NetCom Telegram – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../../.. AEGEE's Online Magazine Sat, 18 Oct 2014 22:37:35 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 ../../../../wp-content/uploads/cropped-The-AEGEEan_logo-FBprofile-32x32.png NetCom Telegram – The AEGEEan – AEGEE's online magazine – AEGEE-Europe ../../../.. 32 32 NetCom Telegram October 2014 ../../../../2014/10/19/netcom-telegram-october-2014/ Sun, 19 Oct 2014 10:37:04 +0000 ../../../../?p=26193 August and September, the first months of preparation for the Agora. These months, the Network Commissioners are working hard to serve and protect their locals. Next to the Agora preparations, all of them are also preparing their Network Meetings that have already taken place or are going to take place in the following months. Let’s read what Brigitta, Carmen María,… Read more →


August and September, the first months of preparation for the Agora. These months, the Network Commissioners are working hard to serve and protect their locals. Next to the Agora preparations, all of them are also preparing their Network Meetings that have already taken place or are going to take place in the following months. Let’s read what Brigitta, Carmen María, Julia, Maria, Mattia and Natalia did in the past two months!

Brigitta Puskás

I was elected as Network Commission Assistant on the 20th of August. In the first two to three weeks I was trying to catch up quickly and start working as soon as possible. I received knowledge transfer from Mattia, who showed me the different tools NetCom is using and we discussed the most important things to be done by Agora Cagliari. I am very grateful to him for being patient with me and replying to all my silly questions. My two months as a part of the Network Commission have been full of excitement and new things to discover! I thought it would be quite challenging to work with people of whom I haven’t even met some, let alone spoken to, but the warm welcome and the immediate trust I received from them made it quite easy to feel “at home” soon enough.

These past two months I had two priorities. One was to make sure my locals fulfill the antenna criteria and to have their most pressing problems solved by Agora Cagliari. The other one was to gather as much information on all of them as I could whilst starting regular communication with them once again, since they have been quite neglected for a while and most of them weren’t really used to NetCom’s presence in their daily life. Another thing I thought would be essential for the future well-being of the locals in my area is to make their members meet each other. Although we have seen examples of cooperation between some of them recently, as I see it, antennae in this area work quite independently from each other. They do not talk much to each other and they fail to establish lasting ties among themselves. This is why I thought it would be a great idea to organize a NWM here, so we ceased our chance with AEGEE-Budapest in August and applied to do so. I have been very much involved with the preparations of this event in the past month and had meetings with AEGEE-Budapest’s board as well as the NWM’s organizers team and Ioana Duca, my CD pair.

Meanwhile, I still keep looking for my successor. Although I really like and enjoy the position, I also have a full-time job, I am writing my thesis and finishing university next year. This is a lot and I am not sure that I could contribute to NetCom work a 100%. Therefore, I will probably not apply unless I do not see a suitable candidate for this position. So if anyone knows someone or is thinking about the position her/himself, do not hesitate to contact me.

Carmen María López Banegas

These past two months, my team of subcommisioners (La Tripulación) and I have mainly been working on Renove IV and zNWM Autumn Network Meeting Zaragoza 2014. August and September were very active months as we were dealing with these two important events for our network area. Some antennae were still organising their Summer Universities and/or starting to arrange meetings for the new term, but we all managed to be in frequent contact.

AEGEE-Madrid did a good job with Renove IV and most of us are happy with the result and hope that the new members keep being involved in AEGEE after their SUs, not just locally in their own antennae but also going to the European level in a little bit of time. We are now focused on zNWM: participants, content and so on. The communication with Zaragoza and their organisation is excellent. The whole network area has big expectations regarding the discussions, possibilities of cooperation and topics of the upcoming NWM. We also discussed about antennae applying to the Academy Events on our mailing list, hoping one antenna or another can be partner of all of them so the possibilities for our members could increase. Two members had the nice idea to have me coordinate this, so thanks to Adela Pérez from AEGEE-León and Ruben Navarro from AEGEE-Tarragona.

On the NetCom team we were also dealing with many topics that should be finished before Agora Cagliari, when some of us will end our term. The main duty was preparation for Agora Cagliari with the whole Netcom team and the locals to update the antenna criteria, verificate applications as well as provide applicants and antennae with the additional help needed with that. Busy days for the whole network!

Julia Fuss

During the past two months, it required some effort for me to balance my university studies and NetCom work. Being a NetCommie requires a high amount of dedication to be there not only for the antennae, but also for the subcommissioners as well as fellow NetCommies at the same time. I feel like during the last weeks, I have contributed most to the work of the NetCom team by helping finalize some tasks of our work plan that we want to finish before Agora Cagliari. During the last month of my term, I plan on focusing my energy on the antennae and finishing my work in such a way that my successor can experience an easy transition. But first, let’s not forget NWM Aachen and Agora Cagliari!

At the moment, I am working very closely together with the subcommissioners and members of AEGEE-Aachen to prepare the Network Meeting, which will take place October 9-12. The fast and reliable work of the local organizers as well as my NetCom team makes me confident that this event can live up to high expectations. I am looking forward to enjoying a ‘BEARtastic’ weekend! :) Only about two weeks later, the Agora will start. This Agora will signify important moments for some German-speaking locals: AEGEE-Aachen will sign the twin antenna contract with AEGEE-Warszawa, and the Contact of AEGEE-Europe in Dresden will advance to become a contact antenna. I feel delighted that we are taking small steps towards greater cooperation to strengthen our network at the same time. I am excited to see you in Aachen and Cagliari. Let’s keep on rocking, AEGEE network! :)

Maria Arends

The last two months have been a bit crazy for me: I started being a homeless person (not really of course, but I am feeling like a nomad and it’s awesome!) and meanwhile the work went on! In summer, everything went a bit slow, the locals were on vacation, but it was good as it gave me some time to get used to my new way of life. Now everything is back on fire! I am writing this as I am attending Julia’s NWM in Aachen (and believe me, it is amazing). I have been preparing for my own NWM in Sankt Peterburg, was able to start skyping with some locals again, am really happily surprised and overwhelmed by the new enthusiastic people in Sheffield, I met ACTie Monika Duda in person (finally!) and we came up with some plans for our cooperation.

As my fellow NetCommies already mentioned, being a NetCommie is exciting, hard work, and overwhelming from time to time, but in general it is just awesome! I am already looking forward to the next time I’ll be writing the Telegram, as by then Agora Cagliari has passed (and gosh, it will be so awesome), I’ve had NWM SPB (and knowing the Nordic Stars NWMs and the hard work of AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg, I can only say that it will probably be equally amazing), and I will have started my NetCom Trip! So, not much to say now, as until now the work was mainly from behind my laptop, but that’s gonna end very very soon and I couldn’t be more looking forward… Stay tuned!

Mattia Abis

August started in the best way possible, since I took part as organizer in AEGEE-Cagliari and AEGEE-Napoli’s TSU, which was a great occasion to live AEGEE again in a more relaxed atmosphere far away from a laptop, something I was dreaming of for months. But August also had a big minus since I got 40 degrees of fever, while outside my house everybody was going to the beach. Meanwhile, with the NetCom Team, we finalised to deliver our proposal for the Network Meeting Reform. It has been one of the most satisfactory moments of my term, because since I entered in the Commission, people were already discussing about it and it was time to get some practical result.

