Mireille Voorendt – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Mon, 25 Sep 2017 13:45:24 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.7 ../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png Mireille Voorendt – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../.. 32 32 Matteo Lai for Member of MedCom: “My key words: prevention, impartiality and knowledge of the rules” ../../../2017/09/26/matteo-lai-for-member-of-medcom-my-key-words-prevention-impartiality-and-knowledge-of-the-rules/ Tue, 26 Sep 2017 05:45:19 +0000 ../../../?p=41147 One more application for the Mediation Commission was made by: Matteo Lai. He, amongst other things, has been the IT responsible for AEGEE-Cagliari and an active member of The AEGEEan. Now he wants to give back to our beloved association by joining the Mediation Commission with his juridical knowledge.    The AEGEEan: Hi Matteo, please introduce yourself for our readers!… Read more →


One more application for the Mediation Commission was made by: Matteo Lai. He, amongst other things, has been the IT responsible for AEGEE-Cagliari and an active member of The AEGEEan. Now he wants to give back to our beloved association by joining the Mediation Commission with his juridical knowledge. 


photo 5 AEGEEanThe AEGEEan: Hi Matteo, please introduce yourself for our readers!

Matteo: I am Matteo, from Quartu Sant’Elena, a town very close to Cagliari, capital of Sardinia. I got a master’s degree in law and currently I am an employment and labour lawyer for a very famous law firm in Cagliari centre. Although I have such a serious job, I have a lot of hobbies like dancing, reading Italian literature books, playing football (I was a referee for some regional championships some time ago) and hanging out with friends. In April 2015 I saw some Facebook links about Summer Universities. I did not know what they were, but I had heard somewhere about some holidays only for students and young people. The issue was that I was not a student anymore but a trainee-lawyer. I understood it wes a project of a students’ association, AEGEE. I was not really sure about what I was doing but I decided to approach my University and to get more information. I became an AEGEE member and, until today, joining AEGEE has been one of the best choices in my entire life. Even if I was rejected for the first SU, this association has allowed me to meet new people which have really changed my opinion about Europe and made me help to delete lots of stereotypes. I am one of the AEGEE-Cagliari members who attended more local and European events in a little more than two years. Furthermore, in AEGEE-Cagliari I discovered my second family. Already the first SU as organiser encouraged me to be an active member and that’s why in December 2015 I became the new IT responsible of my antenna.

photo AEGEEan 3Why did you decide to run for a position in the Mediation Commission?

AEGEE is one of Europe’s biggest youth organisations where you can talk with people of several faculties and disciplines and, maybe also because of their cultural background, they are not well aware of the legal aspects of the association. I met lots of AEGEE friends that have never heard about the CIA and I would like to transmit them the knowledge of the Statutes, the rules that govern the life of AEGEE and this could be realised especially when the Mediation Commission is addressed to act as a mediator by any person or body in AEGEE. Very often it happens that people violate rules because they don’t know them. Because AEGEE strives for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, which is socially, economically and politically integrated, we can get successful in this task if we also respect the rules. Without rules, we would live not in civil society but we would stay in a state of nature where the condition of each person is “bellum omnium contra omnes” (meaning war of all against all), as the philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote. I would be pleased to do my best, after two years of hard but very satisfying work in my antenna (I also was organiser for the first Network Meeting of AEGEE-Cagliari), in a European body because I believe in the functions of the MedCom and I think both my juridical culture and my previous experience in other organisations could be helpful for the MedCom. I don’t want to impose my personal ideas to the other MedCom members but I want to contribute to find the best solution for all cases that we will deal with.

photo 4 AEGEEanWhat do you think it’s the main job of the MedCom?

The main job of the MedCom is to strive for an amicable settlement among the parties involved before considering further actions, serving as mediator. If this is not possible, the MedCom has to take a neutral and transparent decision without being subject to business and friendly relations or love affairs. So if one of the MedCom members cannot be objective, has to abstain for the specific case. Furthermore, the MedCom has the role to make an AEGEE member the future best European citizen with its “punitive” competence to make know and respect the law. Obviously, the MedCom deals mainly with the observance of the statutes but some principles in the statutes are shared in every European state, such as “in dubio pro reo”.

According to you, what do you think is the most important quality to be in the MedCom and why do you see yourself as the perfect person to fulfill the position?

The MedCom requires a lot of observation and knowledge about AEGEE in general and the CIA procedure. I think I gained both of them during my first two years and six months in AEGEE. I like to treat juridical cases and I would like to share this passion with other AEGEE members. Even if there is a psychological side in cases analysis that I have acquired as very active member in my Antenna and in European projects because I know many dynamics that can determine, even just accidentally, the violation of some rules. I am a person that wants to dialogue with members and not just directly to punish them. Even if every final decision, I would like to remind, has to be ratified by the Agora.

photo AEGEEan1What is your idea to strengthen the communication and the cooperation within and between the AEGEE bodies?

The Mediation Commission is expected to co-operate fully with the other bodies of AEGEE-Europe and to use their experience and knowledge. Social networks could be helpful. For example, a Facebook secret group could be created in order to share some cases with some members of the European bodies so that some members not involved in Medcom can express their opinion and offer another point of view. Obviously, the active participation in this Facebook group would be not obligatory as well as uploading all cases by the MedCom. Also some Skype meetings can strengthen the communication between the AEGEE bodies.

photo 6 AEGEEanCould you sum up your programme in a few clear bullet points? 

