Working Groups

Climate Emergency Working Group: “The actions have overpassed the expectations, and the best is yet to come”

“The Focus Area of Climate Emergency aims to educate young people and empower them to practice active citizenship in order to contribute to the green transition, understood as the individual and collective measures that need to be taken to prevent an environmental catastrophe” ( The (almost) middle of their term seemed like the perfect moment to take a look at… Read more →

Social Equity Working Group: “The pandemic has increased inequality in a lot of aspects so there are many things to do to help to achieve equity”

“Social Equity Focus Area aims to make young people aware of discrimination based on place of origin, gender, sexual orientation, and disabilities, and take action to promote equity from an intersectional perspective. Raise awareness, position itself and take action to tackle discrimination from an intersectional perspective, with the aim of promoting social equity” ( It has been 6 months since… Read more →

Closer to the European Neighbourhood: The Eastern Partnership Project

The Eastern Partnership Project of AEGEE first started in 2011 and was built upon the EU’s project of Eastern Partnership which was created in 2008-09. Since then, it has reunited young and talented students from the European continent, EaP countries and even from Turkey and Russia around a common goal: to encourage and to empower youth, to raise awareness about… Read more →

Dear AEGEEans, mental health matters!

Mental health awareness is one of the YDWG’s objectives for 2018/19 When it comes to physical health, everybody seems to be concerned about it and tries to live an acceptable lifestyle. Nevertheless, the mental aspect happens to be quite forgotten.  We had a talk with Desireé Van Langen (member of the Youth Development Working Group), and Sara Þöll (member of… Read more →

Fighting Discrimination in Europe: AEGEE is in!

AEGEE stands for borderless Europe and no Europe can be  “borderless” with a barrier in between them. This barrier is not the barrier of roads, not the barrier of trees, not the barrier of Alps but, the barrier of us humanity known as discrimination. Equal Rights Working Group strives to break this barrier and make the Europe truly borderless. Here… Read more →