In the same month we selected also our new NetCom Assistant, Brigitta Puskás with whom I had the privilege to Skype and give her some knowledge transfer. If I have to find a link between August and September it would be for sure the organization of NWM Brescia. This time the organization ran smoothly and I was not nervous as with my previous experience in Salerno, because I had a better idea of what we were going to do and, why not, what a Network Meeting in general is! I think I kept a better communication both with local organizers and trainers and I could go to Brescia surer about the results of the event. Just one thing made these two months very bad, namely the resignation of Arsenis as NetCommie. With him, we lost a great Speaker and friend and the Network lost a person that was really taking care of his locals.

Natalia Ivleva

In the last two months my main task was preparing the NWM in Kharkiv. I have contacted trainers and speakers to discuss the concept of workshops and presentations at the NWM, kept contact with the local organizers and prepared myself for the NWM. Also in September I had a Netcom trip. During this trip I’ve met board-members from AEGEE-Kyiv, AEGEE-Lviv, AEGEE-Ivano-Frankivsk, AEGEE-Odessa and AEGEE-Minsk. Moreover, I took part in a Project of AEGEE-Kyiv “Sangria for Like” at city fair. And of course I worked on my part of our Work Plan during this time.

Sorry for the short message but now I’m on my way to NWM-Kharkiv!

NetCom Telegram September 2014 ../../../../2014/09/24/netcom-telegram-september-2014/ Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:50:55 +0000 ../../../../?p=25766 September began already and things start to be more active in AEGEE again. The Network Commissioners however haven’t stopped working and they are here to share their experiences of the last two months with you. The Agora applications opened in August and there were some deadlines the locals should follow. This month, you read the Telegram of Ana Potočnik, Arsenis… Read more →


September began already and things start to be more active in AEGEE again. The Network Commissioners however haven’t stopped working and they are here to share their experiences of the last two months with you. The Agora applications opened in August and there were some deadlines the locals should follow. This month, you read the Telegram of Ana Potočnik, Arsenis Tselengidis, Burak Topaloğlu and Lia Tuska.

Ana Potočnik
NetCom life can be pretty crazy! Working in different languages with many different teams and people is a huge challenge. Things changed a lot since the last Telegram. As I promised I focused more on the work with my locals, I visited some of them on their Summer Universities, slowly revived our Facebook group of active members and established regular contact with most of my locals and their board members.

I also started breaking my own rules. Before the NetCom I tried to keep “work” related things away from Facebook, now it has become my second workspace and the most efficient way to keep in touch with locals, my subcommies and the rest of the speaker team. (smiles) So Facebook changed from a place on the internet, where I was able to escape from real life, turn off my brain and just numbly scroll trough posts I usually had zero interest in, into a place on the internet with a constant and intense AEGEE buzz.

The NetCom is definitely one of the most challenging and interesting things I have done in the last years and even though I have a lot of fun working on my tasks, it is sometimes pretty damn hard. (smiles)


Arsenis Tselengidis
The last two months (July & August) my work focused mostly on the Speaker related tasks. That means I had to deal with the Working Format of the NetCom, the Working Plan, the management of the timeline for the NWMs, etc. The month of August was even more complicated for me, because I had to deal with my moving out from Greece to Sweden for my Master studies too.

On those last lines, I would prefer to address the future NetCom candidates! Dear AEGEEans, being a NetCom is a very demanding job. It’s actually a job! You have to work every day (including the weekends) and stay sleepless if it’s needed. So if you are thinking about candidating, then manage your time. Do not study or work at the same time. If you believe that being a NetCom you will travel a lot, then you are right! But the issue is that also during the traveling you have to work! A looooot!!! Sometimes, we, the NetCommies, prefer not to travel, because you have to work harder before the travel and even harder after it, in order to catch up with the team. Another last thing; candidating for NetCom member, does not mean that you are candidating for Germany, UK, Spain, etc., but for becoming a member of a team. So, that means that dealing with your locals is only 50% of your work. Dealing with the aim of the team is the other 50%, but the most important one! Many people were good with their locals, but only few of them were good NetCom Team members. Keep it in mind!

So, what else is NetCom besides workaholism? It’s the place where you will feel the mom and the dad of thousands of AEGEE members and a place where you are going to meet the most awesome people of your life (like…. Mattia or Ana!), where you will laugh and cry, feel nervous and excited. But most of all, you will feel a proud AEGEEan. I hope to see you all again, somewhere in Europe!

Burak Topaloğlu
During the last two months, I have been busy for some period, as I am also the president of AEGEE-Eskişehir. I had to work on our SU during 2-16th of July. After that I spent all the energy I had left on my NetCom tasks. I issued an open call for the of the Autumn NWM for my Network (Eastern Mediterranean and Caucasus Network) and after two weeks, AEGEE-Mağusa was selected. It will be under the leadership and contact of Hulusi Kilim who is already subcommie in my team. The date of our NWM is the 20th-23rd of November 2014 and the name of NWM is defined as NWM Mağuza “Meet the Mediterranean”. I have also contacted my locals about Agora preparations. After the selection results of Agora Cagliari, I plan to organize a skype meeting with delegates about how to be more productive and how to contribute more to the Agora. That’s all from me for now. I hope to have an amazing Agora in Cagliari. I keep my fingers crossed!

Lia Tuska
July and August were the months of the Summer Universities. Most of my antennae organised Summer Universities, so this period was quiet from their side. But this doesn’t mean that it was a quiet summer! I attended Leadership Summer School, I was an organiser at AEGEE-Sofia’s Summer University and during and between those amazing events, I had to work hard for the NetCom. I couldn’t find Wi-Fi all the time to work, so I spent many hours at Studenski Grad’s cafes in Sofia. When I finally got back home (after more than a month), I had to organise everything while I had a fever and a post-event depression. I was happy to finally have a meeting with the Organizing Committee of “NWM Nijmegen: Discover Europe the Dutch Way!”, where we discussed about the content of the NWM. I also had a meeting with Holger Schmitt and my CD-mate, Paul Smits, in which I updated both of them on the status of my locals and informed them about my plans for a NetCom Trip in October (for more info wait for my next NetCom Telegram). Last but not least, I started my Knowledge Transfer with Arsenis Tselengidis since he resigned and I am also going to be responsible for the Greek locals till Agora Cagliari.

We didn’t receive the telegram of Mateusz Dokurno, but you can read his activity report and the reports of all other NetCommies by subscribing to the

NetCom Telegram August 2014 ../../../../2014/08/19/netcom-telegram-august-2014/ Tue, 19 Aug 2014 15:00:51 +0000 ../../../../?p=25170 It is summer and while most of the AEGEEans are attending Summer Universities or are on vacation, the members of the Network Commission are still working. In this Telegram you can read about the work of Julia Fuss, Carmen María Mólim, Natalia Ivleva, María Arends, and Mattia Abis during June and July. Carmen María Mólim During these last two months I… Read more →


It is summer and while most of the AEGEEans are attending Summer Universities or are on vacation, the members of the Network Commission are still working. In this Telegram you can read about the work of Julia Fuss, Carmen María Mólim, Natalia Ivleva, María Arends, and Mattia Abis during June and July.