I will tell you with some key words: prevention, impartiality and knowledge of the rules. Prevention means that the MedCom should help to avoid conflicts between Locals, in its advisory function, but this is possible only if the MedCom gets a request by any person or AEGEE body. Instead, I think the MedCom can, at least, make some investigations, or also express the advisory function if just one of the MedCom members hears something, or somehow gets some rumours (but not fake news), about any issues between locals, without any request needed.

Impartiality means that the MedCom should take a decision without being influenced by any external element. Every member of the MedCom knows that is working for the good of the association and has to abstain if he/she cannot make the decision.

Knowledge of the rules means that the MedCom should promote the knowledge of the rules by the AEGEE members with its advisory and “punitive” functions, that could be facilitated through spreading the content of the CIA and its practical applications via a new Facebook page, after every decision is ratified by the Agora. In the eventual Facebook page I want to insert some posts about the normal day of the MedCom member, without, obviously, spreading information about the cases. The website of the MedCom has to be updated I would like to take care of it, considered my experience as IT responsible of my antenna and the Your Vision for Europe project.

photo AEGEEan2In you task related experience, you mention mostly your legal work and team experience. Though you also have a lot of experience as the IT-responsible for AEGEE-Cagliari.  Will it help you in the Medcom, which covers tasks concerning data privacy policy?

I will do my best for the issue you mention and I will discuss about it with the team. For sure, my experience will help me in the MedCom for data privacy policy. We can’t use personal data for spamming, selling or giving them to others without consent or abuse them in any other way. This is a rule that is reproduced also in many national laws and so the MedCom has to continue the protection of the personal data. Unfortunately, many companies can spend much money in order to get personal data and there is not a person, in this world, that snubs easy money.

You can read Matteo’s full candidature here.


Written by Mireille Voorendt, AEGEE-Utrecht

María Ballesteros Melero for Member of Comité Directeur: “Connecting AEGEE With the External World Through Thematics” ../../../2017/05/18/maria-ballesteros-melero-for-member-of-comite-directeur-connecting-aegee-with-the-external-world-through-thematics/ Thu, 18 May 2017 10:00:14 +0000 ../../../?p=40176 If you have not heard her name yet, you must have been living under a rock. María is (among other things) member of the Civic Education Working Group, content manager of Europe on Track 2016/2017, moderator of the Gender Equality Interest Group and an AEGEE-Academy trainer. Her next step: running for Member of the Comité Directeur. Let’s get to know… Read more →


If you have not heard her name yet, you must have been living under a rock. María is (among other things) member of the Civic Education Working Group, content manager of Europe on Track 2016/2017, moderator of the Gender Equality Interest Group and an AEGEE-Academy trainer. Her next step: running for Member of the Comité Directeur. Let’s get to know her personality and programme even better!

The AEGEEan: Hi María! Only a few weeks until Spring Agora Enschede! Are you ready?

IMG_9238María: Nobody is never fully ready for an Agora! I am really looking forward to it.

What makes you a perfect candidate for the Comité Directeur?

Whether I am the perfect candidate or not, is up to the Agora to decide. Being a CD assistant last year for 2,5 months definitely gave me a good insight into what it is like to be a CD member, so I am fully aware of what I am committing to and I am willing to do it. Among my tasks was the responsibility for the archives of AEGEE-Europe, a challenge that provided me with good knowledge about our association since it was founded, a deep understanding of what has been done and what is being done currently and many ideas and inspiration. Apart from that, I consider all my AEGEE experience really valuable for my learning process and therefore to my potential contribution to this position. I also consider my ability to multitask a big asset if I get elected. For several years now I have been used to simultaneously performing many tasks and carrying them out successfully, leading to more efficiency in my work. Last but not least, thanks to my studies (Translation and Interpreting, and Political Science) I come with good theoretical and practical knowledge that would be useful in representing AEGEE.

You want to give Interest Groups a bigger role in AEGEE. How do you want to implement this idea?

Firstly, I found a lack of knowledge of their potential, and a lack of guidance when it comes to internal structure. Of course, being flexible can be an asset for Interest Groups, so I would like to offer them guidance and regular meetings among the Interest Groups’ coordinators and active members to share best practices. In the end, it is a matter for each Interest Group to find their own identity within our organisation, but all possibilities should be on the table from the beginning.

Secondly, one of the biggest disadvantages that I find in Interest Groups is the lack of real-life meetings, which serve multiple purposes, among which team-building and developing projects, ideas and activity plans. In my opinion, progress meetings at Agorae for them should be given a priority, as they could be crucial for their development. Besides, resources should be allocated in order to allow them having real-life meetings in the CD house, just like the other thematic bodies.

Connecting the two points mentioned before, in real-life meetings (or even online), training in project management, moderation and other needs of the Interest Groups should be carried out. The Academy has plenty of materials to provide in this sense, so that these groups feel empowered to unlock their potential.

