European Events

A Dutch-Deutsch AdvenTSUre Vol. II: TSU AEGEE-Köln and AEGEE-Eindhoven

If people start thinking about travelling there is always a question that comes to our mind: which is the best way to travel? This Summer University gave us opportunities to try several different types of travelling. Arriving in Eindhoven was easy, we got picked up by organisers who drove us to the scouting place that would be our home for… Read more →

RadioACTIVE with AEGEE-Kyiv: One crazy summer adventure

“I’m going on Summer University to Ukraine!” was a statement that causes a lot of raised eyebrows and concerns. With the unstable political situation, the war in the east of the country, and the downing of the MH17  a week before the start of the SU, the concerns seemed valid. Nevertheless, 18 of the bravest AEGEEans decided to not let… Read more →

Eins, Drei, Zwei! – SU “Get trashed the green way!” by AEGEE-Aachen

“If you do not know what Flunky Ball Game is and did not visit a German wedding, you wasted your summer” – SU “Get trashed the green way!” participants  AEGEE-Aachen Summer University “Get trashed the green way!” was organised as a rare combination of three types of SUs – a Language Course for those whose passion was the German language,… Read more →

Find your treaSUre in Samara…

The Summer University  in Samara was unforgettable. The name of this project was “Find your treaSUre in Samara”. Each participant was really able to find his or her own treasure, a different treasure for each person. Some found new friends, some found love, some emotions, some people discovered the Russian language and felt the beauty of nature in the Samara… Read more →

Summer University Think different: Get out of your comfort zone!

Everyone returned home, feeling eventually relaxed after two crazy-rushy-hasty-HAPPY weeks, but at the same time, reluctant even to upload photos, not talking about writing stories of the week. But how different it was just a week ago! Each morning started with some person (sometimes you did not even know who he or she was) bursting into your room saying some… Read more →

Travel Summer University Barcelona and Valladolid: a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

There you are, in the air somewhere between your home country and the Summer University. Destination: two unforgettable weeks. Valladolid, June 20th 2014. As we arrived, tired from the more or less long travel, we just had the time to put down our luggage and choose a spot to place our air-mattress and we were immediately thrown into some ice-breaking… Read more →