European Events

40 Partners in Crime (Re)Discovering the Dutch Culture!

From the 21th of July to the 5th of August, 24 crazy participants were ready for a new adventure: discovering the “other side” of the Netherlands by joining the Travelling Summer University (TSU) of  Utrecht, Delft & Amsterdam: Discover Your New Partner in Crime. During these two weeks everyone found their partners, worked together on several tasks and got to experience the… Read more →

Proposals for Dummies I: Changing the CIA, the Role of JC During Elections and Removing CD as Observer in the JC

Just like we did for the last Agorae, for Autumn Agora Kyïv again we want to provide you with a short and easy summary of the proposals submitted for the Agora. In this first round, we will be explaining you three proposals that are aimed at improving the CIA and the work of Juridical Commission, namely ‘Improving the CIA one… Read more →

Training for Trainers in Bucharest: A Follow-Up With the Organisers and Participants!

Training for Trainers (T4T) was organised this spring by AEGEE-București and took place from 14th-20th March in București. If you did not have the chance to apply for the event, you can find out in this article what the organisers think of the whole event, what challenges they encountered and how they got along with the participants. We talked to… Read more →

Eastern Partnership Convention in Kraków: “Bringing attention to the region helps to get more recognition and support.”

From the 20th to the 24th of May, AEGEE-Kraków in cooperation with the Eastern Partnership Project of AEGEE-Europe (EaP) will organise a convention on the Eastern Partnership in the city of Kraków, Poland. The convention will host 23 people from all around Europe and will tackle issues such as European integration and the international relations with the countries from the… Read more →

Let AEGEE Inspire Your Life!

AEGEE Inspire aims at inspiring AEGEEans, giving everyone the opportunity to present their inspiring story in a limited amount of time in order to motivate other members. The AEGEEan interviewed Mathijs Waegemakers, AEGEE-Enschede, and Anna Gumbau, AEGEE-Barcelona, about their experience as host of AEGEE Inspire at Agora Patra 2014 (Mathijs) and at EPM Burgos 2015 (Anna). Read on to find out more about it! The… Read more →

Find Love at Network Meeting A Coruña

AEGEE-A Coruña is hosting the Spring Network Meeting (NWM) which is going to take place in April, 24th to 26th April and they are going to host 60 participants. Alejandra Piot Pérez Abadín, main organizer of the NWM and Olga Rivero Menéndez, Network Commissioner answered some questions to the AEGEEan. The AEGEEan: Why did you apply to organise the NWM?… Read more →