Finally, I want to foster cooperation among the thematic bodies of AEGEE. Working Groups and Interest Groups can easily work together and collaborate to organise thematic activities and to support each other, as well as with the NetCom and ACT. Furthermore, in the end we are all members of locals, so the more a member with an interest and knowledge on a topic feels supported, the more thematic local activities will happen, and I believe a domino effect could start in this sense.

What are your thoughts on the new Focus Areas for AEGEE chosen at Autumn Agora Chisinau? Is there a specific one close to your own interests?

12891537_10153619976624220_5780653828368815916_oThe current CD did an amazing job representing the Network in the best way possible in the development of the new Strategic Plan, a real democratic process. I was at the Ideas Factory in León and it was amazing to see so many people engaged and motivated in the discussions. So I think the new Focus Areas are ready to be a success, and also I am very happy to see that there are candidates for the four future Working Groups and many more people interested in joining them.

To be honest, I feel connected to all four of the new Focus Areas, as I have worked in a related area in one way or another. I am a member of the CEWG, moderator of the GEIG and a member of the Academy. I study Political Science specialising in the European Union and last year Europe on Track had as its main topic “Borderless Europe”. However, I must point out that I was most involved in the development of Equal Rights, as it is the most revolutionary Focus Area and it had a lot of work behind it. That process taught me a lot about advocating and defending your ideals, compromising and being true to your values, as well as leadership. I wish all the members to have such an intense and exciting experience in AEGEE.

There are multiple people running for External Director. Do you see yourself fit for any other CD position?

Yes, in Projects Director, due to my personal experience. However, I would like to point out that the tasks of CD are flexible and in the end all members of the team do external representation. Furthermore, all members of the team are appointed to a number of European Bodies. My preference is to take both a part of the External Relations portfolio and part of that of Projects Director, as I also think that, for the latter, handling all bodies is an impossible task that should be divided.

If you had to choose one aspect of your programme, what would be the most important one?

Connecting AEGEE with the external world and other stakeholders through thematics is the basis of my programme. More specifically, I would like to highlight enhancing our External Relations in all dimensions and contexts of AEGEE, which is more detailed in the answer to your last question.   

What are your personal strengths? And your weaknesses?


     Being a solution-oriented person with creativity to find solutions, taking into account different perspectives.

–      I am a seeker of consensus. I believe dialogue and common understanding are always possible and beneficial, leaving space for everyone to contribute and express themselves.

–      I consider myself a responsible and committed person.


     Due to the fact that I have lived in different cities since I joined AEGEE, my local experience is limited, not having been a board member of any antenna. This experience has allowed me to know the reality of different locals and the diversity of the Network at some extent, though I have a lot to learn and I hope to be given the opportunity to do so from the European Board.

     As I am a very active person and there are many topics that motivate me, I tend to take (too) many tasks, and this is a concern I have if I am elected to be part of the CD, as having too many tasks does not mean that you are performing well in all of them.

      I have to admit that my memory is not my best skill. I always carry a notebook with me to write everything down and set reminders often not to forget anything.

Are there any aspects where, in your opinion, external representation of AEGEE is lacking right now? Do you have a strategy to improve this during your term as CD member? 

In my opinion, the main problem of AEGEE’s external representation is the limited human resources that we have. Of course, this would be solved by developing a Secretariat that would allow the CD to take less bureaucratic tasks and therefore to be able to improve our external representation.

An idea I have discussed with Maarten and that will be probably on the table already before his term is the possibility to create a Committee grouping all the Liaison Officers and Pool of Representatives. Some of the objectives of this initiative will be to coordinate our actions on external representation and more easily share practices, contacts and information, while at the same time individual support to each one of them from the CD is provided.

As stated in my programme, I think many European Bodies (Working Groups and not only), with the support of AEGEE-Europe, could develop partnerships and collaborations with relevant partners in their fields of expertise. I would like to develop, together with them, a strategy to cover this field in an appropriate way for them, providing them also with contacts and opportunities to approach other stakeholders in their topics.

Another thing AEGEE is lacking currently is positions in current issues. Not having a clear position on certain topics of relevance makes us unable to send a clear message or to represent a clear perspective or idea, which ultimately is detrimental for our external relations. Encouraging our members to make research and consultation and take initiative in such positions, with the support of the CD, will empower our members to take ownership of current issues and take also further action, involve a bigger number of people, create awareness on different topics and connect them with AEGEE-Europe, among others.

Questions from the Network

With the juridical statement about late candidatures, explain why we should consider yours valid when you only started to write motivation and programme just on the 28th. Don’t you think that almost one week after the deadline to insert, not to improve, is too much?
17991553_790803074400665_52914864199977808_o (1)According to the current system, candidates are allowed to edit their candidatures a certain number of days after the deadline has passed, a fact that I personally consulted with the Juridical Commission. Due to the fact that the days prior the deadline I was at the
Education for the Present, Democracy for the Future Conference in Budapest, for which I was Content Manager, and a number of unforeseen issues, I was not able to finalise and insert my full candidature in the system by the deadline. This said, I do not think it is my competence to decide whether my candidature should be accepted or not, as it was submitted on time and according to the rules. If the Network thinks this system is not appropriate, a new one should be proposed and voted at Agora to be changed for the future.

In CD you share house and office with Financial Director, Secretary General and President. The work of the CD is really very dependent on the President and her vision for AEGEE. Which candidate do you prefer to work with, Réka or Loes?

