As you all can recognise well from the Agora, the Action Agenda Coordination Team (ACT) Committee has dedicated to support the locals who contribute to the Action Agenda. In order to do this ACT members created useful packages which include the objectives for each Focus Area. One of them is ‘organising an event or action where students can get in… Read more →
Comité Directeur
Update from Agora Enschede: Voting Results of the Vote of Confidence
This morning the Chair Team of Agora Enschede presented the voting results for the Vote of Confidence of Comité Directeur (CD): Alfredo Sellitti, President of AEGEE-Europe, did not receive the Vote of Confidence. He is no longer the President of AEGEE-Europe. Alma Mozgovaja, Secretary General, received 140 votes in favor and 105 against her. With this vote she received the… Read more →
Vote for Confidence for the Comité Directeur done today at Agora Enschede!
Yesterday evening at Agora Enschede the vote of confidence for the Comité Directeur (CD) took place. To sum it up, at the beginning the whole procedure took over two hours. At 21:30 the delegates left the plenary exhausted after 12 hours full of sessions. Alfredo Sellitti, President of AEGEE-Europe, was the first one of the CD members who spoke in… Read more →
Urgent news: Vote of Confidence against the Comité Directeur (CD) at Agora Enschede!
Five members of the Comité Directeur (CD), Marko Grdošić, Gizem Karsli, Jüri Kirpu, Elena Antova and Guillermo García Tabarés, asked for a vote of confidence against Alfredo Sellitti, President of AEGEE-Europe at the opening plenary of Agora Enschede. After the first moment the plenary was so quiet as it never had been before. It is a serious situation now. No… Read more →
It’s not all about the Money!
What does a Financial Director do in AEGEE? Checking reimbursements, making money transfers, bookkeeping…But actually Elena Antova does a lot more and shows her ongoing interest in AEGEE events and other fields. She shared with us her memories of her term in the CD house, her hobbies, plans and more. Enjoy reading to get to know more about our lovely… Read more →
Olimpia Pârje: “Carpe Diem” to the President of AEGEE-Europe
Dear Network, I am pleased to introduce you someone that needs no introduction – Olimpia Pârje from AEGEE-Bucureşti, candidate for the presidency of AEGEE-Europe. Running for President of AEGEE-Europe is not an easy decision, what made you take such a responsibility upon yourself? Indeed, it was not an easy decision at all. The idea was floating around in my head… Read more →
The most ambitious Project Team of AEGEE History
Despite not being elected as the Flagship Project of AEGEE last year The Eastern Partnership (EaP) project stayed strong, extended their team and lobbied all over Europe. Still not sure which project you think did the best job in 2011? PR manager Daryna Skryl of the Eastern Partnership team tells you why they did. Getting started The AEGEE Eastern Partnership… Read more →
Czech SkiWeek With The Taste of AEGEE projects
What is typically good about a cool AEGEE event? Nice international people from various places of Europe, perfect winter weather, snowy slopes for skiing and snowing, cozy cottage in the middle of white mountains and AEGEE atmosphere! Apart from crazy parties, funny ice-breaking games, and never-ending activities there is something that makes all AEGEE events unique – thematic lectures. Besides… Read more →
What to do after the CD term?
September 1, a magical day. A day when the new Comite Directeur (CD) members move in and when the previous ones move out of the house in Brussels. The new ones are starting a year full of adventures, hard work and dedication. But how about the former CD members? Will you ever hear about them again? Will they still be… Read more →
One energetic External Relations Director: Marko Grdošić
He is young, active, working hard. He is also charming and with a great sence of humour. He is the External Relations Director of AEGEE! It has been already eight months since Marko Grdošić is living in the headoffice of AEGEE-Europe and doing his job with a great enthusiasm. We asked for a little time to have an interview with him… Read more →