Carmen María Mólim
During these last two months I changed from subcommissioner to NetCom Assistant; a change that has been easier thanks to the great help of Pauline Létard, the whole NetCom team and especially Mattia Abis who has been very helpful and patient with me.

Working together with my team of subcommissioners (La Tripulación), we started organising the next Renove (an event for newbies and oldies to meet and share which is supposed to help teambuilding within the members of the antennae of our area and raise cooperation between all of them). We also started organising the next NWM, which will be hosted by AEGEE-Zaragoza and we are willing to apply all the suggestions received by the participants in our last NWM in Alicante to make it memorable as possible for everyone.

Even if these months are supposed to be a bit quiet due to summer holidays and the organisation of Summer Universities, I kept in close contact with my team and with the antennae, being there when needed. I think it should stay this way and even better.

Julia Fuss
During my two months as Network Commission Assistant, I received a lot of knowledge transfer from my predecessor, Holger Schmitt. Together with a great team of subcommissioners we started making plans to assist the work of our locals better, for example by supporting them in updating their website to correspond to AEGEE‘s new visual identity. It was great to see the diversity of events taking place during June, ranging from a music event in Passau to a beer tasting in Leipzig, a LTC in Osnabrück or a meeting of all Rhein-Neckar antennae.

After making plans for my network and getting to meet the people from half of my locals, it was time to get to know the other awesome NetCommies at our NetCom Meeting in Budapest. During this weekend, we not only took the time to get to know each other and build a stronger team, but also started to convert our ideas into reality full steam ahead. After learning a lot about how the Network Commission functions and having long intense discussions with everyone, I cannot wait to start working on not only strengthening our network, but also the ties with other European level bodies.

Nowadays I work in close cooperation with the organisers of NWM Aachen which is to take place mid-October. We started on a promotion strategy as well as developing a programme for a weekend full of discussions and networking. I must say that I am really looking forward to this event and to what will happen during the next two months. :)

María Arends
The last couple of months have been really exciting! The transition from being Patricia’s subcommie to becoming a NetCommie went quite smoothly, and I’m trying my very best to keep up her hard work! I found a team of subcommies (they’re all great and motivated!), I had a great number of Skype  meetings and I have been starting to discuss my plan for a huge NetCom trip in November with Holger. Being a Network Commissioner who doesn’t live in the region she takes care of, I believe it is important to at least have one personal encounter with all the locals and to help them on the spot, hands on, with whatever task they could use me for.

Besides this, we had the NetCom meeting, where we discussed the plans that we have for this period until Agora Cagliari, it was amazing, motivating, and great to get to know the team and really feel the team spirit. I guess we should also thank Maartje Natrop, our Academy trainer, for that! Last but not least, I worked on the usual: keeping in touch with the antennae, organising the NWM, helping the antennae to develop themselves, and looking for (and finding!) opportunities to found new ones.

Mattia Abis
The last period has been very intensive. After I joined the Speaker Team, I have been involved both in working with my locals and the management of the Commission. Within the last one we managed to create our Working Plan untill Agora Cagliari and we created working groups that will take care of every goal we want to achieve untill the end of the semester.

I found the time to put the NetCom Database in order, to create an index of it that’s up to date and that future NetCommies can use easily. I talked with the newly elected members and got to know them better. Unfortunately, I could not take part in the NetCom meeting but my team mates kept me informed about discussions and results. About the work with my locals, everything was quite calm since the Summer University period started and they were busy with the organization of their events. We contacted each other every once in a while just to fix urgent situations or discuss important issues.

These two months have been very important for me because I joined the Speaker Team and I had to get more responsibilities that I would have been avoiding in the past six months. Everything is becoming a challenge, a possibility of growth for me and for the Commission and, although sometimes it is very tiring, I am really enjoying to work with Ana and Arsenis with whom I am starting to have a good personal relationship. They are prime examples to follow for their dedication to our organisation. Last but not least, I am also working on the next Agora in Cagliari, which will be a very important event for the locals I am managing and a great possibility of collaboration between them.

Natalia Ivleva
During these two months I was very concentrated on communication with my locals in order to better understand their needs and I was planning our future work together with my SubCommies Olya and Vika. Also I’ve been at NetCom meeting at Budapest at the end of June and I had a great experience there. First of all, after this meeting we knew each other better and built a good team which is ready to work hard for the whole Network! In Budapest we also started drafting our common Work Plan and I already started to work on some tasks. Moreover, now I’m working on our upcoming NWM-Kharkiv, which will take place in the middle of October. We already discussed the concept of our meeting, talked about the main topics of the NWM and started to work on it!

NetCom Telegram July 2014 ../../../../2014/07/11/netcom-telegram-july-2014/ Fri, 11 Jul 2014 09:41:16 +0000 ../../../../?p=24287 It’s already summer and as usually everything slows down in AEGEE. However, the Network Commission had their meeting at the end of June in Budapest. In this NetCom Telegram you can read about what some of the Network Commissioners did during May and June and what was done during the NetCom Meeting. Ana Potočnik The last two months of my… Read more →


It’s already summer and as usually everything slows down in AEGEE. However, the Network Commission had their meeting at the end of June in Budapest. In this NetCom Telegram you can read about what some of the Network Commissioners did during May and June and what was done during the NetCom Meeting.

Ana Potočnik
The last two months of my work were mainly dedicated to knowledge transfer. Even though I talked a lot about the NetCom with Antonija Parat, there were still many things I had to learn. The previous team opened a lot of discussions, which were never properly closed. So it was up to our team to read all the discussions give our input and start closing the topics.

We had a very fruitful and fun NetCom meeting in Budapest and I am very happy we will finish cooperation agreements with the Academy and Action Agenda Coordination Committee (ACT) soon. We discussed ideas from the previous team and our own initiatives, but since most of us are newbies (eight out of eleven members joined after Patra) we are working on them step by step [she smiles] The last thing we want is to feel overloaded after only two months of our term!

As you can see my work was mainly focused on NetCom team and my Vice-Speaker tasks. Next month I am planning to put more energy and time into working with my locals. I will visit some locals on their SUs and organise Skype meetings to prepare them for the beginning of the school year… You will read more about this in my next telegram. Have a wonderful summer!

Arsenis Tselengidis
My last two AEGEE months were totally different. In the first month (May), I was still a Network Commissioner and I was dealing more with local issues. Also, after the Agora I had to focus on the local distribution between the Network Commissioners. A real battle I can admit! My locals, since then, were separated into two different areas of the map of Europe and they were dealing with communication problems. Thus, I had to defend their interests. The first move happened and Balazs Kovacs took half of them. It was hard to give away locals that I was working close with for six months, but I know that now they will have better chances to come close with other locals of the network.