First of all, I would like to state that the answer to this question is strictly professional, referring to ideas and working aspects. After having read both candidatures and talked to both of them, I can affirm that Loes and me have a very similar vision of AEGEE for the upcoming year. We share many points and believe in small, concrete changes rather than in revolutionary ideas, and would like to see more action and thematics in our association, for which the implementation of the new Strategic Plan and its first Action Agenda in the upcoming year will be crucial. Furthermore, we see the team dynamics and life in the house in the same way, being her leadership style supportive and empowering, which is, in my opinion, one of the main roles of the president. Finally, I can say we are on the same page as we belong to the same AEGEE generation, willing to provide new energy and ideas to our association.

What is your experience in writing grants?

I was the responsible to write the Franck Biancheri Award Grant from EoT and the CEWG, together with AEGEE-Budapest. I have also been part of the team writing the grant for an international activity for the European Youth Foundation for a training course on gender equality, led by Noemi Lowi and Kasia, together with other GEIG members, which will be submitted in October. As content manager of EoT, I have supervised and provided content for several grants we applied for as a project. I am aware this experience is not enough, and I am willing to train myself in this precious skill in different ways, as I did in November 2016 by doing the online course on Erasmus+ opportunities and grant writing.  

We know that the final task distribution will be done only during KT, but what is the position you would like to cover?

My main preference would be External Relations Director.


You can read her full candidature here

Written by Mireille Voorendt, AEGEE-Utrecht

Giuseppe Aquilino for Member of Comité Directeur: “I Will Do My Best to Serve and Protect” ../../../2017/05/18/giuseppe-aquilino-for-member-of-comite-directeur-i-will-do-my-best-to-serve-and-protect/ Thu, 18 May 2017 08:00:10 +0000 ../../../?p=40143 Since Giuseppe became a member in 2014, he has been active on a lot of different levels in AEGEE. Event and Agora organiser for AEGEE-Catania, SubCom of the Juridical Commission, SubCom of the NetCom and most recently: job shadower of CD is just the tip of the iceberg. Now he is on track to contribute to our organisation even more… Read more →


Since Giuseppe became a member in 2014, he has been active on a lot of different levels in AEGEE. Event and Agora organiser for AEGEE-Catania, SubCom of the Juridical Commission, SubCom of the NetCom and most recently: job shadower of CD is just the tip of the iceberg. Now he is on track to contribute to our organisation even more actively as he is running for Member of Comité Directeur. So let’s get to know Giuseppe even better!

The AEGEEan: Hi Giuseppe! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

13006638_10208022787880766_1247332455157385797_nGiuseppe: Hi, I’m Giuseppe Aquilino, I’m 28 and I am from Aegee-Catania. I study law at the University of Catania. Law is what I really love (keep in mind that I started to think about law when I was a child – I always had a very big sense of justice and always wanted to be active part in initiatives related to legality, as visiting prisons in my birthplace and talking to prisoners about the value of legality  and so on, for a project developed in my high school and created by my teachers and me) . My dream is to become a judge one day (and, if lucky, a judge of CGUE). I am specialising in European Criminal law and I should be graduated at the end of June. I joined AEGEE in 2014 and I started to become very active because I started to love the association since the first time. Now I am subcommissioner of the current JC, I was subcommissioner of Network commissioner Lisa, that I admire really much (especially for the task she gave to me: national beurocracy – I know, boring but I liked it – and organisation) and for the love she has for AEGEE. Now I want to be part of the CD as you all know, because, as I wrote in my programme, AEGEE gave me a lot and it’s time to give AEGEE something back. Some friends asked me: “Why not the JC?”. I love the Juridical Commission; being a SubCom of the JC was the most beautiful experience in my life as AEGEEan BUT I want to be more active to contribute actively to the decisional process of the organisation. I want to be as much active as I can.

We can read in your application that you have been a CD job shadower. What vital experience have you learned from those days?

“I was CD job shadower” is not completely exact. I mean I was “Maarten’s nightmare” for two days. I was, I think, annoying him every time, with questions and stuff, but he was (and is) too kind for telling me to go ahead, so he was patient and he explained to me as much as he could. What did I learn from those days? Well, I learnt that two days are not enough, and I learnt how hard is it to work “in da house” but I also learnt that you (me in this case) have to firstly trust yourself: if you want to do it, you can do it. And last but not least, I learnt that if I will be elected, I will go to Bruxelles before the “knowledge transfer period” in order to stress all CD members and to learn as much as I can, also contributing to their work and doing as much as I can.

There are multiple people running for External Director. Do you see yourself fit for any other CD position?

13221377_1114235318633966_6395586248708074593_oI saw that, after me, other friends started to run for External Relations director so I didn’t think about another position. Of course that position is the closest to me, but, of course, if elected, the most important thing, for me, is AEGEE’s own good. That means I will cover any position needed. It doesn’t matter how hard it is to learn everything needed for the position I could have after the CD task division. And after all, during these days, I was working as local HR for AEGEE (our HR broke his leg) in “university box” in Catania. So, why not starting to stress a bit Lia, our HR director.

You want to promote ‘AEGEE identity’ through traditional and new media channels. What is your view on what the ‘AEGEE identity’ is?

