Today you can hear a lot of gossips about nearly dead Belarusian antennae which are still saving their statuses only due to previous merits, and that their last mutual international event was a dramatic catastrophe… “Myth is the hidden part of every story, the buried part, the region that is still unexplored because there are as yet no words to… Read more →
European Events
Word of the Week – Maslenitsa
AEGEE is truly a European organisation. It is full of different cultures, traditions and names. When I first joined AEGEE, the “oldies” gave us a list of different words in “vocabulary” they gained from the time they joined. At that time, I have heard only perhaps one of the words from the long list. One truly does learn a lot… Read more →
First Look Into EBM Valletta 2013
It was recently announced that the EBM 2013 will be hosted by AEGEE-Valletta. An event that will bring approximately 300 participants from all over Europe to the sunny island of Malta in February next year. The AEGEEan caught up with the president of AEGEE-Valletta Chris Frendo to congratulate him with the selection as host of EBM 2013 and to get… Read more →
Best Dressed Girl Award
“Nossa, Nossa assim voce me mataaa, ai se eu te pego, ai ai se eu te pego,” If you do not know this song, then you must be living under a rock because it has been playing all over clubs and radios for some time now. And for sure, the same words uttered by Michel Telo’ may have come to… Read more →
„You’re simply the best, better than all the rest” – The AEGEEans Choice Awards 2012
The AEGEEan asked you a number of questions on Facebook; actually one every week. Luckily, you gave us plenty of answers, and in some categories we got more votes than we could ever expect. Have you wondered where all these polls will lead us? To The AEGEEans Choice Awards 2012! The idea was to make you choose the bests of… Read more →
Getting the VFWG Back On Track
Why vote for the Visa Freedom Working Group (VFWG) to win the AEGEEan Choice Award 2012 rewarding the most efficient Working Group of 2011? When the VFWG was taking what seemed to be its last breath last year, Jana Pokorna (AEGEE-Istanbul/AEGEE-Praha) and the rest of the motivated VFWG members picked it up and put it back on its wheels. The… Read more →
Success Stories, Fresh Ideas and New Opportunities
Curious about what the Youth Unemployment (YuE) Project did in 2011? Curious about why YuE should win the AEGEEans Choice Award 2012 rewarding the best project in AEGEE in 2011? You will most likely find your answers right here. What is the Youth Unemployment Project dealing with? When thinking about graduation, what pops up in your mind? The answer may be… Read more →
Summer University Achievements of 2011
”You give me 10,000 days night of thunder but I will give them all back to you” – These are the words of a song by the Danish band Alphabeat and these exact words can well describe the dedication that AEGEE-Peiraias girl Hara Kogkou gives to the SUCT, if you replace the word thunder with summer. The AEGEEan caught up… Read more →
I like it, like it Jamón
AEGEE-Zaragoza is one of the most famous antennae in the AEGEE Network. This fame derives partly because of the highly efficient branding campaign that they have done over the past couple of years with their “I love Jamon” t-shirts and stickers. The original idea was originated by the masterminds of AEGEE-Zaragoza. Jonathan del Castillo Gil from AEGEE-Zaragoza took the responsibility… Read more →
I hereby name you “Put In Awesome Title For An Event”
Last year, 2011, AEGEE members had the opportunity to apply to a variety of events with names that stood out. Everything from “Hakuna Matata Amsterdam” to “The lord of the nature: Return of the king.” In the end five particular events raised the bar of creativity regarding names of events. It has become more and more popular using creativity when… Read more →