The second month (June) was more stressful! Two of my four active SubCommies joined Balazs in order for the locals to not feel the changes too much and another SubCommie became Network Commissioner. Thus, I had to rebuild a new SubCommissioners team from the beginning. After being elected as a Speaker of the Network Team I had not only to deal with my own bureaucratic tasks, but also with chasing the other Network Commissioners to do theirs! I can say the second is much harder than the first one. Becoming a Network Commissioner is not always as you think it is… You must spend 60% of your time with the team and 40% with your locals. Being at the Speaker team is almost 85%-15%! But as the time passes, thanks to my awesome Speaker Team and the rest of the NetCommies, everything starts to flow smoothly!

Lia Tuska
Most of the last two months work was my Knowledge Transfer. The area I am responsible for is new to me, so I want to thank Dominique Lenssen for answering all my questions. I had to start a new team, which for now consists of Svenja van der Tol and Boudewijn Steenhof. Still, if there is anyone interested to join our team, they can contact me! Together we decided to have AEGEE-Nijmegen as hosting local of the Fall Network Meeting. It was exams period so most of my locals were quiet.

That’s why right now I deal with my tasks in the NetCom team and specifically the NetCom Telegram. In May, I contacted the former NetCommies to share their Telegram. In June, since it was exam period and summer is already here, most of us are busy and couldn’t make it. I blame summer for this and I believe that the following Telegrams will be written by more of us.

We had a great time at NetCom Meeting in Budapest! We invented a new way of teambuilding, discussed old and new ideas, shared experiences and concerns and had amazing trainings by Maartje Natrop from the Academy. That’s it for now… Have an awesome summer and you’ll read more about my work in my next Telegram!

Unfortunately, Balázs Kovács and Burak Topaloğlu weren’t able to write an update about their work in the last months.

NetCom Telegram June 2014 ../../../../2014/06/18/netcom-telegram-june-2014/ Wed, 18 Jun 2014 13:00:58 +0000 ../../../../?p=23694 In Agora Patra we saw some changes to the Network Commission. Goodbyes had to be said to Antonija Parat, Dominique Lenssen, Holger Schmitt, Kristóf Papp, Meltem Darakcı, Patricia Anthony and Vira Kakhnych. At the same time, the Network Commission gave a warm welcome to Ana Potočnik, Balázs Kovács, Burak Topaloğlu, Lia Tuska, Maria Arends, Natalia Ivleva and later to Julia… Read more →


In Agora Patra we saw some changes to the Network Commission. Goodbyes had to be said to Antonija Parat, Dominique Lenssen, Holger Schmitt, Kristóf Papp, Meltem Darakcı, Patricia Anthony and Vira Kakhnych. At the same time, the Network Commission gave a warm welcome to Ana Potočnik, Balázs Kovács, Burak Topaloğlu, Lia Tuska, Maria Arends, Natalia Ivleva and later to Julia Fuss. April was Agora preparation month for the whole team and May meant a lot of Knowledge Transfer for the Network Commission. In this NetCom Telegram you can read about what Antonija, Holger and Meltem did during their last months as members of the Network Commission.

Antonija Parat
Although my last two months in the NetCom were a little bit more relaxed than usual, there was still plenty to do. My NetCom work in April mostly consisted of preparing my locals for the Agora, as well as the NetCom team. I had the chance to visit the pre-event in Skopje. I really enjoyed being there and connecting with their new board. Many members of my locals traveled together from Skopje, and the whole Agora was a great bonding experience for us. In April I was also preparing NetCom candidates for Patra and I was happy to see the new generation on stage. I truly wish them the best of luck. After the Agora, there was the knowledge transfer period, where I helped my successor Ana Potočnik and the new Speaker Team adjust to their new roles. Unfortunately, May also brought the Balkan floods, which kept me quite busy as I was volunteering, as well as helping my locals to spread the word in order to get help. It was a tough time, but I’m proud of the way locals handled it. Overall, my year in NetCom has been intense in the best possible way, an experience I will always cherish.

Holger Schmitt

The last two months for sure have been the most exciting in my AEGEE life. First, I was in constant preparation for the Agora with the whole Netcom team and my locals in order to update the antenna criteria. Also I had the chance to visit AEGEE-Leipzig and I met some other AEGEEans in Berlin. Together we prepared our NWM “Cooperate, Develop, Act” in Bamberg in May. Then, the Agora in Patra took place, where I had the chance to meet so many representatives of my locals and had a good discussion at our meeting. Having the awesome experience of my dream coming true and getting elected as member of the CD at the Agora the follow-up and preparation period started. So we restructured our NetCom team, organized the succession for my Netcom area and experienced our NWM together.

In Bamberg, we all experienced some intensive ideas and best-practices sharing as well as the joint development of new projects and events in the upcoming year. It was impressive to see how much the representatives from each local were willing to help each other. We had discussions about board management, fundraising, event management, Strategic Plan, a Yvote Activity and we started working on a common google calendar for events in the NetCom area as a follow-up of the NWM as well as on a boards manual for newly elected boards. Besides, we also set up a common media campaign with our new media responsible Benjamin Feyen from AEGEE-Düsseldorf. Another highlight was meeting two representatives of BEST Erlangen who shared their experience with us and established cooperations with AEGEE. My thanks go to the great team of AEGEE-Bamberg for the organization of the event. Also I would like to thank all of my locals as well as my great NetCom team for the joint work and the things we could achieve in the last period.

Meltem Darakcı
In April, I was quite busy with the Agora preperations and in May we had the knowledge transfer in order to make Burak ready to be on duty as soon as possible. Apart from that, in the last three months we, as the NetCom team, showed a great example of activism for Ukraine’s, Turkey’s and the Balkan’s hard times that they have been through. I wish the new team will have the same sensitivity. I am very happy to have been part of the NetCom team where I built strong friendships, learned a lot, made mistakes but most importantly developed myself . Yes, NetCom tasks are more than one single person can tackle and they take a lot of time from your daily life, but at the end it’s all worth it because you’re working for the association that changes your life. And I was very lucky to work with two great teams whom I call NetComhoods. During this one year we made mistakes and we learnt from them, we shared and we developed ourselves together. And I was very proud of my SubCom team when I saw two of my SubCommies candidating to replace my position. I believe Burak will do a great job as a NetCom.

At last, many thanks to my SubCom Team who were there whenever I needed them: to Ruşan Can Akal, Elmar Guliyev, Burak Topaloğlu, Engin Ergezer, and our last minute suppporter Hulusi Kilim, to Antonija and Inez for not only being a good colleague but also being good friends of mine, to Beata, Miguel, Pavel for doing a great job and their support. Besides, from the Network I have received a great motivation and support all the time that is why I also owe them a huge thank you. Hope to see you somewhere in Europe!

NetCom Telegram December 2013 ../../../../2013/12/17/netcom-telegram-december-2013/ Tue, 17 Dec 2013 19:58:59 +0000 ../../../../?p=20752 November meant a lot of Knowledge Transfer focus for the Network Commission but also Network Meetings were organised all across the AEGEE Network so the NetCom had plenty of things to do. What they did exactly in these lasts months of 2013 you can read in this NetCom Telegram. Arsenis Tselengidis October started with organising the Network Meeting (NWM) in… Read more →


November meant a lot of Knowledge Transfer focus for the Network Commission but also Network Meetings were organised all across the AEGEE Network so the NetCom had plenty of things to do. What they did exactly in these lasts months of 2013 you can read in this NetCom Telegram.