The answer to this question is very easy. I studied a lot about AEGEE identity, also because I am an active member of my local and I always start to talk about identity – at European level, to the new members. We have three “levels” in our identity: Vision, mission and means. The vision is related to the kind of Europe that AEGEE dreams of (democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, which is socially, economically and politically integrated, and values the participation of young people in its construction and development); the mission is to have a role in reaching this vision, so AEGEE empowers students and young people in Europe to take an active role in society, creating a space for dialogue and learning opportunities as well as acts as their representative towards decision-makers and also AEGEE strengthens mutual understanding and brings Europe closer to young people. And 3rd we arrive to the means, i.e. tools AEGEE uses in its work to achieve its mission, that are the methods we are using in the activities that our association carries out: we have Intercultural Exchange; Personal Development and Non Formal Education; Thematic Projects; Advocacy and Policy and Forum for Discussion. In my vision, we “just” have to promote all of that and let the people discover how amazing AEGEE is. We can do it, I can’t do it, not alone, but all together we will find a way to come back to the period in which AEGEE was very strong, and we will make AEGEE stronger. A vison to the future but learning from the past.

In your programme we can read you want to do more about the knowledge the Network has about the external relations, especially for new members. What is the value of educating the new AEGEE members on what AEGEE does externally? 

There is an immense value to that. I mean, during the Agora there are a lot of people that are delegates, but, many of them have no idea what a Strategic Plan is, or what they are really voting for, or something like that. It’s just “internal knowledge” they miss of what AEGEE really does. Can you imagine the same for what AEGEE does externally? I mean, we had a lot of results in our mission to be borderless for example. Who really knows about that? My big experience on that comes from my own local: new members (what a mess!) think AEGEE is just fun, Erasmus world, parties and so on; I tested the ground during our main events where I was delegate, the Agora, and people from other locals thought the same, except for the fact that in our European events there are not Erasmus but only AEGEEans. So, let’s try to teach what AEGEE really means, of course in an “easy way”, in a “fun way”, but let’s teach, and that includes also, if not at the top, what AEGEE really does in Europe. Let’s give to our new members a bit of our love for AEGEE and give them the tools to develop their own love.

What are your thoughts on the new Focus Areas for AEGEE chosen at Autumn Agora Chisinau? Is there a specific one close to your own heart?

IMG-20161015-WA0018I was in Chisinau and I was there during the discussion of the choice of the new focus areas. It doesn’t matter if there is or there is not one close to my own heart. I respect Agora, the decision of delegates that represent all the local, so I will work (if elected) for all of them. Maybe one year is not enough, but, you know, if elected I will do my best from the CD, if not elected I will do my best from my own local, I love AEGEE and I respect all the ideas and the points of the new Strategic Plan. But, I can’t deny that I like the aim “Promote civic education by increasing the civic competences of young people and by putting civic education on the political agenda” from the thematic focus area and I like all the organisational improvement of the new Strategic Plan, each part, each point.

What are your strengths and weaknesses as a person?

As for strengths, I am very patient and I never give up: I try and try and try till the time I achieve my goal. Weaknesses? Well I didn’t think seriously about that, I think, maybe, I take care of the opinions of other people and often I try to find a common point, but I don’t think it is a weakness. I could see a defect as a weakness: I am stubborn.

Finally, since the work of the CD is greatly dependent on the vision of the President. Do you have a preference to work with either Réka or Loes as President?

It is a very bad question you know? I have no preference. I know both of them, I like them and I like their programmes (I really read both their programmes). I am feeling comfortable in any case if elected and I, of course, will do my best in one case or in the other. I just say to them both: you are awesome! Good luck to all of you, and I hope to work with you at the house.

Questions from the Network

What is your experience in writing grants?  

My experience in writing grants? I’m writing all the grants for the next agora Catania as member of the legal team. Every kind of grant. I also prepare grants for rentals in my experience in “Anfitrione project” in Catania with students of the Erasmus project that need help in Catania. I am a legal counselor in three different condos.

We know the final task distribution is done during KT, but what is the position you would like to cover?

I thought my programme was clear, maybe I have to look at it again. I would like to be External Relations and Communications Director but, if needed, I will be flexible for AEGEE’s own good.

In your programme you are mentioning communication, external relations and the Academy. What are your relevant experiences in these fields, since you haven’t done much on the European level?

IMG-20170511-WA0002I know I have not much experience in the European level of AEGEE, but, you know, in my opinion for sure it is important but not fundamental. I mean, if I was a commissioner of any other commission, would I have maybe any experience in the CD work? I don’t think so. I mentioned the Academy because I believe in the collaboration between all the European Bodies. I mentioned ER because I always worked with other institution, of course at the local level, but after all I studied European institutions, international law, European Union law, I know how they work and I also, let me say that, know how to formulate a request or anything else to a public institution or European body, I can understand rules of civil and common law and, consequently, I can find the proper way to contact them in each country. Of course, to have a positive feedback is another thing. About communication, I wrote in my application I was press responsible for my high school and, in AEGEE, I am in the IT & press working group, of course I am there for the press and not for IT. About the Academy, there is a guy in the Academy that is my mentor, he talks to me about his ideas, his vision of AEGEE and also the Academy. I agree with his vision and I think CD and Academy can collaborate. Isn’t the main point the future of the association? May the Academy refuse to help AEGEE to become stronger? I don’t have much experience, it’s true, that’s why I need help from the Academy, they “teach”, they are experienced, and I trust them. I also want to learn as much as I can also because I will be not at the top if elected. Conversely I must learn more than before, in order to do everything as better as I can, because, as I learnt during my first experience in Europe (and I was just a SubCom), European bodies in AEGEE – especially the CD – exist to protect and to serve the association. Of course the CD leads, but it can lead only if followed, and to be followed it must serve and protect. I promise: if elected I will do my best to serve and protect.


