European Events

“U” Improves You

Let’s illustrate an image together, shall we? Let’s imagine people getting together to develop themselves. Self-realization through different exercises, and getting to know yourself in the present: who you are, your environment, and how it influences you. Then, realizing your past through different techniques, and learning to cherish the good times and letting go of the bad. Finally, looking into… Read more →

Discovering and falling in love with the beautiful Transylvania

Summer vacation is probably the happiest period in a student’s life. How amazing can it get when you are travelling together with forty people from all around Europe, discovering Transylvania (Romania)?   Cluj-Napoca was where our journey began. This beautiful, ancient, and vibrant city made us fall in love with it from the very first sight. On our first day… Read more →

Are you a good lobbyist?

“Are you a good lobbyist”? This was the central question to a simulation played at the Summer University of AEGEE-Delft, “Create your own world”. More than 20 participants and some of the organisers took part in this interactive workshop on European Union sustainability policy, getting a hands-on grip on the mechanisms of lobbying at the European level. In order to… Read more →

Jamón its Zaragoza

“I Love Jamón” is the slogan of the famous t-shirt from AEGEE-Zaragoza. However, it is not the only food that the people from Aragón love. Chema Rueda, Main organizer of the Agora Zaragoza, spoke with The AEGEEan about the food of Zaragoza and the food for ZarAGORA. What is special about the food in Zaragoza? In Zaragoza, we have a… Read more →