Arsenis Tselengidis

October started with organising the Network Meeting (NWM) in Thessaloniki! My first time as the main organizer – but Luis Alvarado Martinez and Beata Matuzska from the Comité Directeur, John Eikosidekas (AEGEE-Patra) and Andra Toma (Former Network Commissioner) helped me a lot! The following weeks I arranged two meetings in my local, AEGEE-Thessaloniki. In the first one I organized a NWM evaluation for organisers (in order for the next boards to have a good Knowledge Transfer) and I presented a short version of the HR cycle workshop for the members who missed it during the NWM. The next meeting was a preparation for the Agora in Zaragoza. The final days I helped our members with our exchange program with AEGEE-Tenerife.

I spent the biggest part of November by collecting KT material from the rest of the NetCom team and trying to establish a communication line with the most of my locals. I arranged Skype meetings with the two smaller Greek antennae in order to have an image about the situation there. I also had a discussion with a Romanian local about the difference between a NWM and a Regional Training Course (RTC) with the pros and cons of organising each one of them. Finally, I sent the activity plan to my locals and now I am collecting the feedback.

Antonija Parat

Autumn has been incredibly busy and inspiring. In October, university started for most of my locals, and I encouraged them to use this time to promote AEGEE and to get them to join. I visited AEGEE-Beograd to talk about AEGEE at their Tea Party promotion event. I also helped AEGEE-Zagreb by visiting the Scholarship Fair where they had a stand. I walked around, talked to people about AEGEE, and I was glad to see a lot of interest. For me it was really fun to talk to people who know nothing about AEGEE, it reminded me of how I started – as PR responsible for AEGEE-Zadar.

Then I went to the Agora, where I was very inspired by my locals and had so much fun with my Netcommies. Bihać and Tuzla signed the Convention d’Adhésion, and my antennae were sitting in front row to support them. It was great to see. November was the transition period in NetCom, so I tried to make sure all ‘newbies’ feel prepared and integrated in the team. The end of November was marked by intense preparations for NWM Wien that just finished, and it was yet another learning experience that gave me a lot of ideas to discuss on our upcoming NetCom meeting.

Anna Móricz

During the last couple months the antennae have been working mainly on getting new members at freshman camps and throughout events organised at the campus in Pécs, Budapest, Debrecen and Piliscsaba. All of the locals were represented at the Agora in Zaragoza, where they were actively participating as well as by giving presentations. During ZarAgora my locals have been extended with three Czech-speaking locals.

The cooperation has not been the best amongst the locals, however we are going to work on it in the future by implementing a social gathering for all Hungarian-speaking locals. They locals are willing to collaborate during the upcoming Network Meeting.

Last but not least at the last weekend of November I participated at the NWM Wien, which has been organized by Antonija. During many inspirational sessions I truly learned I can contribute in a more effective way to my locals’ work, meaning a good preparation for the upcoming two NWMs and for possible mentorship programs as well for more international events.


Dominique Lenssen

October, the month of the Agora and a lot of preparations: helping my locals prepare for the Agora, making my Activity Plan presentation and getting ready for the meeting with my locals! I am lucky to see the board members of my locals quite often; before the Agora, we had the first Nedertop of this year in Utrecht. We discussed many topics, such as fundraising, the Dutch Youth Council and the fun event.

Last months, I also have been working hard on Network Meeting Utrecht, which has just taken place. I visited AEGEE-Utrecht twice to meet with the organizers, stayed in touch with the speakers and the participants were selected. In November, I gave a presentation about AEGEE-Europe during the Europe night of AEGEE-Amsterdam. At a study abroad fair in Ghent, I helped AEGEE-Leuven with promotion, which at the same time was a great opportunity to talk all day long with their board. I combined this with staying in the CD house with AEGEE-Leiden, who visited Brussels for their hitchhiking competition. Now I am preparing my new Work Plan and our NetCom Meeting (NCM). After the Agora, I have been elected as Vice-Speaker of the NetCom, so preparing the agenda of the NCM is one of our first tasks!

Holger Schmitt 

After being newly elected at Agora Zaragoza as Netcommie I started to organise myself how to take care of my network. So I talked with many people from the German-speaking locals discussing how to divide tasks and topics for the network in the best way. I had an intensive exchange with my predecessor Inez and with many others on how to communicate within the network the best and what specifics can be found in the area of the German-speaking locals. Since I have been member of AEGEE for a long time I got in contact with older members who now live in cities where AEGEE existed before in order to start an initiative like in Bayreuth and Erlangen. I got in contact with AEGEE members who now live in  Jena and Dresden in order to start founding new groups in this cities. Therefore I established an East-German Group to exchange best practices and to organise a regional training course.

Finally I took part in the NWM Poznań for which I tried to motivate as many Germans as possible to participate. I experienced for the first time to be a trainer and to be involved in the organisation of a NWM. I met many great people and learned a lot from the very active Polish-speaking locals.

Also I started planning for the next NWM which should take place in spring in Germany. So I am in contact with members from AEGEE-Heidelberg, AEGEE-Bamberg and AEGEE-Erfurt to talk about the possibility of organising the next NWM.

Written by Network Commission

NetCom Telegram September 2013 ../../../../2013/09/11/netcom-telegram-september-2013/ Wed, 11 Sep 2013 11:50:43 +0000 ../../../../?p=18801   July and August were busy months for the Network Commissioners primarly focusing on the upcoming Network Meetings as well as preparing for Agora Zaragoza. In this telegram five of the Network Commissioners tells about what exactly they have been doing in these summer months for the Network. Andra Toma This summer was full, not exactly how I wanted it… Read more →



July and August were busy months for the Network Commissioners primarly focusing on the upcoming Network Meetings as well as preparing for Agora Zaragoza. In this telegram five of the Network Commissioners tells about what exactly they have been doing in these summer months for the Network.

Andra Toma

This summer was full, not exactly how I wanted it to be, but nevertheless exciting. Spending most of my summer in Greece I enjoyed its beauties even though I did not go to an Summer University (SU) this year. Network Commission (NetCom) as always is keeping busy, with reports, Skype meetings and answering mails. July and August were very busy months – most of my locals had their SU’s but as all good things come to an end, so did this summer; and before I knew it fall was here and along with it my first Network Meeting (NWM) which is going to be held in Thessaloniki. It is really exciting to organise one and hard to try to reach everyone’s expectations. I was also preparing for the Agora Zaragoza and helping my locals with their members’ lists and their criteria. Just to be clear, pre-Agora period is the craziest of all, everybody is spamming, trying to respect deadlines, resending and asking twice if they did everything perfect. For now I am getting ready for my NWM in Thessaloniki and the Agora.




Antonija Parat

On one hand, this was the first summer in a while I got to spend at home, relaxing with my family and friends, and enjoying the beautiful sights of Croatia. But on the other hand, it was also quite busy – there were always Skype meetings to attend, emails to send, and strategies to develop. In July most of my locals were focused on their SUs, and I had the chance to attend one by AEGEE-Zagreb as a helper, which was a great opportunity to see one of my locals in action. In August, as the summer was coming to an end, I was busy preparing for two very important events in the fall. First is my NWM, which will be held in beautiful Vienna – you will find more details soon. And the other event is the Agora, of course. Pre-Agora period is very active in NetCom, as we have to make sure our locals are prepared – that they’re respecting the deadlines and performing their tasks properly. I was also helping my two contacts prepare for the Agora, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that both of them sign Convention d’Adhésion at Agora Zaragoza!