You can read his full candidature here.

Written by Mireille Voorendt, AEGEE-Utrecht

Daniel Tufeanu for the Network Commission: “Focus On Developing Our Existing Locals and Strenghtening Our Network” ../../../2017/05/18/daniel-tufeanu-for-the-network-commission-focus-on-developing-our-existing-locals-and-strenghtening-our-network/ Thu, 18 May 2017 06:00:48 +0000 ../../../?p=40281 Meet Daniel Tufeanu:  AEGEE-București’s President and a member of the Human Resources Committee. Besides that he is also a two-term SubCommie for the Central European locals under Lavinia and Alin. Now it’s his time to shine as he is running for the Network Commission. He has a clear five-point programme, and a desire to give as much back to the Network… Read more →

Meet Daniel Tufeanu:  AEGEE-București’s President and a member of the Human Resources Committee. Besides that he is also a two-term SubCommie for the Central European locals under Lavinia and Alin. Now it’s his time to shine as he is running for the Network Commission. He has a clear five-point programme, and a desire to give as much back to the Network as he has gained from it. He calls it both ‘a dream and a challenge’. 
The AEGEEan: Hi Daniel! Can you introduce yourself?12345437_1218736574808896_5938333256281954158_n
Hello, I am Daniel Tufeanu, president of AEGEE-București and candidate for the Network Comission. I have joined AEGEE in November 2014, intrigued by the “multicultural/European” aspect of out organisation. I study languages and I am HR enthusiast (proud HRC member, as well). Although I joined in late 2014, I finally understood what AEGEE is about after my first Network Meeting in autumn 2015 (so after one year) in Cluj-Napoca. After that I have become more involved and interested in European Bodies and in AEGEE as a Network.
What skills did you learn from your SubCom experience?
My subcom experience is not massive, as I did not have many delegated tasks (yet). However, it taught me the importance of delegation in a team in order to keep members engaged, and to act fast in case of “emergency” (like contacting locals regarding the members’ list).
You mention that you have limited experience on the European level. Do you feel confident that you can contribute enough as NetCom?
I do admit I have limited experience in European Bodies, but I believe that the experience I got so far is relevant to the position I am applying for (especially the experience in the Planning Team and, more recently, the Human Resources Comittee). And I believe I compensate my potential lack of experience with motivation and desire to learn, as some of the best Network Comissioners, who weren’t particularly experienced when they first joined the commission.
Why did you not go to a Network Meeting this spring? 10647033_1166536390028915_4069836056834788481_n
I have been to three Network Meetings so far, three semesters in a row. This year, due to university and also financial issues, I had to chose two out of three from EPM Zagreb, ETC+ and NWM, and I preferred attending events I have not attended before so I could get a more complete knowledge and experience. And I have learned a lot from EPM and ETC+.
Looking back at your time as Secretary and President of your local, what is the best advice a NetCom could have given to you?
The best advice the NetCom could have given me as president is not to take all responsibility on myself and not to be afraid to ask for help. These are two pieces of information I had to learn on myself. And as Secretary, I felt like, somehow, I was not important (as I did not have a local working group to coordinate) and, looking back, I would have liked to be told that my work and my contribution was as valuable as anyone else’s.
In your programme you mention you want to discuss ‘issues related to the working format’. Could you elaborate on this? 
It is possible that the statement expressed is unfortunate, so, in order to clarify, I say that I am not conservative and I am open to discussion regarding certain aspects of the NetCom (for example, monthtly activity reports). However, I do not want any radical changes, I believe that certain things may seem complicated, but there is a reason behind them and they make sense (like having Antenna Criteria).
What do you think of the current state of the Network? What aspects would you like to improve? 
11136715_1081879521827936_5310223991181861450_nAlthough it is a wondeful feeling everytime we see a contact of AEGEE-Europe being announced or when we sing The Convention d’Adhesion, I believe that we should focus on developing our existing locals and strenghtening our Network. Althought, statistically, the Network is slowly reducing its numbers, we can achieve more if we stop worrying while doing nothing and start focusing on making the locals stable and making our members live the AEGEE identity.
I do not see you on the participants’ list for Spring Agora Enschede. Will you be presenting your candidacy there, or will someone else do it for you?
Yes, you are right, I am not on the participants’ list. I cannot attend this Agora, as I am in my final year and I have finals exactly during Agora. However, Veva from AEGEE-Berlin will be kind enough to present my candidature (Thank you so much!). I will watch livestreams and be ready to answer questions regarding my candidature as fast as I can.
How would your close friends describe your character?
My close friends would describe me as empathetic, dreamy and kind. I have a way of adapting myself to other people so it is not very easy to get to know the real “me”, in general, but the AEGEE environment is a safe bubble and, for better or worse, it makes it easier for people to be themselves.
Questions from the Network
What is the area of the Network you would like to work with?12015074_1183707361645151_2929965049999426509_o
Most of my experience regarding groups of locals involves the Central Europe Dragons locals, but I do not have a strong preference for a certain region. Working with locals I do not particularly know only involves more responsibility into getting to know the state of the respective locals, and I am willing to take that responsibility.
What is your experience in writing grants?
I have experience in the former Youth in Action project and, thus, I am familiar with the Erasmus+ format. I have participated in writing grants in a team and I am familiar with certain aspects and particularities of the (Youth in Action) Erasmus+ programme.
You can read his full candidature here.
Written by Mireille Voorendt, AEGEE-Utrecht
The Next LGBT+ Event by AEGEE-Amsterdam: ‘Whatever Floats Your (Rain)Boat!’ ../../../2016/11/09/the-next-lgbt-event-by-aegee-amsterdam-whatever-floats-your-rainboat/ Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:00:16 +0000 ../../../?p=37446 Two days ago, we published an article (embed link to article) about the latest LGBT+ event by AEGEE-Utrecht, and today we proudly present to you an interview with one of the organisers of the next LGBT+ event! It will take place in Amsterdam from the 23th till the 27th of January 2017. Here to tell us more about it is Romy… Read more →


