Comité Directeur

Health4Youth on its way!

So where do we stand at the very moment? We are excited since our own little baby called “Health4Youth” is going to get an official name and it´s learning to smile. Don´t be afraid of getting lectures “We know how you should live your life and now we are going to point finger,” because that´s not going to happen! What… Read more →

In Memoriam: Frank Biancheri

It is a hard time for AEGEE now. While we should all be excited about our General Assembly starting tomorrow in Budapest, a call changed our mood. We were informed that Frank Biancheri, founder of AEGEE-Europe, had passed away on October 29th.   The members of AEGEE have reacted instantly to the news, sharing their memories of meeting him, remembering… Read more →

Olimpia Parje: Serve and Protect in MedCom

For most of you Olimpia Parje’s (AEGEE-Bucureşti) name is already known, and her list of previous positions in AEGEE both on local and European level is quite outstanding. This time Olimpia is offering her help in Mediation Commission (MedCom) where she has put her candidature forward. Besides of reading the usual questions and answers in her candidature application, we asked her… Read more →

To ban or not to ban? Propaganda of homosexuality – Ukrainian version

On the 2nd October 2012 the Parliament of Ukraine has accepted the law “On amendments in some legislative acts (on protection of children rights for safe information space)”. It could sound quite innocent and even nice if nobody has ever tried to read these amendments. Behind the title of the law for children there is hidden surely not childish content… Read more →

Sofia Kaskari candidating for NetCom: ”The more active you become in AEGEE, the more exciting your life gets!”

Summer, summer, summer is over. However, the list for the Network Commission (NetCom) candidates has just begun. Here is where Sofia Kaskari from AEGEE-Peiraias comes in. She is no stranger to AEGEE both on a local and European level, and she is here to share with us some of her future plans. 1)      Let us start with that basic question:… Read more →

Sibiu: the Anniversary Event of the Culture Working Group is approaching fast

A few months went by since the Culture Working Group chose Sibiu as the AEGEE Capital of Culture, and host of its 15 years anniversary event. And I can even remember how AEGEE-Sibiu’s proposal attracted us, by showing a perfect understanding of how intercultural dynamics really functions, emphasizing the need to create an open and tolerant society and supporting cooperation… Read more →

What about Policy Officers?

As many of our members have realised, AEGEE is a youth organisation which gives young people the opportunity to try out their ideas, to develop their initiatives and, by these means, to become active citizens. Without a doubt, AEGEE can be proud of its singularity: we give young people the chance to try out their ideas in order to make… Read more →

The answer is in you: volunteering makes you a good entrepreneur!

AEGEE had the chance to send two representatives and be among those ten selected participants who can contribute the most to the seminar on Youth, Entrepreneurship, Volunteering and Corporate Social Responsibility which was organised by the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion on 25th of September in Brussels. The Youth Forum, the European Economic and Social Committee, CSR… Read more →