Looking to unleash your wild side? Or simply want to experience something really crazy? Let me introduce you the recipe for the best possible summertime event in friendly Valencia region… The ingredients are: 21 international participants, five brilliant organizers, caring helpers… Eight days in nine towns in the region of Valencia, a dozen Spanish festivals and parades… Educational city tours,… Read more →
Summer Universities
AEGEE-Torino Small Antenna, Amazing Event – How?
“Use your Tongue… Eat and Speak!” this year AEGEE-Torino’s Summer University (SU) was such an amazing event that I feel the need to share it. But I don’t want to bore you with how cool it was being there, I want to tell you which where the key elements that let a small antenna make such a good SU. Preparation… Read more →
Discovering and falling in love with the beautiful Transylvania
Summer vacation is probably the happiest period in a student’s life. How amazing can it get when you are travelling together with forty people from all around Europe, discovering Transylvania (Romania)? Cluj-Napoca was where our journey began. This beautiful, ancient, and vibrant city made us fall in love with it from the very first sight. On our first day… Read more →
Are you a good lobbyist?
“Are you a good lobbyist”? This was the central question to a simulation played at the Summer University of AEGEE-Delft, “Create your own world”. More than 20 participants and some of the organisers took part in this interactive workshop on European Union sustainability policy, getting a hands-on grip on the mechanisms of lobbying at the European level. In order to… Read more →
Summer University Brescia. The Good Life!
This event was exactly as the title states: everyone had a good life in Brescia! Somebody would say, “for sure you had a good life, spending a summer in Italy, how could it not have been good?” Eighteen AEGEEans, from Spain to Azerbaijan, gathered together for ten days in Brescia, to try to find the answers; get new ideas; receive… Read more →
SUprising AEGEE People in Burgos
The eleven days of SUprising Burgos passed in a blink of an eye. It is time to look back at an incredible and truly amazing experience. Although it is hard to fit this experience into a couple of paragraphs, I will do my best. On the first day a group of AEGEE students coming from all over Europe met… Read more →
The Pearl of the Black Sea
Empowered with a belief of going to gain a new life experience, but totally unaware of how it would be, our way to Crimea was about to start! Nobody said it was easy; we knew it was not going to be. The adventure started after a short but intense sightseeing in Kiev, with a long way onwards: over 18 hours… Read more →
Let’s Show Other People about Our “Miracle” Called Summer University
25 years of fun. 25 years of cultural exchange. 25 years of Summer University (SU) Project. This is a whole life for people like me… and even more for some newbies. This is a great achievement and for sure deserves to be commemorated. Thus it was not surprising to see an email about a 25th anniversary booklet for this project.… Read more →
SU Story: AEGEE Salerno «Non Solo Sole 2012»: More than just an SU that we used to go!
I am 99, 99 % sure that instead of reading the title of this article you were singing it in your head. Just as you cannot get «Somebody that I used to know» out of your head, participants of the most awesome Summer University (SU) by AEGEE-Salerno cannot get the SU memories out of their hearts. And frankly, they do… Read more →
SU Story: Making friendships that will last for a lifetime on the way to Santiago
The AEGEEan: Remember last year that AEGEE-León was honoured with the best evaluated Summer University? This year the antenna repeated the success and organised yet a top 10 SU, this time together with AEGEE-A-Coruña. Below, you can read about what made this Summer University possibly the greatest walk of many AEGEE peoples’ lives. Daniele: I have always been in a… Read more →