Two days ago, we published an article (embed link to article) about the latest LGBT+ event by AEGEE-Utrecht, and today we proudly present to you an interview with one of the organisers of the next LGBT+ event! It will take place in Amsterdam from the 23th till the 27th of January 2017. Here to tell us more about it is Romy Cartiere, one of the organisers!


Romy Cartiere, AEGEE-Amsterdam

The AEGEEan: Hi Romy! You are one of the organisers of the second LGBT+ themed event in the Netherlands! Awesome! What motivated you and your local to organise such a themed event?

Romy: Hi! Well, LGBT+ issues in Europe have gained an increasing interest within AEGEE over the past few months with the creation of an Interest Group, ambitions to start a project and to even incorporate LGBT+ rights as a topic in one of the new Focus Areas! But, first of all, we think it is an interesting and important topic, and Amsterdam is a nice environment for such an event. Not so much because of the LGBT nightlife and social events, but also because several LGBT orientated organisations are active here who could help us with the thematic part of the event.


boot-5Did AEGEE-Amsterdam do anything on the topic of LGBT+ discussion before?

Yes! Shortly before I became a member, there was an event with an LGBT theme ,and also our Cultural Committee organised a discussion evening about LGBT that happened maybe over one or two years ago. And we just had a transgender themed party about two weeks ago during our introductory period!


groep-i-amsterdam-2Which activities can the participants expect?

Of course the participants will see lots of Amsterdam during the city tour, a red light district tour, a bike ride etc. There will be Dutch-themed activities, and of course a social programme that will blow your socks off (more info on the Facebook page of the event).

Then, apart from this Amsterdam/Dutch madness, there will also be slightly more serious activities regarding the topic of LGBT+. We are still working on this thematic part, but we are striving for interactive activities that stimulate the understanding of LGBT+ issues in Europe. This will range from a workshop about transgenderism, to visiting an LGBT+ orientated student organisation.

We are also thinking of incorporating the LGBT+ theme into the ‘discover Amsterdam’ part a bit. We can, for instance, do this by telling about the transgender prostitutes of Amsterdam during the red light district tour, or by passing the homomonument during the city tour. Also, if the participants are interested in visiting a gay bar, that could be arranged!


homomonument-2For who are you organising this event?

It goes without saying that everyone is welcome at this event. However, this event is organised with a certain thought in mind. We understand that the LGBT+ topic can be quite a taboo in Europe, even in countries in which it is not expected. This results in the fact that these topics are not being discussed within our society, which leads to young people growing up without an idea of the issues that play a part within the LGBT+ community, or even knowing what LGBT+ stands for. Do you, for instance, know that in the + part of LGBT+ there are also asexual and intersex persons? Or that pansexual is also a sexual orientation? We would like to give the opportunity to those who grew up in an environment of restrictions to discover more about gender identity and sexual orientation in a step-by-step way.


What is the importance of this event for AEGEE?

As I mentioned, LGBT+ issues in Europe have gained increasing interest within AEGEE, and not without reason. Discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation still exists in an overwhelming amount within Europe, not only on a societal level, but also on the governmental one. In order for AEGEE to contribute to the debate in a meaningful way, it is of importance that our own members are familiar with the situation and with the community that is experiencing these problems.


Why should people apply for this event?schaatsen-4-1

This event is perfect for everyone! We ensure that you will have a great time in Amsterdam and that you will make friends for life during these five days. No matter if you are a total new in the field of gay rights or the biggest LGBT+ rights activist, we will make sure that you won’t leave this event before saying ‘I hadn’t thought about that!’

So challenge yourself and apply!


Thank you!