Pilar Lop

August is finished, as well as the summer. Last month most of my antennae had organised their Summer University so it has been a quiet period as a NetCom. My team and I have been very busy trying to organise the events in the upcoming period, such as the Renove which is taking place in Burgos. My team (thank you guys!) and the organising team from Burgos have been doing a great job, and I am sure that it’s going to be an amazing event. Moreover, we are very happy to know the Network is growing, and we have a new contact – Nantes, in France. This upcoming month is going to be very busy for us and we are very excited about that.






Vira Kakhnych

Summer has two sides: one is having fun with friends, as usual; and the second one – working hard, organising Summer Universities, making sure everybody respects their deadlines, keeping an eye on the participants, etc. Nevertheless, some of my locals did an awesome thing this summer: organised two Summer Universities almost at the same time. I hope everybody can imagine how proud I am! During July I was a helper/coordinator/organiser of three different SU’s which did not give me a chance to visit an SU myself and to relax for a minute. But having planned a lot, I had some free time during August to manage to analyse the current situation of my area of the Network. And I must say that I am astonished of the improvement I see, their motivation is high and I am happy to help them in any situation. I hope a lot of them applied to Agora Zaragoza and that they will increase the awareness of the Slavic world even more.

Meltem Darakci

This summer has been very busy for me since I was working the whole summer and also having meetings with my locals, my SubCom team and a very busy mailing traffic. But the summer has come to an end now and I managed to succeed in everything at the same time. Of course with the help of my SubCommie team, especially Engin from AEGEE-Eskişehir who has a great motivation to do his job whenever I need him. This month Elmar Guliyev from AEGEE-Baki joined my team to work with me as my SubCommie, he already started to work with high motivation! These last three weeks were especially very busy for me because of the Agora preparations and also because of the preparations for the EAIE (European Association for International Education) conference session that will take place on 12th September with the title of “Weaving global partnerships in Turkey, a land of opportunity” where I will be a panelist as a Network Commissioner. I am really looking for it!



NetCom Telegram August 2013 ../../../../2013/08/08/netcom-telegram-august-2013/ Thu, 08 Aug 2013 07:45:08 +0000 ../../../../?p=18441 Usually everything slows down in AEGEE during summer time. However, in this NetCom Telegram you can read about the things that some of the Network Commissioners did during June and July to keep working for the Network and preparing for the autumn. Anna Móricz After getting to know my tasks as a Netcommie better, I got in a closer touch… Read more →


Usually everything slows down in AEGEE during summer time. However, in this NetCom Telegram you can read about the things that some of the Network Commissioners did during June and July to keep working for the Network and preparing for the autumn.

Anna Móricz

After getting to know my tasks as a Netcommie better, I got in a closer touch with my antennas. The Hungarian-speaking locals are mainly suffering from bad communication and cooperation between the antennae. Fortunately, throughout the summer the situation turned out to be better.

During June the locals were busy organizing their Summer Universities. AEGEE-Pécs found its way out of the FR problems by working really hard, and their good work could be an example of best practice for small locals. Unfortunately, participation and involvement in the European level has not been raised significantly. However, during July the interest increased, and some participants got motivated to become active on the European level, and they will be starting their “career” in Human Resources European School (HRES) or in Valladolid.

The cooperation between locals continued; Piliscsaba actively helped both Debrecen and Budapest, which could be again a good example for smaller locals how to be active on those European level events which they cannot afford to attend.

Overall I can say that my locals have done their best during these last two months and hopefully good memories will further and develop their work even more.

Claudio Armandi

June was quite a relaxing month, but since a real Netcommie never sleeps, I dedicated myself to planning activities, lying on my cozy sofa with a Berliner Kindl on my side. As a result, we have a new Italian local, Verona!  Many AEGEEans will be able to visit the city of lovers again. And yes, they will have the chance to appear at Juliet’s balcony and touch her lucky breast again. Just for seeking luck, obviously. If you are more into opera or gladiator fights, you can opt for the Arena.

The decision might have been influenced by my sofa companion, but in July I selected the hosting local for my next (and last) Network Meeting. I am really looking forward to meet you (yes, you reading right now) in Foggia from October 10th to 13th! I think organising a NWM will be quite a challenge for a new local. We will see how they sort it out. I am sure they will rock!

As a side note, time is approaching for me to think about the end of my term. If you are wondering what it takes to be a NetCommie, what do we do and what kind of underwear we wear (when we wear some), don’t be shy and approach me!


Dominique Lenssen

At this moment, I am in the middle of my holidays, probably like most of you.

Unfortunately no Summer University for me, but still enough AEGEE and trips to enjoy myself!

In June I attended the youth conference in Zagreb about the enlargement of the European Union. Attending this conference also gave me the opportunity to meet with some of the Netcommies, and we could talk about our work and plans in real life. Normally we have our meetings on Skype, but I could totally get used to meetings in person in great places like Zagreb.


In June I also attended the Nedertop, hosted by AEGEE-Groningen. This is a meeting for board members of the locals in my area, during which we talk about several topics. It is tradition that new board members come to the Nedertop in June as well, so this was a perfect moment to meet these enthusiastic people, who cannot wait to be in charge of their local.

Besides these trips, I started working on a manual for twin antennae and mentorship system. At this moment we only have a twin agreement between AEGEE-Delft and AEGEE-Passau, but NetCom is dedicated to have some more agreements signed at Agora Zaragoza. So if your local is looking for a twin antenna, you can always contact one of us!

Inez Wenta

For many of us summer is the time of less intensive actions and more relaxing, but we do not stop working! Together with other Netcommies we developed a new format of Network Meeting (NWM), that you will be informed about soon! The first of these new NWMs will be in Poznań. Together with Netcommie Bartek and the main coordinator, Justyna Zielska from AEGEE-Poznań, we are working to make it as amazing as possible.

Manuals are a very important part of our work as NetCommies. I am responsible for the Local Training Course (LTC)/Regional Training Course (RTC) manual. It will be a guide for organising such projects, how to manage logistics, the content and ready-to-use cases. So everything you need to know in one single document. We hope that it will be of help during the knowledge transfer period. The next step will be translating it to different languages. If you think you can help with this do not hesitate to write to us! I hope you all have a great summer, travelling, relaxing and going to Summer Universities! And gathering new energy for the upcoming academic year!

Patricia Anthony

Whoever says that everything slows down in AEGEE during the summer is lying. It might not be at the same high speed as during the semester when people are pretending to be studying, but in Network Commission there have definitely been things to do during the last months.


