Get hired to organise Summer Universities!

Who would not have ever heard about Michele Turati or Mickey (AEGEE-Brescia)? That person probably has not been active in AEGEE for a long time, as otherwise (s)he would have already met this enthusiastic Italian whose AEGEE life started back in 2003. Continuing our series with AEGEE members and Summer University (SU) impact on them, this time we interviewed Michele. Michele, the… Read more →

CD Telegram December 2012

December is always the shortest but brightest month of the year. Everyone is preparing for the assessment of the year, finishing the yearly plans and getting ready for the joyful holiday season. It was not different in the headoffice either, we spent the last days at home with our families and friends, but it does not mean that the first… Read more →