Find the link to the Facebook event here and the intranet page here

By Mireille Voorendt, AEGEE-Utrecht

LGBT+ themed event: Colours without Borders ../../../2016/11/07/lgbt-themed-event-colours-without-borders/ Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:00:48 +0000 ../../../?p=37377 Loving whoever you want to love, it seems such a simple concept, but hardly anywhere in our beloved Europe is this concept fully accepted. In a lot of places taboos, restrictions or normative heterosexual laws are still in place. In our diverse AEGEE, lots of people feel the burden of that reality, and that is what motivated the organisers of… Read more →


Loving whoever you want to love, it seems such a simple concept, but hardly anywhere in our beloved Europe is this concept fully accepted. In a lot of places taboos, restrictions or normative heterosexual laws are still in place. In our diverse AEGEE, lots of people feel the burden of that reality, and that is what motivated the organisers of “Colours without Borders” to organise their LGBT+ themed event. With a new Focus Area on Equal Rights, these kinds of events are becoming more and more important in AEGEE!

13528418_1235342716506680_8679808539000022251_oThe idea for this event came from Carina van Hoof, at the time a board member of AEGEE-Utrecht. She put out an open call for members who were interested in organising such an event. Kiki, one of the organisers, told us:  “Our event focused on a theme and a group of people that in my opinion deserves more attention and acceptation.”

The first day started with a city tour to get to know the city of Utrecht better. Highlighted in this tour where the LGBT+ facts and sights, like the rainbow pedestrian cross-over. The informative and social activities that followed over the following days were all related to the LGBT+ topic in one way or another. Some highlights from the programme were the lectures about sexual diversity, a LGBT+ crazy88 [a city quest, ed.] in Amsterdam, an awareness-workshop, and going to the biggest LGBT+ student party in the Netherlands.

The participants formed a rainbow of nationalities and diversity among themselves: they came from Italy, Belgium, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, Spain, Ukraine and Germany. Seven of them were men and six were women. Some participants personally connected to the LGBT+ community, some were just interested in the topic. With this wide range of countries, every participant brought their own experiences with them. In the Netherlands people take pride in being one of the first progressive countries to legalise gay marriage. However, the reality sometimes doesn’t reflect this reputation. The word ‘homo’ is still often used as a swearword, and same-sex couples still feel uncomfortable walking hand-in-hand down the street.

The organisers deliberately planned their event during the 20th edition of the ‘Midzomergracht festival’, during which the city of Utrecht celebrates sexual and gender diversity. For this festival the event organised a lecture on the same topic and a ‘gender in the blender’ themed party, both open for anyone who wanted to attend. Besides this, the participants got acquainted with students from the Utrecht Gay Student Association ‘Anteros’ during a LGBT+ themed pub quiz. Lucia Conde of AEGEE-Bilbao said: “The workshop’s approach was great: before the group discussion, the room was divided into ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ areas and we had to personally answer to LGBT related questions and statements by physically moving to one of them. It was a very visual (and sometimes shocking) way of seeing the reality of the LGBT situation socially and personally for each of us.”

p1060702Some participants had a happy message about the situation in their country, others not so much. But all found an event like this to be a safe place to discuss these topics . Safe clubs can be found, safe parties can be set everywhere. The feeling of being free to be as I am that was supplied by the safe atmosphere of Utrecht and the Netherlands was the best feeling. Of course the parties and the activities were so great, but I didn’t feel as free as I felt in Utrecht in my country”, explained a participant from Turkey. The atmosphere meant a lot to everyone, because they were able to talk freely about their daily struggles regarding this subject. Bali, from AEGEE-Debrecen and AEGEE-Budapest said: Being able to compare the LGBT+ situation and some of its matters of my home country with several others at one single international event is a special opportunity.”

photo-24-06-16-13-27-57When asked about the future of the LGTB+ topic in AEGEE-Europe, everyone agreed on one thing: there needs to be more attention to  it and more events like this. Anastasia from AEGEE-Bruxelles agreed that we should discuss more about this topic in AEGEE: “It would be great if events like these were organised in different countries. I can’t imagine what would it be like if there is an event like this in Ukraine”. A few weeks after the event, the official LGBT+ Interest Group was created. Others added that a Focus Area on equality or love would be great (and apparently the Agora agreed, since Equal Rights ranked number one on the Focus Area list)!

The organisers loved the chill and informal atmosphere of the group. One of the yells during the event was GAAAAAYYYYYY, which showed everyone was poking fun at each other. Whoever spent time at the event noticed what it meant to each of the participants and the organisers. A quote from Julia (AEGEE-Frankfurt) uses exactly the right words to reflect on this event:  “If you arrive at an event and immediately feel like you have been with these people all your life, then that’s a good sign. This group turned out as one of the safest and joyful groups I have ever had an event with and I think this was partly because of the honesty and authenticity of each individual” .

 Just a small note to end this article:

13512006_1467504119930029_7488465729042162067_nA week ago, when writing this article, the world celebrated ‘International Coming Out day’. A day to speak out your support for people who feel like they have to hide their sexual orientation. These kind of events could contribute to prevent anyone in AEGEE to ever feel marginalised. This event has already found a successor. It has been announced that AEGEE-Amsterdam will organise a similar but more informative event on the subject, called “Whatever Floats Your Rainboat!”.

Read more about it in the upcoming interview with Romy Cartiere, organiser of this event, and stay updated on the LGBT+ topic within AEGEE-Europe by becoming part of the Interest Group’s Facebook group.

Written by Mireille Voorendt, AEGEE-Utrecht
