European Events

Joanna Pankowska – EPM Topic on “No Topic, Strong Focus (on Focus Areas/Action Agenda)”

At Autumn Agora Kyiv we are going to vote for the European Planning Meeting (EPM) topic and we can choose from five. Joanna Pankowska from AEGEE-Warszawa had a bold idea and proposed the topic “No topic, strong focus (on Focus Areas/Action Agenda)”. If this topic will be chosen, at the EPM Leiden 2016 we will discuss our focus area, instead… Read more →

Loes Rutten’s EPM topic on “Breaking Language Barriers”

Loes Rutten’s proposal for Autumn Agora Kyïv “Breaking language barriers”  is an educational topic that affects young people all over Europe. Language can be a rock barrier for communication and, therefore, for education as well. Asked how she came up with the idea of “Breaking language barriers: Accessibility of youth opportunities starts with a common language” as a topic for EPM, she replied:… Read more →

Proposals for Dummies V: Proposals only at the Autumn Agora, Election of Coordinator of WG and AEGEE Social Responsibility Fund

Just like we did for the last Agorae, for Autumn Agora Kyïv we want to provide you again with a short and easy summary of the proposals submitted. In this fifth and last round, we will be explaining you three proposals, namely ‘Presenting proposals only at the Autumn Agora’, ‘Electing the Working Group Coordinators’ and ‘Financial Rules: AEGEE Social Responsibility… Read more →

Proposals for Dummies IV: Visitors selection, LTC as Criterion and Number of votes for locals

Just like we did for the last Agorae, for Autumn Agora Kyïv we want to provide you again with a short and easy summary of the proposals submitted. In this fourth round, we will be explaining you three proposals that focus on different topics, from the selection of visitors to the number of votes for locals and LTC and RTC,… Read more →

Proposals for Dummies III: Reimbursements, Travel Costs and Bookkeeping

Just like we did for the past Agorae, for Autumn Agora Kyïv we want to provide you again with a short and easy summary of the proposals submitted. In this third round, we will be explaining three proposals that focus on changing some financial rules when it comes to travel, namely ‘Reimbursement for Honorary Members of AEGEE-Europe’, ‘Travel costs’ and… Read more →

Andrea Ugrinoska and Maarten de Groot – EPM topic on “The Future of the University – it’s in OUR hands!”

Another proposal for the EPM is coming from Andrea Ugrinoska & Maarten de Groot who want to focus on three major questions regarding the future of the university: “1. What were the causes of the different student protests that have emerged in European university cities over the last one or two years and how did the protests come to an… Read more →

Romy Cartiere’s Proposal for EPM on Refugees in Europe – “Europe vs. the Rest: Change of Perspective?”

Along with the interviews for the candidates applying for the opened positions at Autumn Agora Kyiv 2015, the AEGEEan has taken some time to simplify for the readers the proposals for the European events topics. The one we will focus on here is the one from Romy Cartiere which is a very present-day topic, regarding the Syrian refugees in Europe.   Being… Read more →

“An Agora Seldom Comes Alone”: Discover the Pre-events of Autumn Agora Kyïv 2015

From the 14th to the 18th of October, one of AEGEE’s most important events, the Autumn Agora, will be held in Kyïv and as any seasoned AEGEE member knows: an Agora seldom comes alone. The main event is always accompanied by several pre-events that are organised  especially by dedicated antennae. This years participants had the opportunity to choose from five creative… Read more →