Last time you heard from me in the NetCom Telegram I was visiting Dominque, and in the June edition you all could read that half of the team got to know each other even more in Zagreb. In July my travels brought me to Anna in Barcelona and the value of getting together to talk about NetCom issues in person cannot be described with words. Besides that I have been working on finding the host of the Network Meeting in our part of the Network for this autumn, developing the idea of NetCom Telegram as well as communication between the locals. 2000 km separates two of “my” locals Kiel and Sankt-Peterburg so it is highly important to use online tools as much as possible to help locals and to bring them closer together. Facebook, mailing lists, events newsletters and blog posts might seem like a piece of cake, but uniting so many antennae does take quite a bit of time. Luckily we have a great team not only in the Network Commission, but also with my Subcommies and the help of Comité Directeur we are developing month by month.

NetCom Telegram July 2013 ../../../../2013/07/24/netcom-telegram-july-2013/ Wed, 24 Jul 2013 08:49:12 +0000 ../../../../?p=18379 Dear Network, Here is the NetCom Telegram for July 2013. Catch up with Vira, Meltem, Antonija, Ada, Pilar and Bartek, and see what they have been doing through May and June. In the next edition of the Telegram, you will get to catch up with the rest of the Network Commissioners again.   Vira Kakhnych Already three month have passed… Read more →


Dear Network,

Here is the NetCom Telegram for July 2013. Catch up with Vira, Meltem, Antonija, Ada, Pilar and Bartek, and see what they have been doing through May and June. In the next edition of the Telegram, you will get to catch up with the rest of the Network Commissioners again.


Vira Kakhnych

Already three month have passed since AGORA Rhein-Neckar and my election as a Network Commissioner. Time flies, I may say.

Here I would like to address the last two months – May and June. In May I assumed the full responsibility for my beloved locals. After attending a marvelous NetCom meeting in Brussels, I found that our team is well-prepared to face new challenges and to storm the whole Network with new ideas. Returning from Brussels already motivated and inspired I started my NetCom journey with finding ways of restructuring my Network. The main mission was to inform all locals of the changes my team and I implemented on the meeting. For that reason I wrote an ‘Invocation’ addressing all my antennae of what will be happening in the nearest future and assuring them of my respect and loyalty, which brought us closer. After having a couple of Skype meetings with presidents of the locals I found great support and motivation in them. I knew that I can count on them.


Meltem Darakci

It has been almost three months since we were elected at the Agora Rhein Neckar. After a month of knowledge transfer and a very fruitful NetCom Meeting in Brussels, we began to work as a strong team to achieve our future plans.

Before the election at Agora Rhein Neckar, I had already built a SubCom team and after the elections we welcomed one more Subcommie into the team and got ready for our work!

The first step was to set up a collaboration among Caucasus area and Turkish-speaking locals, so we began to discuss about some exchanges and some of the locals already contacted me at that point to organize an exchange for the next semester, so keep tuned for the news!

The very important issue for recent months in our Network was the Gezi Parkı Protest that effected our Turkish speaking locals and consequently it reached our whole Network and the whole world during the month of June. Protests are going on for more then one month and as AEGEEans, most of our members from Turkish-speaking locals played an active role during the demonstrations for their rights. A great solidarity was also shown within AEGEE among all of our members.

The NetCom team had an opportunity get together at Croatia in the EU Youth Conference and we had our meeting to discuss our work for the next couple of months.

Currently in my Network, many of my locals are getting prepared for their Summer Universities and some of them have already finished. Good luck to them and also to the whole Network!


Antonija Parat

The last couple of months have been rather busy for me. May was marked by traveling – first I attended NWM Ljubljana, and then the internal NetCom meeting (NCM) in Brussels. Both events were very inspiring. In NWM I got the opportunity to bond with my locals and to brainstorm about our future activities. I was impressed with everyone’s energy and enthusiasm. NCM was a chance to get to know the rest of the NetCom team, and I am happy to say that we clicked immediately – all our meetings and discussions so far have been very productive, and I’m looking forward to developing our ideas further and presenting them to the Network. June was also very active. I found my ACT Subcommissioner, who will work with my locals and get them to include more thematics into their activities. I am currently working on improving knowledge transfer by finishing a booklet about it that was already started during my predecessor’s term. It will be distributed to the whole Network, along with a few other manuals the NetCom team has come up with. I also got the chance to attend the conference in Zagreb on the occasion of Croatia’s accession to EU. It was great to share this historic moment with so many AEGEEans, and this conference also gave me a lot of ideas for future actions in my area of the Network, which is definitely blossoming.


Andra Toma

So much has happened in the past months that I find it extremely hard to recount every passing minute. However, Network Commission, the commission that never sleeps, always has interesting stories to share.

May and June were very busy months, not just from an AEGEEan point of view but because most of us had exams and theses to finish. Even though time was passing by, people still found “that time” to send their activity reports. These two months – the horror months I would say – when the pressure is on: exams, SU fever, reports and more exams; I found myself blocked somewhere between attending the NCM in Brussles and leaving Greece for about a month and all would have gone excellent if I hadn’t lost my I.D. three days prior.

Trying to keep up with every local’s activity, problems and issues isn’t easy. Trying to get people more involved in the European level when exams/money crisis and your own issues appear is the exact opposite of easy.

So after months of gathering all the missing AR’s for all my locals and making sure everyone is on time, with everything, all information between the local and European level is passed down, I finally found the time to do something that I wanted since I presented my candidature: a NWM.

An Open Call was issued and there were four potential locals. I am pleased to announce that the next NWM for this fall will be hosted by AEGEE-Thessaloniki!


Pilar Gargallo

I cannot believe June is already gone. It has been a quiet month, everybody was finishing their exams and planning their Summer Universities. And it seems that the upcoming months are going to be quiet for the antennas as well, which is perfect for working on our internal issues.


However May was a very productive month for us, the Tripulación-5.1. We had a new member in the team: Carmen María from AEGEE-Alicante who replaced Isabel Sodric (the person who introduced me to AEGEE a few years ago) from the same antenna. Moreover we worked on what we want to achieve in  this upcoming period. In June we focused our work on internal issues, and we launched the Open Call for hosting the popular event called Renove.

I am very happy as well to see how good the AeGeENDA is working. It is a project that we started one year ago, and involves the Portuguese, French and Spanish members. The AeGeENDA team just launched the 25th edition.


Bartek Sudorowski

Spring Agora Rhein-Neckar was an amazing event that started my next half year as a member of Network Commission. Last months have been very fruitful for me because I started to implement the second part of my plan for my part of the Network. In my opinion involvement of members of my Network in European level was always a big problem. For that reason, I conducted a European level training session with all presidents of my locals and my Subcommies. Thanks to that, their knowledge is much larger than before. Moreover, I also asked them to carry out the same training session for members of their locals. I was working with AEGEE-Łódź and AEGEE-Gliwice with support from AEGEE-Gdańsk to stabilize the situation there. It was very important for AEGEE Łódź because they had serious problems with activities. That is why I want to organise an LTC there in autumn.

