European Events

The Surprising Truth From a Dutch-German SU

The Netherlands and Germany… One would directly think about beer, weed, and the Red Light District. The discovery made by some lucky participants could not be further from this! The Germans and Dutchmen like to discipline people. That is why between the 4th and 19th of July, participants realised what the word “justice” means during an AEGEE event. This was… Read more →

Knowledge Sharing During NWM in Delft

From the 20th until the 23rd of November, AEGEE-Delft will host around 50 AEGEE members for their Network Meeting. Participants of Autumn NWM Delft will have the unique opportunity to be inspired while visiting a beautiful city with an intriguing past and a very positive outlook on the future. Memories of a very successful Summer University gave AEGEE-Delft the motivation they needed to… Read more →

NWM Will Bring Out the Best of AEGEE-Valencia

Summer has been over for a while now, but AEGEE Valencia keeps offering the opportunity to create unforgettable memories. From the 13th until the 15th of November, Network Meeting Valencia will be hosted in Corbera, a small town located 40km from the region’s capital. Charming Corbera is well known for its monuments and its rich history. Network Meetings are events… Read more →

Fasten Your BElts While Discovering Belarus

This summer I was a participant of the Travel Summer University (TSU) Fasten the Belt in Belarus, which was been organised by AEGEE-Minsk and AEGEE-Grodno. The TSU through the beautiful Belarus was simply amazing and beyond awesome. We were 15 motivated participants from Spain, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Ukraine, all of us ready to know the country better… Read more →

Music, Rhythm and Kafana: This is How the Balkan Beats!

With the intention of making this year’s Summer University (SU) the best possible, AEGEE-Niš and AEGEE-Sofia joined their creative forces and the magic happened – “Balkan Beats” was born. In the spotlight of this SU were, as the name itself hints, music and dance, both traditional and modern ones. 25 participants from all over Europe had the opportunity to experience… Read more →

SUrviving the Extremity of Nature in Brescia

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear of Brescia? Footballers Pirlo and Balotelli who come from the same named province, mountains, lakes, or just a small hidden and relatively unknown paradise midst the famous Franciacorta vineyards? Brescia is all of them and even more. Heading there for AEGEE’s Summer University (SU) I wasn’t sure whether… Read more →

Workshops During Autumn Agora Kyïv II: Refugee Crisis and Reflecting on Europe

During Autumn Agora Kyïv, several workshops will take place, divided into four sessions. The first three sessions will take place in the second day of the Agora, and the fourth one will be on the fourth day. In the first session of workshops, which will be on the 15th of October, from 12:00 to 14:00. There will be one workshop called… Read more →