I attended the Skype meetings with Netcommies and with my locals and Subcommies as well. I was at our NetCom Meeting in Brussels (in May). That meeting made our team integrated and Network will gain a lot of new concepts and ideas. I am currently in the process of organizing a National Student NGOs Conference with Polish Ministry of Higher Education. Its aim is improving cooperation between organizations such as AEGEE, the Ministry and universities. We want to be more recognizable on the map of Europe. Inez and I are responsible for the Autumn Network Meeting in Poznań. Moreover, I issued an Open Call for host local of Spring Network Meeting 2014 and I gave the vote to all presidents of my locals. This was the first such situation when the decision about NWM had been put into the hands of Network, but it is a NWM so who is to decide if not members? In the results of that decision next NWM will be organized by AEGEE Gliwice and AEGEE Katowice as ‘Spring Network Meeting Silesia 2014’. Currently I am supervising the SU preparation of my locals.

NetCom Telegram June 2013 ../../../../2013/06/09/netcom-telegram-june-2013/ Sun, 09 Jun 2013 10:34:10 +0000 ../../../../?p=18041 Following the NetCom meeting in Brussels, The AEGEEan introduces a new initiative: the NetCom Telegram. Every month it will bring you closer to the Network Commissioners and the work they do. First up we have Inez, Dominique, Patricia, Claudio & Anna informing you about the work they have done with the antennae of our Network since April. Inez Wenta “Another… Read more →


Following the NetCom meeting in Brussels, The AEGEEan introduces a new initiative: the NetCom Telegram. Every month it will bring you closer to the Network Commissioners and the work they do. First up we have Inez, Dominique, Patricia, Claudio & Anna informing you about the work they have done with the antennae of our Network since April.

Inez Wenta

“Another month passes so quickly when there’s so much happening! May was for sure a very productive time for me. There were two events that must be mentioned!

Firstly, after two months, the first NetCom Meeting was held. The CD was so kind to host us in the new house in Brussels. Brainstorming, team building, discussing, making clear plans – never felt so motivated like after this meeting! We all feel like a strong team – I hope our plans will turn quickly into actions and will soon be visible to the whole Network.

Secondly, even more important for the network, AEGEE-Passau hosted the most amazing Network Meeting! “Pride and Prejudice – Dealing with cultural differences!” was the place where people from 26 locals came together, working, discussing and exchanging knowledge. The sessions were very productive thanks to the contribution of amazing Aegeeans. Not only did we discuss what is happening in the locals, the problems and ideas, but we also dealt with one of the most important issues – AEGEE Identity. The subject wasn’t easy but we came to some conclusions that may help us all to clarify our identity (look out for the results booklet soon!). But we were not only working! Of course some AEGEE traditions were kept – after the Bavarian Evening we celebrated the European Night as well. The organization of this event was very professional and well prepared. I’m very proud to say that AEGEE-Passau did a wonderful job – thank you all again for your hard work!”

Anna Móricz

“After the first meeting at the Agora, discussing responsibilities and local distribution, I messaged and asked my locals (Hungarian and Bratislava) to send me their activities from last year and also their comments on local and European level events. Further on, I also asked for a list of active members, in order to know who is active and on which level currently. Unfortunately in my locals this number is pretty low, so my main aim is to try to involve them more on the European level.

Within the Hungarian speaking locals, a regional training course was organized by one of the smaller antenna, which could be a great best practice example of further co-operation between the locals and also a great example of how such a small antenna can organize a good event.

Besides attending the NetCom meeting in Brussels, in May I also Contacted my two SubCommies and had discussions about their expectations, about further work.

While smaller antennae like Pécs are struggling because of financial issues, Budapest may help them in organizing together European level events in the future.”

Claudio Armandi

“April was the start of my second semester, so I had a new program and a new SubCommie team. Elisa Bracali from Firenze replaced the legendary Matteo Scarpa, to whom I will never be thankful enough. On April 2nd we finally announced the addition of Bologna to the Network. I am so happy AEGEE is back where it has to be, in the oldest University in Europe.

On the NetCom team side, April meant new NetCommies and new speaker team. I can tell you the local division always looks too boring for me. I just take the Italian and Maltese locals with no need to discuss, fight or kill anyone. Being again the only boy, apart from Bartek, means that I will spend another six months chatting and reading about nail polish and hot guys. Conversely, I understand that women are the best when it comes to care and protection.

May, I’ll remember this month because of the first NWM entirely organized by myself in Bergamo! It was quite crazy from the very beginning, when a not really punctual German train had a terrible delay in Berlin and I was about to lose my flight. Trust me, Usain Bolt could not have done better than me in Schönefeld with a backpack and a suitcase. Many thanks to the guys from Bergamo, their organization was state of the art.

May meant also another change in the SubCommie team, where Mattia Abis from Cagliari replaced Sara Cocco who always brought a sunny smile in our team. I am now on a train that is taking me home from Nürnberg. All I can see from the windows is water. Obviously everyone is talking about Turkey right now, but I would also like to give an virtual hug to all the German and Czech people hit by this disaster.”

Dominique Lenssen

Wow, already writing about the past two months as NetCommie! Where April was more about recovering from the Agora, enjoying and getting used to the fact that I have been elected, writing my Work Plan ,getting Knowledge Transfer and finding subcommies, was May a month full of actions…

AEGEE-Utrecht organized a European School, in which I participated one day. Then, during the non-traditional European night of AEGEE-Groningen, I gave a presentation about the NetCom, our European level and all the great opportunities that exist.  As it is quite hard to make people enthusiastic with a presentation, I talked with a lot of people afterwards as well.  Another great initiative of AEGEE-Groningen is their charity night to collect money for their Summer University. Great way to beat that crisis!

In Leuven I had a meeting with the vice-president of AEGEE-Leuven, to discuss their current situation and the plans for the coming months. I also visited AEGEE-Delft, AEGEE-Enschede and the FUN-event of AEGEE-Maastricht, where members from several locals got to know each other. As it is easier to cooperate with other locals if you know people personally, I think that this event will contribute to cooperation on thematic level as well! I also can’t wait to meet all the new boards of my locals.

During our NetCom weekend in Brussels we worked hard on our team spirit, resulting in a lot of craziness, fun and inside jokes. We have a lot of great ideas, inspiration and plans for our Network, so prepare for even more AEGEE awesomeness!

Patricia Anthony

“During my first couple of months in NetCom my focus has been on SubCommies. It is important not only having a strong team of NetCommies but also to have a fantastic team of SubCommissioners! Continuing with Karolina Mazetyte in the team is amazing, but moreover I also have three other highly motivated SubCommies in Sergio Oliveros, Ruta Jankauskaite, and Maria Arends. So April and May have not only been about me getting knowledge transfer (KT) from Karolina but also giving KT to Sergio, Ruta & Maria.

Drawing a lot of inspiration, “La Tripulacion” together with the rest of what we call “Nordic Stars” team, we are especially working on online tools to strengthen the cooperation between the antennae. A new form to submit activity reports, extensive promotion of mailing list & Facebook group, and more frequent posts on our blog are all in our focus at the moment, of course together with organizing local events as well.

I might have been in AEGEE for quite some time now, however it appears that I’m getting worse and worse at travelling. This meant that for my planned trip to Brussels I had a pit stop in Groningen. However, there I got to experience a new kind of European Night where the European Level of AEGEE was introduced to the members present. As my SubCommie Maria (responsible for UK antennae) is in Groningen it was also a great opportunity to meet up and talk about her visit to London at the beginning of May and how we can help the UK in general.”

Written by Network Commission 
